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CaLP Presentation Global Cluster Coordinators’ Meeting 13 June 2013

CaLP Presentation Global Cluster Coordinators’ Meeting 13 June 2013. Cash transfers, clusters and coordination. Cash 101: What is CTP?. A tool for meeting programme objectives.

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CaLP Presentation Global Cluster Coordinators’ Meeting 13 June 2013

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  1. CaLP Presentation Global Cluster Coordinators’ Meeting 13 June 2013 Cash transfers, clusters and coordination

  2. Cash 101: What is CTP? A tool for meeting programme objectives • Can be used on their own, or in combination, to meet basic needs and/or to protect, establish or re-establish livelihoods... when analyses confirm their appropriateness

  3. Cash101: Why cash? • Numerous benefits of well-designed and implemented cash-based intervention • Dignity and empowerment • Response-recovery linkage • Access • Flexibility But... as with other modalities, any risks need to be understood and appropriately managed

  4. Some key trends to date • Before 2005. Cash-based responses not a key feature of humanitarian programming, policy and debate. • 2005-06. Research and debate on appropriateness of CTP increases substantially. • 2007-08. ‘Case’ for cash made through evaluations, guidelines and research. • 2009–12. Agencies and donors improve ability to provide and support CTP. • 2013 – onwards...?

  5. What have we learnt about cash to date? • Learning a mix of programme- and evidence-based research (though mostly former) • Overall... cash can be an effective, appropriate tool in particular contexts to meet a number of needs • Also starting to see emerging evidence for utility in greater number of contexts and to meet broader range of needs BUT... key is how it is done and what the objectives are! • Linked to ‘how fast and how many’, and possibilities for / barriers to scale up and quality... Including coordination

  6. Cash coordination – why the special case? • Why is it needed? • Avoid gaps and duplications • Platform for advocacy and negotiation, learning, tools, innovations etc... • Reduce risks – community tensions, programme effectiveness, security... • Improved coordination as a facilitator of appropriate, scaled, quality CTP • What makes it difficult? • Sector-based coordination structures (e.g. clusters) ... But cash not a sector

  7. How are we doing at coordinating cash? Review of practice (Haiti, Horn of Africa, Pakistan, other emergencies): • Mostly via cash working groups • Doing OK in ‘technical’ areas (the ‘how’), but less so in more ‘strategic’ ones (analysis and decision-making, gaps/duplications etc) → So linkages to cluster system important, as are – surprise surprise – resources (in many guises)

  8. How are we doing at coordinating cash? Learning Event on cash coordination in Geneva (Nov 2012) – headline conclusions: • Priority is addressing some of more strategic elements of CTP coordination – clusters a key role in this (though need for complementary ICC) • Institutionalisation and capacity building emerged as key themes • Potential role for in country clusters identified... What about globally?

  9. What do you think? • What do you see at the role of Global Clusters in coordination of CTP in emergencies, to help support consideration and decision-making on the use of CTP in emergencies, and when it is appropriate, making sure it is done well, including at scale • What steps could be taken to help prepare your cluster (at global and field levels) to address the coordination role you’ve identified? • What support would be required, including from an inter-cluster perspective? Who is best placed to provide this, and how – what are the next steps?

  10. Some ideas... • Shelter – scoping study/ workshop and case study development, training for cluster, starting to think about cash readiness of guidance • Food Security – exploring cluster secondment to review / identify cluster tools and services • WASH – CaLP planning a scoping study, that could identify awareness raising and training needs / recommendations of relevance to the cluster

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