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WP3000 : Padova ICC Contribution

WP3000 : Padova ICC Contribution. WP 3000.1 - Partecipazione all'ICC di PACS : fase di sviluppo WP 3000.2 - Partecipazione all'ICC di PACS : fase operativa WP 3000.3 - Partecipazione all'ICC di SPIRE : fase di sviluppo WP 3000.4 - Partecipazione all'ICC di SPIRE : fase operativa. Staff

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WP3000 : Padova ICC Contribution

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  1. WP3000 : Padova ICC Contribution WP 3000.1 - Partecipazione all'ICC di PACS : fase di sviluppo WP 3000.2 - Partecipazione all'ICC di PACS : fase operativa WP 3000.3 - Partecipazione all'ICC di SPIRE : fase di sviluppo WP 3000.4 - Partecipazione all'ICC di SPIRE : fase operativa Staff Alberto Franceschini (AF) [Professore Ordinario] Giulia Rodighiero (GR) [Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato – 100% ASI-funded] Mattia Vaccari (MV) [Assegnista di Ricerca – 20% ASI-funded] Gabriele Mainetti (GM) [Dottorando – 100% ASI-funded] Padova ICC Contribution

  2. PACS : SW Testing & Instrument Monitoring(Rodighiero)‏ • GR continued Testing of Instrument Simulator and DP pipeline through • Generation of simulated timelines corresponding to PACS GT Observations • Execution & Testing of PACS SPG pipeline on simulated timelines • Application of High-Pass Filtering and PhotProject to produce sky maps • Participation to GT technical meetings to test various pipeline steps • This has greatly contributed to an extensive validation of PACS Instrument Simulator and DP S/W, from SPG to Map Making 170 micron Simulated Image Padova ICC Contribution

  3. PACS : SW Testing & Instrument Monitoring(Rodighiero)‏ • With the beginning of PV phase GR has started visiting MPE on a monthly basis for weekly shifts of Instrument Monitoring on behalf of the PACS ICC, performing duties as Pipeline Manager and Instrument Health Manager. Padova ICC Contribution

  4. SPIRE : DP Development & Testing(Mainetti & Vaccari) Padova’s Detector Timeline Explorer (DTE) was extensively tested by developers and used by Calibration Scientists in PV work. Several submitted SCRs were swiftly dealt with. Padova ICC Contribution

  5. SPIRE : DP Development & Testing(Mainetti & Vaccari) • Most important SCRs about • - Allowing Over Plotting • Allowing Data Selection • DTE now allows to • Overplot data from multiple bolometers and timelines • Select Data Intercatively for Zooming and Manipulating though integration with Table Plotter (developed by NHSC) Padova ICC Contribution

  6. SPIRE : DP Development & Testing(Mainetti & Vaccari) Table Plotter Over Plot Different pixels Different colors Table Plotter Palette - Display Style menu - Navigation instruments - Selection tools - Plot preferences Y-axis range changes automatically to shows all the plots Display area Plot legend Over Plot checkbox selected Table Plotter allow data selection using mouse drawing on the plot or by using the appropriate menu Over Pot checkbox selected Padova ICC Contribution

  7. SPIRE : DP CCB & UG Activities(Vaccari) MV represents SPIRE within the Herschel Data Processing (DP) Configuration Control Board (CCB) and Users Group (UG) and chairs the SPIRE DP UG Assembling and coordinating DP feedback from SPIRE consortium members Participating into DP CCB telecons and DP UG meetings Supervising (Mentoring) DP development related to a number of WPs • Particular responsibility for the development of HCSS GUIs and Image Display & Analysis Software and for parts of the documentation • Planning for extension of Herschel DP UG to include KP astronomers • Organizing and/or chairing focus groups on most sensitive user issues • Preparing & integrating & testing presentations and scripts for ESA DP Workshops on behalf of both Herschel and SPIRE DP UG • Prioritizing SxRs in anticipation of pre-launch Herschel DP S/W release • Reporting to the ICC about DP development issues and seeking consortium feedback • Supporting Early Training Activities organized within SPIRE Consortium and towards the general community Padova ICC Contribution

  8. SPIRE : PV & SDAG Activities(Vaccari) MV has been following (telecon or videocon) the weekly Performance Verification Briefings and SPIRE Data Analysis Group Meetings, with a particular emphasis on scan map AOTs which will be used for GT extragalactic survey observations SPIRE Nominal Scan Map AOT extensively tested and close to be released for SD PACS/SPIRE Parallel Mode Scan Map first tested Sep 2/3 SPIRE Fast Scan Map being characterized along with Parallel Mode Scan Map SPIRE sensitivity at least as good as HSpot Predictions SPIRE Scan Map Observations of the IRAC/SPIRE Dark Field Padova ICC Contribution

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