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dehumanization. E to deprive of human qualities, personality, or spirit. civilian. A one not on active duty in the armed services . Holocaust. B the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II. anti-Semitism. D
dehumanization • E • to deprive of human qualities, personality, or spirit
civilian • A • one not on active duty in the armed services
Holocaust • B • the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II
anti-Semitism • D • hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
concentration camp • C • a camp where persons (as prisoners of war, political prisoners, or refugees) are detained or confined
sheik • E • a man held to be irresistibly attractive to romantic young women
dowry • I • the money, good, or estate that a woman brings to her husband in marriage
bachelor • D • an unmarried man
tenant • C • occupant, dweller
sanitarium • H • a place that provides therapy for treatment or rehabilitation
Idiom • an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its words • “It’s raining cats and dogs!” • “Out of the blue”
“look like a million dollars” • A • to appear attractive or prosperous
abundant • G • existing or occurring in large amounts
exhausted • B • to use all of someone's mental or physical energy; to tire or wear out
systematic • F • using a careful system or method; done according to a system
luxurious • very comfortable and expensive; richly appealing
convalescent • going through the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury
excrement • solid waste passed out of the body; feces
neurotic • over or always fearful or worried about something; tending to worry in a way that is not healthy or reasonable
nauseous • feeling like you are about to vomit
liquidate • to sell a business, property, etc., especially to pay off debt
“at my wits’ end” • at the limits of one's mental resources
“constant beck and call” • ready to obey one's command immediately
senile • showing a loss of mental ability (such as memory) in old age
suspicious • causing a feeling that something is wrong or that someone is behaving wrongly