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Vocabulary Week 23 Study

Vocabulary Week 23 Study. Word 1: Drowsy / Drowsiness Def: Dull or lacking awareness because of sleepiness Sent: Ms Smith’s 6 th grade class sat drowsily at there desks and tried to listen .

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Vocabulary Week 23 Study

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  1. Vocabulary Week 23 Study

  2. Word 1: Drowsy / DrowsinessDef: Dull or lacking awareness because of sleepinessSent: Ms Smith’s 6th grade class sat drowsily at there desks and tried to listen.

  3. Word 2: GenuineDef: Real, not fakeSent: Ms. Smith’s class was genuinely tired because they had been gaming all night.

  4. Word 3: CallousDef: 1)Unkind and unfeeling 2) hard growth of skin from being rubbed too muchSent: Ms. Smith was callous and unfeeling. She was going to make her class work hard.

  5. Word 4: ScurryDef: To run quickly with light footstepsSent: Cindy tried to scurry out the side door but was spotted by Ms. Smith.

  6. Word 5: CorpseDef: A dead bodySent: Johnny was so tired that he looked like a corpse that had died in his desk.

  7. Word 6: TransferDef: To move something or person from one place to anotherSent: Ms. Smith was a mean teacher who had been transferred from a prison school.

  8. Word 7: Presume / PresumablyDef: A reasonable guess, probablySent: Ms. Smith presumed that her students had been gaming all night.

  9. Word 8: Precarious / PrecariouslyDef: In a place of danger or potential harmSent: Cindy leaned precariously far out the window trying to get fresh air and wake up.

  10. Word 9: BelligerentDef: Aggressive, ready to fight or argueSent: A parent in a belligerent mood burst through the door and started yelling.

  11. Word 10: Defiant / DefiantlyDef: Showing open opposition and refusal to do somethingSent: Ms. Smith defiantly yelled back telling the parent to get out and not come back.

  12. Word 11: JeopardizeDef: To put something or someone in dangerSent: Ms. Smith’s students realized that gaming all night would jeopardize their education.

  13. Word 12: MerchantDef: A person who sells things for a livingSent: Ms. Smith blamed the problem on the merchant who was selling the games.

  14. Word 13: EuphoriaDef: Feeling of great happinessSent: The students had a feeling of euphoria when school was suddenly closed do to a snow storm.

  15. Word 14: JumbleDef: A confused, disorderly collection or pile of stuffSent: The students quickly grabbed their coats from a jumbled pile on the side of the room.

  16. Word 15: DaintyDef: Small and easily brokenSent: A little, dainty girl named Belle was accidently pushed down in the scramble.

  17. Word 16: DampDef: Wet but only slightlySent: The melting snow made the sidewalks damp and slippery outside.

  18. Word 17: EpicDef: A long story telling of the achievements of one or more heroesSent: To Ms. Smith, getting these students to learn would be an epic challenge.

  19. Word 18: ComponentDef: A part of something biggerSent: The biggest component of getting these students to learn was getting them to stop gaming all night.

  20. Word 19: EbbDef: To become weaker, the tide going back Sent: The snowstorm started to ebb and the principal cancelled the school cancellation.

  21. Word 20: CajoleDef: Persuade someone by flattering them Sent: Students tried desperately to cajole their principal into cancelling school even though the snowstorm was letting up.

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