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Accommodations for Children with Disabilities in Public Schools: Epilepsy and related disorders

Alex Fertig, Psy . D. Accommodations for Children with Disabilities in Public Schools: Epilepsy and related disorders. Introduction of Topics. Creating a plan/School setting Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) 504 Special Education. Creating a plan.

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Accommodations for Children with Disabilities in Public Schools: Epilepsy and related disorders

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  1. Alex Fertig, Psy. D Accommodations for Children with Disabilities in Public Schools: Epilepsy and related disorders

  2. Introduction of Topics Creating a plan/School setting Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) 504 Special Education

  3. Creating a plan Executive Function: behavioral and metacognition deficiencies that prevent students from adapting to their academic environment (Gioia, Isquith, Guy & Kenworthy, 2000). Getting involved Who is involved Delays in instruction Home instruction/Catching up

  4. Example of plan • One on One Nurse • Keep student in a safe environment • Principal • Second person • Call nurse to room xx • Check Vitals • Appoint someone to AED-Other • Assist in CPR • Call 911 (main office) • Keep Time • Third Person • Crowd Control (move students out of the area if possible.) • Contact the correct agencies to make a plan.

  5. Modifications Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Rehabilitation Act of 1973

  6. Intervention and Referral Services I &RS

  7. I&RS Almost half the states have a legal provision for general education interventions; which indicates a need for interventions for students in the general education setting. (Zirkel 2011)

  8. The Board of Education in the State of New Jersey has adopted rules to provide intervention and referral services (Vermeire, 2002). The requirements within state regulations indicate that a team approach toward delivery systems of interventions to address the full range of student learning and behaviors in the academic-setting is needed in the school setting (Vermeire, 2002). Members of the Interventions and Referral Service committee are drawn from the full range of educational personnel (Vermeire, 2002). Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors as well as Child Study Team members on the I&RS team work together to provide interventions to general education students.

  9. I&RS teams are required to provide research based practice for interventions in a general education program (Vermeire, 2002). • Furthermore, the I&RS team is mandated to develop the forms required to implement the I&RS process (Vermiere, 2002). • Response to intervention (RTI)

  10. 504 Plan Accommodation Plan

  11. Section of the Rehabilitation Act Prohibits the discrimination against individuals with disabilities Under the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (Renwick, 2012)

  12. Eligibility 504 Definition Physical ormental Impairment that affects major life activity. Record of impairment. Recognized as having the impairment. Effect Major Life Activities • Examples: • Hearing • Speaking • Breathing • Seeing • Learning etc….. (Renwick, 2012)

  13. 504 Director of Special Services/Pupil Services Section 504 Coordinator Grievances Office of Civil Rights • Examples of 504 team: • Teacher • Nurse • Parent • Child Study Team Member

  14. 504 Modification Modifications Modifications Preferential Seating Extended Time Homework Classwork

  15. Common questions regarding 504 Funding Can someone not follow a 504? Special education classrooms ADHD (Renwick, 2012)

  16. Special Education Individual with Disabilities Education ACT

  17. School System Right to a free and appropriate education Least restrictive environment Individualized educational program (IEP) Procedural safe guards (decision making) Evaluations (Rynolds & Gutkin, 1999)

  18. Referral Who can make a request to evaluate a student? Parents School Related agencies (Parental Rights in Special Education, 2009)

  19. Evaluations Initial Evaluation Time line Who evaluates? Revaluation Time line Three years

  20. Accommodations Modifications in program Placement (Co-Teaching, Resource Replacement, General Education, Private) Individual Education Plan Special Education Instructors

  21. Child Study Team School Psychologist Social Worker Learning Consultant Parent Teacher

  22. Outcomes Transition

  23. References Gioia, G.A., Isquith, P., Guy, S., & Kenworthy, L.(2000). BRIEF Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Professional Manual, Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. Renwick, G. (2012) SECTION 504 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. Retrieved September 18 from www.trenton.k12.nj.us.sped/section_504.htm Reynolds, C.R,. Gutkin, T.B,. (1999) The Handbook of School Psychology. New York, NY.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Vermeire, G,. (2002) Resource Manual For Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS). Trenton, NJ.: New Jersey Department of Education. Zirkel, P. (2001). State Laws and Guidelines for RTI: Additional Implementation Features. Communique Online. CQ Volume 39, Issue 7. Retrieved March 12, 2012 from http://www.nasponline.org/publications/cq/39/7/professional -practice-state-laws.aspx

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