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ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26

ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26. Sep.25 – Oct.2. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Sunday, September 25. 9:00-12:30 Walking Tour A  ウォーキングツアー A

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ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26

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  1. ASAI Tokyo ConferenceArchitecture in Perspective 26 Sep.25 – Oct.2

  2. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Sunday, September 25 9:00-12:30 Walking Tour A ウォーキングツアー A Everyone will meet at the hotel Lobby at 8:45 sharp. We will walk to the Zojo-ji Temple and take the Tokyo Metro to the Imperial Palace. We will then make the 10-minute walk to Brick Squareat Marunouchi for lunch. After lunch we will visit the Tokyo International Forum, located adjacent to the Square. From here, we will take the same Metro back to our hotel. ホテルのロビーに8時45分に集合です。増上寺を経て東京メトロに乗り皇居まで行きます。ブリックスクエアで昼食の後東京国際フォーラムを見学しホテルに戻ります。 14:00-17:30 Walking Tour B ウォーキングツアー B Everyone will meet in the hotel lobby at 13:45 sharp. From here, we will make the 20-minute walk to the Hinode Pier and board the “Sea Bus”. Departure time is 15:00. A 40-minute cruise will take us to Asakusa. After an hour of shopping and sight-seeing in the Asakusa area, we will take the Metro back to the hotel. ホテルロビーに午後1時45分に集合です。日の出桟橋まで歩いてシーバスに乗船、浅草まで行きます。観光後メトロにてホテルに戻ります。 18:00-20:00 President Reception – Negiya-Heikichi, hotel restaurant We will meet at the Negiya-Heikichi,behind our hotel. It’s called an “Izakaya”, or Japanese pub. You can enjoy small dishes and drinks at a reasonable price. ホテルにある居酒屋「葱や平吉」で顔合わせの乾杯をします。 19:00-2100 UIA Welcome Party – Yoyogi National Gymnasium The party will be held at the Yoyogi national gymnasium, designed by KenzoTange. UIAのウエルカムパーティーです。 参加の方はそれぞれで参加してください。

  3. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Monday, September 26 11:00- UIA Programs – Tokyo International Forum Members who would like to go as a group to the Tokyo International Forum will meet in the hotel lobby at 10:00. The trip takes about 10 minutes by Metro UIAのプログラムに参加の方はホテルロビーに10時に集合します。メトロで東京国際フォーラムに行きます。 16:00-18:00 AIP26 & VAD Exhibition Opening – POLA Museum Annex, Ginza The Pola Museum Annex in Ginza is just a 5-minute walk from the Tokyo International Forum. So you can visit during your UIA sessions. The wine and beer is served during the openin reception.The gallery opens from 11:00-20:00 every day. 銀座にあるポーラミュージアムアネックスは国際フォーラムから徒歩5分にあります。オープニングにはワインとビールのサービスがあります。ギャラリーは毎日11時から午後8時まで。 19:00-21:30 AIP26 & VAD Exhibition reception Party – IT Building members club The bus to the IT Building leaves from the front door of the Pola at 18:00. The trip takes about 15 minutes. There is an all-you-can-drink bar and a great variety of food. A large-screen slide show of all the participants’ images is planned. 午後6時にポーラの前に集合し、パーティー会場に移動します。バッフェスタイルの立食となります。飲み物も飲み放題です。

  4. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Tuesday, September 27 9:00- UIA Programs – Tokyo International Forum We will meet in the hotel lobby at 8:00 or make our own way to the venue. It is only 4 stations away. UIAのプログラムに参加される人は8時にホテルロビーに集合するか、それぞれ自分で国際フォーラムまで行ってください。 19:00- Choice of restaurant レストランチョイス Group sign up sheets with restaurant descriptions at a variety of price levels and cuisine types will be posted earlier so that small group reservations can be made. World famous 24hours town, Roppongi is just minute away by cab from hotel, for those who love night activities are good chance to visit. *The baggage should be packing for checking out in the next morning for your Kyoto trip. Our hotel keeps your large baggage during your stay in Kyoto.The smaller bag should be prepared for two days in Kyoto. 小さいなグループでそれぞれレストランの予約をします。レストランは数箇所用意しますので、夕方までにタミーのところにある予約シートにサインしてください。また、京都スケッチツアーに参加される方は朝一度ホテルをチェックアウトするので、京都用の小さなバッグを用意してください。

  5. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Wednesday, September 28 9:00- UIA Programs – Tokyo International Forum We will check out of the hotel in the morning, leaving large baggage in their care (be sure to consult with the front desk). We will meet in the hotel lobby at 8:00 or make our own way to the Tokyo International Forum. 今日とスケッチツアーに参加される方は朝ホテルをチェックアウトします。その時に大きなスーツケースはフロントで一時保管していただけますので預けてください。UIAプログラムに参加される方は朝8時にホテルのロビーに集合するか、それぞれ行ってください。 15:00- Kyoto Retreat & Sketch Tour – Kyoto京都リトリート・スケッチツアー We will meet in the hotel lobby at 14:45 and leave 15:00 sharp. We will take cab to the Shinagawa station where we will board the Shinkansen for Kyoto.The Shinkansen departs from the station at 15:45 and arrives at Kyoto at 18:15. We will walk to the Kyoto hotel from the station. *Members who would like to attend the Fumihiko Maki lecture (17:00-18:00) in the UIA program, should please mention this to ASAI in advance,so that we can make alternate arrangements for your trip on the Shinkansen. ホテルのロビーに午後2時45分に集合して午後3時に出発します。品川駅発の午後3時45分新幹線に乗車し、京都着が午後6時15分です。ホテル(新都ホテル)までは徒歩で行きます。 *皆様の中でUIAプログラムの槙文彦のレクチャー(午後5時~6時)に参加される人は事前に申し出てください。新幹線の時間を調整します。 19:30- Dinner on your own Group sign up sheets with restaurant description at a variety of price levels and cuisine types will be posted earlier time. We meet at the hotel lobby and go visit to the Gion District to dinner and sightseeing. 小さなグループでレストランを予約します。レストラン数箇所を用意しますので事前に予約シートにサインしてください。祇園界隈に行きます。

  6. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Thursday, September 29 8:00-18:00 Sketch Tour - Kyoto We will meet in the hotel lobby at 8:00 and take a cab to the Kiyomizu Temple. We will then walk to Chionin to do some sketching. We will offer a well-planned sketch route, but please feel free to make your own plans after Kiyomizu. Plan to visit Kinkakuji Temple (the gold one), Ryoanji Temple (the rock garden) and Ninnaji Temple (great gardens). These temples are very close each other, with about a 10-minute walk between them. Another idea is to visit Sanjusangendo (1,000 Buddha statues), or, for a really nice garden, Daitokuji Temple. Note: most of the temples close at 17:00. ホテルのロビーに朝8時に集合し、タクシーで清水寺まで移動します。スケッチルートは清水寺から知恩院までを歩いていくルートを設定してますが、各自それぞれ自由に行動していただいても結構です。金閣寺、竜安寺、仁和寺などはそれぞれ歩いて行けますし、仏像がお好きなら三十三間堂、お庭なら大徳寺などもいいルートでしょう。 19:00-21:00 Welcome party / JARA Kansai member 現在詳細検討中

  7. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Friday, September 30 6:00-7:00 Toji-temple If you are in a Zen mood, then this is a great experience for you. We will meet in the hotel lobby at 5:30 (a.m.!) and walk to the 1,200-year-old Toji Temple, where the monks perform a morning prayer. もし禅のムードに浸りたいならこのおつとめに参加してください。ホテルのロビーに朝5時30分集合です。歩いて東寺まで行って朝のお祈りに参加します。 9:00-12:00 Kyoto State Guest House After checking out of the hotel, everyone will meet in the lobby at 8:30. From here, we will take a cab to the Kyoto State Guest House. Yoshinobu Sato, chief architect at Nikken Sekkei will join our tour and provide a detailed commentary. The Guest House is not open to the public – only important guests of the state are permitted inside the facilities. French former president Mitterand and former US president Bush stayed here when visiting Japan. 朝ホテルをチェックアウトし、8時30分にに集合し、その後京都迎賓館を見学します。設計者である佐藤義信氏(日建設計)による説明を聞きながら見学していただきます。 12:00-14:00 Lunch at your own 14:30-17:30 Back to Tokyo We will meet by the Shinkansen gate at the Kyoto station at 14:30 to get on board the Shinkansen for our return trip to Tokyo. 午後2時30分に京都駅に集合、新幹線にて東京に戻ります。 18:00 Celestine Hotel We will arrive at the hotel and check in.

  8. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Saturday, October 1 9:00-10:30 ASAI Seminar A – Nikken Sekkei -- Chris Grubbs-----Presenter We will meet in the hotel lobby at 8:00 and take the Metro to the Nikken Sekkei offices. 10:45-12:15 ASAI Seminar B – Nikken Sekkei -- Wataru Kawashima-----Presenter 12:15-13:30 Lunch break 13:30-14:00 ASAI Seminar C – Nikken Sekkei -- Shigeru Yoshino-----Presenter “Making the Sky Tree” 14:15-16:30 ASAI Seminar D – Nikken Sekkei -- International Symposium The bus or a cab will take us back to the hotel from Nikken Sekkei. 18:00-19:00 Silent Auction – Izumi Garden Tower We will meet in the hotel lobby at 17:30 and take a bus or cab to Izumi Garden Tower in Roppongi. From the top of the tower, we can enjoy the spectacular sunset view, while enjoying complimentary cocktails. ホテルのロビーに午後5時30分に集合し、タクシーで六本木の泉ガーデンタワーに移動します。最上階の宴会場で素晴らしいサンセットを見ながら皆が京都でスケッチした絵を見ましょう。 19:00-22:00 AIP26 Award Banquet Dinner – Izumi Garden Tower Our annual galawill be a buffet-style dinner, with a variety of foodand complimentary drinks.

  9. ASAI Tokyo Conference Architecture in Perspective 26 Conference Schedule Sunday, October 2 8:00-10:00 Members Breakfast - The Grand Cross, hotel restaurant 10:00-12:00 Board Meeting - The Grand Cross, hotel restaurant The Tokyo Conference end

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