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Report from the Presidency on the Past Term - Educational matters and exchange activities -

Report from the Presidency on the Past Term - Educational matters and exchange activities -. Questionnaire (at the beginning of the period). existing contacts between UEF members wishes to get in closer contact to informations about the forestal education facilities in the home countries

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Report from the Presidency on the Past Term - Educational matters and exchange activities -

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  1. Report from the Presidency on the Past Term- Educational matters and exchange activities -

  2. Questionnaire (at the beginning of the period) existing contacts between UEF members wishes to get in closer contact to informations about the forestal educationfacilities in the home countries contact person for exchange matters exchange facilities for forest students.

  3. Exchange activities for forest students 3 exchange facilities for forest students offered on our homepage: 1 in Poland 1 in Cyprus both offered by UEF members 1 in Germany could be offered after getting in closer contact to the ”International Forest Workcamp”, held annually in summer.

  4. Contacts to “forestal education” organisations We got in (and still are) in contact with IFSA (International ForestryStudents´ Association). Starting in 2004 UEF is supporting the PAWS project- an EU-funded project stimulating foresters´ participation in nature interpretation.

  5. PAWS project PAWS is a 2.5 year project funded by the European Commission's Leonardo programme. The project brings together partners from across Europe and aims to develop the pedagogical tools necessary to train foresters to teach the general public about forest related issues.UEF is represented as a member of the advisory board of the project PAWS and supports the idea, that foresters should take an active part in the fields of nature interpretation, by so we will closely follow the project and assist whereever we find it suitable.

  6. Internal exchanges between UEF member organisations From 2001 to 2005 there were many contacts between our member organsiations. Most of them had more or less an informal character. Email-contacts are standard; visits are usual.

  7. Internal exchanges between UEF member organisations For example: 2002: 1 week fieldtrip of an romanian delegation to Germany 2003: 1 week fieldtrip of the BDF youth section to Poland 2004: fieldtrip of a group of members from Meto – Forestry Experts Association to Bavaria2004: support of several member organisations to Bulprofor for preparing an application in a Worldbank project2005: support to Consilva concerning a new romanian forest law

  8. Contacts to external foresters organisations around Europe During the past term there have been many contacts to foresters organisations, which are not member of UEF. In many cases we tried to get in contact, but didn´t get any response.

  9. Contacts to external foresters organisations around Europe All together we had external contacts to: Albania, Austria, Czech Republic, Esthonia, Greece, Hungaria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Cyprus, Slovakia

  10. Since our last Congress in Romania we could welcome 2 new UEF members: - Society of Irish Foresters (Ireland) - Norsk Forstmannsforening (Norway). In the same period we lost 2 members:  - Vereniging Voor Personeel Werkzaam in Bos, Natuur en Landschap (Netherland)   - Verband Schweizer Förster (Switzerland)

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