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Lecture 5

Lecture 5. Advanced CORBA Topics. Object Adapters, Revisited. In the 2.x specification, client side CORBA code was highly portable Server Side: Basic Object Adapter interfaces the world of “objects” to that of “servants” Underspecified and non portable server side code

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Lecture 5

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  1. Lecture 5 Advanced CORBA Topics

  2. Object Adapters, Revisited • In the 2.x specification, client side CORBA code was highly portable • Server Side: Basic Object Adapter • interfaces the world of “objects” to that of “servants” • Underspecified and non portable server side code • ORB vendors had to implement vendor-specific methods and naming • skeleton base class naming convention • object registration with the ORB (_obj_is_ready, obj_is_ready, etc.) • activation policies • What’s a CORBA object again? • A CORBA object is an abstract entity with an: • identity • interface • implementation • Portable Object Adapter • Accepted by the OMG in 1997 as part of CORBA 2.2

  3. The Portable Object Adapter • Specified to fix a number of the problems with the BOA • Like the BOA, mainly concerned with interactions of objects and servers • Each ORB is associated with a root POA • A POA is a composite object which can create and contain other POAs • The Object key (of the IOR) contains: • the name of the managing POA • Object ID: identifies a specific object implementation relative to the POA in the Object Key • The BOA supported only early binding, when an IOR was created, the object’s servant was instantiated • The POA supports late binding--the separation of the IOR from the servant instantiation process • The binding between a servant and a CORBA object can be per request (via a Servant Locator) or not per request, which uses a Servant Activator.

  4. POA continued • Defined new category object called servant managers • new focus on objects rather than server processes • manages object implementations, incarnates and etherealizes associations between objects and servants on demand • CORBA objects are activated and deactivated • Servants are incarnated and etherealized • supports persistent objects • supports ForwardRequest exception for indirection • supports single thread model as well as POA-managed multithreading • supports transient objects • supports multiple instances of the POA • each POA manages a group of object implementations

  5. General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) • A transport-independent communication protocol • GIOP Goals and Motivations: • Two ORBs must be able to communicate without any knowledge of the other’s internal mechanisms • The transport protocol must provide support for all CORBA functionality • The transport protocol must support the ORB-specific integrity of content and semantics of one ORB in the communication with another ORB • GIOP has three core elements: • Common Data Representation (CDR) • Message Formats • Transport Assumptions

  6. Common Data Representation • GIOP specifies that Network Byte Order will default to that of the sender, and it is the responsibility of the receiver to make any modifications that are necessary • In contrast to XDR, which forces a big endian ordering • GIOP tags a message with the network byte ordering of the sender (0 = BE, 1 = LE) • NBO is encoded in a byte in a GIOP 1.0 header, in a bit in a byte in GIOP 1.1 • GIOP specifies that all data is aligned on the sender’s natural boundaries. • 1: char, octet, boolean • 2: short, unsigned short • 4: long, unsigned long, float, enumerated types • 8: long long, unsigned long long, double, long double • Data is padded with spaces (0x20) as neccesary • Complex types are aligned according to their members (modulus alignment): • struct s { char c; double d; }; • c is in byte 1 • followed by 7 spaces (0x20) • followed by the double d • Strings are encoded with a 4-byte unsigned long which indicates the length of the string plus the terminating null, followed by the chars in the string, followed by a NUL byte (0x0). • CDR encodings are NOT self-describing, but IDL-described

  7. GIOP Message Formats • There are 8 message formats defined: • Message Fragmentation was introduced in GIOP 1.1 and allows for more efficient marshaling by allowing the sender to send data in a single request and have that fragmented into several packets without forcing the sender to buffer and marshall the data in advance

  8. GIOP Transport Assumptions • The transport is connection-oriented • Connections are full-duplex • allows receiver to reply to sender over the same connection without having to know the socket address of the sender • Connections support symmetric closure (GIOP 1.2) • either end can close the connection • The Transport is reliable (basic TCP assumptions) • messages will never be delivered more than once • message will be delivered in order • The Transport supports an unmarshaled byte-stream delivery • receiver sees data as a continuous byte stream rather than some structured data element • The transport supports orderly error reporting on connection loss • both parties receive error notifications in the case of failure

  9. Internet Inter-ORB Protocol • GIOP, while it has assumptions, is independent of any particular transport protocol • The Internet Inter-ORB Protocol specifies a TCP transport for GIOP • IIOP supplies the notion of an IOR • The Repository ID (most derived-type of Object implementation) • The endpoint information (socket for server or OAD) • The Object Key (the POA as well as the object servant ID) • IIOP defines how this information is encoded into an IOR • IIOP 1.1 adds support for tagged components, which allow specification in transports (codeset support, ORB-specific info, security info, etc.)

  10. CORBA Services • Naming Service (Object Location by Name - “White Pages”) • Trader Service (Object Location by service category - “Yellow Pages”) • Event Service (Distributed Messaging) • Transaction Service, OTS (Distributed Transactions) • Concurrency Service (provides controls for concurrent access of objects and transactions by concurrent threads) • Security Service (provides user authentication and object access control) • Life Cycle Service (Factory for creating, deleting, copying, and relocating objects) • Licensing Service (Provides access control services for licensing objects) • Time Service (service for getting the time, and manipulating time values - span(), etc.) • Query Service (service for querying collections of objects) • Persistence Service (Service for persisting the state of objects, interfaces with Object Adapters for instantiation) • Relationship Service (allows for CORBA objects to be related by design - role, cardinality, etc., as in UML) • Property Service (allows property sets to be associated with objects)

  11. Naming Service • Service provides a client with the ability to locate an object implementation’s IOR by well known name (WKN) • The Naming Service maintains a database of bindings between WKNs and IORs. • The Naming Service is often thought of as a kind of UNIX directory structure • root • EasternUS • Massachusetts • Boston NorthEnd Hanover Street La Piccola Venezia • Each branch in the tree is called a NamingContext • Each name in the naming service is a NameComponent • Getting the root naming service: • Object nameRef = orb.resolve_initial_references(“NameService”); • NamingContext nc = NamingContextHelper.narrow(nameRef);

  12. The Naming Context • The NamingContext is an IDL interface that supports the following methods:

  13. The NameComponent • Each Name in a NamingContext is a sequence of NameComponent objects:struct NameComponent { Istring id; //the name of the component Istring kind; //a user-defined description }; • A NameComponent is a single entry in a pathname, it might represent the “local” in /usr/local/bin.

  14. Binding an Object • To bind an object, you do the following: • get the initial NamingContext via resolve_initial_references() • narrow the Object result to the more derived NamingContext type using narrow() • Create a starting NamingContext:NameComponent nc1 = new NameComponent(“EasternUS”, “the good side”);NameComponent nc2 = new NameComponent(“Massachusetts”, “ok state”);NameComponent nc3 = new NameComponent(“Boston”, “now we’re talkin”);NameComponent nc4 = new NameComponent(“NorthEnd”, “only place to go”);NameComponent nc5 = new NameComponent(“HanoverStreet”, “oh yes”);NameComponent nc6 = new NameComponent(“LaPiccolaVenezia”, “aaaahhhh”);NameComponent [] name = { nc1, nc2, nc3, nc4, nc5, nc6 };NamingContext italian = rootContext.bind_new_context(name);ItalianEateryImpl piccolaVenezia = new ItalianEateryImpl(MODERATE_PRICE);italian.rebind(name, piccolaVenezia);

  15. Resolving an Object • To locate an object, you do the following: • get the initial NamingContext via resolve_initial_references() • narrow the Object result to the more derived NamingContext type using narrow() • Create a starting NamingContext:NameComponent nc1 = new NameComponent(“EasternUS”, “”);NameComponent nc2 = new NameComponent(“Massachusetts”, “”);NameComponent nc3 = new NameComponent(“Boston”, “”);NameComponent nc4 = new NameComponent(“NorthEnd”, “”);NameComponent nc5 = new NameComponent(“HanoverStreet”, “”);NameComponent nc6 = new NameComponent(“LaPiccolaVenezia”, “”);NameComponent [] name = { nc1, nc2, nc3, nc4, nc5, nc6 };orb.omg.CORBA.Object ior = rootContext.resolve(name);ItalianEatery piccolaVenezia = ItalianEateryHelper.narrow(ior);piccolaVenizia.eat(ItalianEatery.VEAL_EGGPLANT_PARMESAN);

  16. ToolTalk and RPC • ToolTalk is a messaging service from SunSoft allowing peers to communicate via ToolTalk without having to connect directly or know about one another • A message is not sent from a peer to another connected peer process, but a client dispatches a message of a specific type to the ToolTalk service • Servers register with the ToolTalk service, and specify what types of messages they are interested in receiving • The ToolTalk service then dispatchs messages from clients to these registered listening servers according to their type. • All this is a lot like System V IPC Message Queues; however ToolTalk ran over RPC and thus provided one of the first distributed messaging services. • ToolTalk is still used today in Sun’s openwin X server communication (view on any Solaris box): • /usr/openwin/share/include/desktop/tt_c.h • “ToolTalk is perhaps too high level a service to replace RPC as a general-purpose distributed programming mechanism. Also, its complexity presents a significant learning hurdle. Nonetheless, it is an interesting new paradigm and one which we can expect to see more of in the future.” --Chris Brown, UNIX Distributed Programming, 1994

  17. The CORBA Event Service • The COS Event Service allows for decoupled asynchronous message transfer between CORBA objects • The Event Service acts as a well-known intermediary between objects that wish to communicate, but do not wish to be tightly coupled • Senders of events are called suppliers, and receivers of events are called consumers. • The COS Event Service implements the Mediator and Proxy Patterns (GoF) • The COS Event Service offers what is commonly referred to as the Producer-Consumer model • Messages can be accessed by either a pull or Pull metaphor • Message passing takes place asynchronously (non-blocking model) • The COS Event Service delivery can be set up to be typed or untyped • The COS Event Service will automatically buffer received events, offering semi-persisted messaging • Communication can follow either a pull or Pull model • Consumers can either synchronously (Pull) or asynchronously (pull) obtain messages from the Event Services, or have the Event Service deliver events to them (pull model) • A 1-1 correspondence between Producers and Consumers is not necessary

  18. The Connection Process • Regardless of the model, the following steps must be taken to connect to an event channel: • The client must bind to the Event Channel, which must already have been created by someone, perhaps the client • The client must get and Admin object from the Event Channel • The client must obtain a proxy object from the Admin object (a Consumer Proxy for a Supplier client and a Supplier Proxy for a Consumer client) • Add the Supplier or Consumer client to the event channel via a connect() call • Transfer data between the client and the Event Channel via a push(), pull(), or try_pull() call

  19. The COS Event Service Design • Suppliers and Consumers each connect to the event service, via a particular channel. • Each channel can have multiple consumers and suppliers, and all events delivered by a supplier are made available to all consumers • An event channel can be thought of as a repository of common interest, the Usenet model is available as a metaphor • Suppliers and consumers connect to an event channel, and begin communication through the channel • The Event Channel supports two models of interaction: pull and Pull • Push Model: The sender initiates the delivery of the message to the recipient • Pull Model: The recipient initiates the delivery of the message from the sender by request • The Event Channel plays roles on behalf of suppliers and consumers • For consumers, it plays the role of a supplier • For suppliers, it plays the role of a consumer • Through this role playing, the Event Channel can decouple the communication between the two interested parties

  20. The Pull Model • In the Pull Model, the consumer initiates the flow of events from the supplier • When a Pull supplier wants to connect to the event channel, the event channel will “pretend” it is a Pull consumer, by creating a consumer proxy for the supplier to talk to • The supplier is none the wiser, and simply delivers messages on request to its “consumer”, which is a proxy object within the event channel • When a Pull consumer wants to connect to the event channel, the event channel will “pretend” it is a supplier, by creating a supplier proxy for the consumer to talk to. • In the Pull Consumer scenario, the Pull Consumer pulls (or tries to pull) events from the Proxy Pull Supplier • In the Pull Supplier scenario, the Proxy Pull Consumer pulls events from the Pull Supplier.

  21. The Push Model • In the Push Model, the supplier initiates the flow of events to the consumer • When a Push Supplier wants to connect to the event channel, the event channel will “pretend” it is a consumer, by creating a consumer proxy for the supplier to talk to • The supplier is none the wiser, and simply delivers messages to its “consumer”, which is a proxy object within the event channel • When a Push Consumer wants to connect to the event channel, the event channel will “pretend” it is a supplier, by creating a supplier proxy for the consumer to talk to. • In the Push Consumer scenario, the event channel pushes events out to the consumer via the push supplier proxy • In the Push Supplier scenario, the supplier pushes events out to the event channel via its push consumer proxy.

  22. The Hybrid Model • Push Supplier/Push Consumer: Push suppliers push events onto the channel, which in turn pushes them out to consumers • Push Supplier/Pull Consumer: Push suppliers push events onto the channel, and pull consumers pull events (or try to pull) from the channel when they need one • Pull Supplier/Push Consumer: The event channel pulls events from the Pull Supplier, and then it pushes these events out to the Push Consumers • Pull Supplier/Pull Consumer: The Pull Consumers pull events from the event channel, which in turn pulls them from the Pull Suppliers.

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