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FUNDRAISING FOR NONPROFITS (Overview of Proposal Preparation) SOWO 883 Effective Writing Statement of Need Procedures

FUNDRAISING FOR NONPROFITS (Overview of Proposal Preparation) SOWO 883 Effective Writing Statement of Need Procedures Goals and Objectives Preparing the Budget Evaluation Walter C. Farrell, Jr., Professor School of Social Work . University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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FUNDRAISING FOR NONPROFITS (Overview of Proposal Preparation) SOWO 883 Effective Writing Statement of Need Procedures

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  1. FUNDRAISING FOR NONPROFITS (Overview of Proposal Preparation) SOWO 883 Effective Writing Statement of Need Procedures Goals and ObjectivesPreparing the BudgetEvaluation Walter C. Farrell, Jr., Professor School of Social Work .University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 wcfpr@bellsouth.net

  2. The Gift PyramidRule of Thirds Proposed Campaign Goal of $13,850,00

  3. WINNING PROPOSALS/BUSINESS PLANS MODEL FOR DEVELOPMENT Goals of the Organization Initial Project Idea Assessing Capability Assessing Need for the Idea • Building Support and Involvement • C-BOs • Govt. Agencies • Political Officials • Civic + Religious Orgs. • Gathering Necessary Data • Library • Govt. Agencies • Surveys • Etc. Identifying Alternative Approaches Selecting Funding Source Planning Proposal Writing Writing the Proposal Submitting the Proposal Source: Adapted from Getting Funded: TheComplete Guide To Writing Grant Proposals (5th Edition)by Susan Howlett and Renee Bourque 2011

  4. Have You Chosen anEffective and Feasible Approach? Do Your Proposed Project OutcomesJustify Funding Request? Does Your Project Staff and Organization Have The Necessary Capability, Credibility, and Experience for Success? Writing The Proposal

  5. Proposal Provides Information Requested by Funding Source—ESSENTIAL! Cautions: Follow All the Forms and Instructions Provided by the Funding Source Re-check Proposal Before It Is Sent Out to Ensure Compliance Writing The Proposal (Cont’d)

  6. Maintain Balance Between Conciseness and Sufficient Detail to Explain the Project. You Have to Know a Project Awfully Well to Describe It Succinctly Make Certain Reviewers Are Guided to Most Important Parts of the Proposal/Business Plan.Use Subheadings Wherever Necessary Make Certain Proposal Flows Logically From One Section to Another.In Essence, You Are Telling a Story About What You Will Do, Why, and How! Writing The Proposal (Cont’d)

  7. Don’tBury Your Most Important Points Behind Unnecessary Introductory Phrases Don’tInclude Charts or Statistical Tables in the Body of the Proposal Unless Required by the Application Forms. Place Them in an Appendix If They Are Absolutely Necessary! If used, they should “speak for themselves” Don’tUse Citations to Previous Research Without Indicating How They Apply to Your Own Idea Writing The Proposal (Cont’d)

  8. Don’tMake CommitmentsThatYou Have No Means to Implement Most Funding Sources Assume There Will Be Some Variation From the Original Proposal But They Seldom Forgive Those Who Have Been Deliberately Misleading Writing The Proposal (Cont’d)

  9. A Well-Planned and Well Written Proposal Will: Allow You the Opportunity to Develop a Useful Work Schedulefor Implementing the Project Many Start-Up Problems Can Thus Be Avoided Provide the Framework for Management of the Project by Establishing the Rules Within Your Organization Writing The Proposal (Cont’d)

  10. Purpose Statement Of Need Goals And Objectives Procedures/Methods Evaluation Dissemination Qualifications Timelines Budget Standard Proposal Sections* * May be rearranged and/or renamed depending on funding source

  11. The Purpose Section Is Critical. It Tells What You Intend to Accomplish It Also Describes the Services/Products You Will Offer, Your Client/Customer Focus, Measurement Criteria, Legal Structure, Etc. Purpose Statement (Case Statement)

  12. A Thorough Understanding of the IssuesThat the Project Is Attempting to Explore or Resolve The Importance of These Issues, Not Only to the Project Participants, but to the Larger Society Demographic Makeup of Clients/Customers Statement Of Need

  13. A Critical Analysis of the Literature/Similar Nonprofits in the Field and How This Project Will Fill Some Significant Gap The Timeliness of the Project and Why It Should Be Funded Now Statement Of Need (cont’d)

  14. The Innovativeness of the Effort, If Not at the National Level, at Least Locally The Potential “Generalizability” and Contribution of the Project to the Resolution of Problems of Importance Statement Of Need (cont’d)

  15. The Procedures Section (Also Called the Approach or Plan of Action). It Tells How the Project Will Be Carried Out It Must Convince the Funding Source That You Really Know How to Achieve the Outcomes and/or Solve the Problem(s) Described Proposals/Business Plans Should Not Have Fuzzy or Imprecise Objectives.It Is Difficult to Hide Inexperience or Incompetence When Describing Project Operations and Management Procedures/Methods (cont’d)

  16. There Are a Number of Problems Commonly Found in the Procedures/Methods Section of the Proposal Problem 1: The Experiences of Personnel Are Not Equal to the Task at Hand Problem 2: The ProposalDoes Not Include Procedures/Methods or a Plan of Operation/Implementation Procedures/Methods (cont’d)

  17. Problem 3: The Procedures/Methods Do Not Match the Objectives and Needs That Are Described in the Proposal Problem 4: The Procedures/Methods Have No Sound Rationale Problem 5: The Procedures/Methods Are Not Demonstrated to Be Feasible. Management Is Not Competent for the Task Procedures/Methods (cont’d)

  18. The Criterion of “Feasibility” Is One of the Most Important Reasons Why Proposals Are Rejected Clues That Reviewers Look for When Judging “Feasibility” Include: Procedures/Methods (cont’d)

  19. Evidence That You Know of Other Studies or Projects Where Similar ProceduresHave Been Used Successfully ThisSuggests That Your Procedures’Intended Results Have Potential to Achieve Stated Outcomes The Extent to Which Procedures Are Separated Into Distinct and Manageable Activities Procedures/Methods (cont’d)

  20. Documentation That the Writer Has Thought Through an Effective Time Schedule Evidence That the Writer Is Aware of Potential Problem AreasWith the SuggestedProcedures Procedures/Methods (cont’d)

  21. Degrees of Staff Staff Experiences Related to Project Facilities Equipment Etc. Nonprofit Qualifications

  22. Week(s) Month(s) Year(s) Timelines

  23. You May Want to Include Both Statements of Goals and Statements of Objectives The Two Are Frequently Confused Because Both Describe a Desired Condition or Outcome These Two Types of Statements Differ in Dimensions of Specificity,Accountability, and Time AND ARE VERY IMPORTANT! Goals Provide an Overall Conceptual Orientation to the Ultimate Purpose of the Project/Business Goals and Objectives

  24. GoalsAre More Abstract in Content, Broader in Scope, Less Subject to Direct Measurement, and Focused on Long-Term Perspectives They Could, However, Describe Aims That Can Reasonably Be Achieved by the Completion/Full Implementation of the Project Goals And Objectives (cont’d)

  25. An Objective Addresses Short-Term or Intermediate Accomplishments A Proposal Can Have Several Objectives, and These May Be of Different Types Goals And Objectives (cont’d)

  26. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Outcome Statements That Deal With Human Performance in One of the Three Behavioral Domains (Cognitive, Affective, or Psychomotor) To Be Complete, a Behavioral ObjectiveShould Include Information That Answers Four Questions: Types Of Objectives

  27. Types Of Objectives (cont’d) • 1. Who Is Going to Perform the Specified Behavior? • 2. What Behavior/Product/Service Is Expected to Be Developed? • 3. Under What Circumstances/In What LocationWill the Behavior/Product/Service Be Observed? • 4. How Is the Behavior/Product/ServiceSuccess Going to Be Measured?

  28. An Example of a Objective That Meets These Criteria: During a Training Workshop, High School Students Will Show Their Comprehension of Entrepreneurship Skills As Measured on a Staff-Developed Test Types Of Objectives (cont’d)

  29. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES In Order to Make Objectives More Specific and Measurable, Outcome Statements Called Performance Objectives Are Frequently Requested Types Of Objectives (cont’d)

  30. Types Of Objectives (cont’d) • The Performance Objective Must Include Information That Addresses the Four Questions Specified for Behavioral Objectives and Must Also Answer: • The Amount of Time Necessary to Bring About the Specified Behavior/Produce the Product? • The Expected Proficiency Level?

  31. A Performance/Product/Service ObjectiveIs Listed Below: At theEnd ofthe Year, the Heating Collaborative Will Deliver Fuel Oil to 85% of the 95,000 Households in North Roxbury, MA that are Eligible for Energy Assistance Types Of Objectives (cont’d)

  32. The Performance/Product Objective Is Often Considered More Desirable Than the Behavioral Objective Because It Brings a Specific Element of Time to the Outcome It Also Adds a Performance Criterion (Which Aids in Evaluating Whether the Objective Has Really Been Achieved) Types Of Objectives (cont’d)

  33. In Writing Either Behavioral or PerformanceObjectives, Two Guidelines Should Be Given Special Attention Care Should Be Exercised to Describe the Behavior/Product/Service That Is to Be Developed As Precisely and Specifically As Possible Types Of Objectives (cont’d)

  34. Examples of Imprecise Words That Should Be Avoided Include: Knowing Appreciating Thinking Enjoying Grasping the Value of In Contrast, Words Like the Following Are Much Less Vague: Write List Construct Read Types Of Objectives (cont’d)

  35. Special Effort Should Be Made to Establish Expected Performance Levels That Are Realistic In Demonstration or Exploratory Projects, Most Funding Sources Are Tolerant If the Specific Level of Proficiency Cannot Be Realistically Predicted at the Time the Proposal Is Written Types Of Objectives (cont’d)

  36. Examples of Activities to Support an Objective: Purchase materials Develop timeline for production Assign staff to manage production _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ Activities To Support Objectives

  37. Line Item Personnel __________________ Supplies/Materials __________________ Printing __________________ Communications __________________ Facilities __________________ Equipment __________________ Other __________________ Miscellaneous __________________ Budget

  38. Objective # 1 Line Item Objective # 2 Line Item Objective # 3 Line Item Functional and Program Budget Start-Up Costs Financial/Cash Flow Projections Break-Even Projections Profits and Losses

  39. Evaluation- Determines the Worth of a Thing. Obtains Information for Use in Judging Worth of a Program, Product, Objective Evaluation

  40. EvaluationSystematic Process Designed to Reduce UncertaintyAbout the Effectiveness of a Particular Project Evaluation Determines Whether Targets (Objectives) Have Been Met EvaluationIf Not Required Should Be Included for the Good of the Project Evaluation (cont’d)

  41. SUMMATIVE/PRODUCT EVALUATION Involves Collecting Data to Determine the Ultimate Success of the Completed Project. Major Purpose Is to Document the Extent to Which the Project’s Proposed Objectives/Outcomes Were Achieved. Funding Source Is Key Recipient. (Most Commonly Requested in Proposals/Business Plans.) PAY-OFF/IMPACT EVALUATION Can Occur at “Formative” and *“Summative Stages”. Concerned With Finding Out Whether Project’s Achievement Are of VALUE. Value of Its Effects. (Useful to Wide Range of Audiences.) Evaluation (cont’d)

  42. What other funding sources are you pursuing? How do you plan to ensure long-term sustainability? Are you requesting funding for a pilot program? Other Funding And Sustainability

  43. Who are you as an organization (can be drawn from Case Statement)? Does your organization have unique characteristics that make it suitable for the funding requested ? Does your organization or do you have a track record in this area? Explain why or why not? Organizational Information

  44. Turning Suspects into Prospects into DONORS/INVESTORS Donor/Investor Cultivation/Solicitation

  45. Learn who your donors/investors are and their psychographic characteristics (beliefs and values) Identify prospects from these data Invite current donors/investors to provide more capital, and invite prospects to contribute/invest Building Donor/Investor Base: Analysis

  46. Use public education, media (free), brokered meetings, conferences, etc. to turn potential investors/contributors into prospects Use “new” fundraising strategies to turn those prospects into donors Building Donor/Investor Base: Analysis (cont’d)

  47. Quality Quantity Frequency Continuity Recognize that significant capital/contributions are only given a few times (or perhaps once) by a donor/investor A donor cannot afford to give assetson a yearly basis Essentials in Major Capital Infusions

  48. Review the prospects’ relationship with your organization on a regular basis Plan with the appropriate “players” a cultivation strategy… one move at a time Encourage donor to remember organization in will Responsibilities of Development Officers/Fundraisers* *In small nonprofits, executive directors may serve that role

  49. Execute the cultivation plan Evaluate its impact and progress toward the significant gift Development Officers should enter the life of Major Gift Prospects frequently in a substantive way Responsibilities of Development Officers/Fundraisers* (cont’d) *In small nonprofits, executive directors may serve that role

  50. Have Prospect serve on Nonprofit’s Committees Membership on Foundation Boards/Advisory Councils Ongoing communication pieces (annual reports, newsletters, brochures, etc.) Video presentations Receptions, dinners, athletic events Special invitations to Board meetings, organizational celebrations Background Initiatives

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