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Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cure (tm) 3 Months Consultations

Acne Inversa Information (Hidradenitis Suppurativa)<br><br>Acne Inversa, also known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa, is a chronic skin disease characterized by abscesses, lesions and scarring. It is caused by a defect of the follicular epithelium, and is known to have a genetic component. There are also a number of physiological and lifestyle factors that can trigger an outbreak of Acne Inversa, including excessive production of androgen hormones, being overweight, and smoking. The condition rarely goes away on its own and early treatment is recommended.<br><br>Prevalence<br><br>The prevalence of Acne Inverse is estimated to be between 1 to 4% of the world's population. It is more frequent in women than in men, and very rarely occurs before puberty or after menopause.<br><br>What Causes Acne Inversa?<br><br>The exact cause of Acne Inversa is still debated, however, a number of possible factors have been identified. For example, smoking is such a factor and the condition is more prevalent among smokers. Similarly, being overweight increases the risk of developing the condition because there will be more frictional forces on the skin. Other lifestyle factors implicated in Acne Inversa include excessive sweating, stress, and wearing tight clothing. In addition, the use of some anti-perspirants and shaving may be involved in the worsening of the condition.<br><br>There are also genetic and physiological factors that can trigger the condition. Excessive levels of androgen hormones have been identified as causal factors, although many patients of Acne Inversa seem to have normal androgen levels. The condition tends to run in families, indicating that a genetic factor is also involved.<br><br>Although bacterial infections are prevalent in Acne Inversa, these appear to be a result of the disease and not a cause.<br><br>Symptoms and Clinical Features<br><br>The disease often starts as large blackheads and nodules. They may then join together and form abscesses and sinus tracts. Pus and foul-smelling secretions may drain from the abscesses and inflammatory lesions may form. These can lead to scarring.<br><br>Acne Inversa often leads to reduced mobility and recurrent infections of the affected areas. In addition, anemia is common in acne inversa patients owing to chronic inflammation.<br><br>Acne Inversa Treatment<br><br>Treatment of Acne Inversa is still an evolving area. Surgery may be needed for severe cases and to repair damage caused by a long-standing condition. Antibiotics are used to combat secondary infections, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce inflammation and pain. Some cases of Acne Inversa may warrant the use of immunosuppressants and corticosteroids. Cryotherapy and radiotherapy are two new treatments that are being used on a limited basis.<br><br>Holistic Therapy<br><br>Natural holistic therapy is crucial for getting the condition under control and can potentially treat all but the most severe cases of Acne Inversa. This therapy involves the use of lifestyle modification, such as cessation of smoking, wearing loose-fitting clothes and stress management; dietary intervention, mainly the adoption of an anti-inflammatory diet; and nutritional supplementation, such as the use of high dose vitamin supplements that can speed up wound healing, improve skin health and boost the immune system. In addition, natural extracts with antiseptic properties can be very helpful.<br><br>To learn all about holistic therapy, get Therese Wilson's Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Acne Inversa) Cureu2122 [download this pdf] - a step-by-step guide on how to manage and cure the condition through an all-natural holistic approach.

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Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cure (tm) 3 Months Consultations

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  1. Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cure (tm) +3 Months Consultations Hidradenitis Suppurativa Treatment Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a recurrent and often debilitating skin disorder that manifests itself as inflamed painful abscesses and lesions in areas of the body where there is skin to skin contact, namely the armpits, breasts, groin, and genital area. Hidradenitis Suppurativa treatment includes drug therapy, surgical intervention, dietary and lifestyle measures. Medical Treatment Antibiotics are frequently prescribed for Hidradenitis Suppurativa, even though they are not proven to be effective. However, they can treat secondary infections and may provide an anti-inflammatory action with subsequent symptomatic relief. The choice of antibiotics should be based on a culture test of the drainage, as there is a wide variety of bacteria that can infect the lesions and not all antibiotics are equally effective. Both oral and topical antibiotics can be used, and at least a two month course is generally prescribed. There is evidence that hormonal imbalances may be involved the in the etiology of Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and oral contraceptives are sometimes recommended to control this. Another class of drugs that are used are oral retinoids, which work by reducing the amount of oil secreted by the glands. Other medical agents used are corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, depending on the suspected cause and severity.

  2. Surgical Treatment Some cases of the disease benefit from surgery. This include the incision and drainage of certain types of abscesses, the opening of sinus tracks, and skin grafts to close wounds and repair damage caused by long standing Hidradenitis Suppurativa. New Treatment Options Two new treatment options are radiotherapy and cryotherapy. Radiotherapy has a potential to completely cure the disease in some patients, but it may cause long term side effects. Cryotherapy has been found to cause improvement in some and worsening in others; it is still under development. Counseling The disease has a significant psychological burden that should be addressed. Patients may feel self- conscious about their bodies and may be limited in their movement, and this can lead to depression and social anxiety. It is therefore important that the appropriate health professionals are consulted. Lifestyle and Dietary Management Lifestyle and dietary management can have a tremendous impact on the disease and in some cases Hidradenitis Suppurativa may be sent in remission with these changes alone. Avoidance of prolonged exposure to heat and humidity is recommended, as well as the avoidance of shaving of the area. Loose- fitting clothing should be worn and topical antiseptics and antibacterial soaps can be helpful. An anti- inflammatory diet should be followed and stress should be managed as this can lead to flare-ups. For a comprehensive guide on lifestyle and dietary management of the condition, read Therese Wilson 's Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cure™ . Wilson is a nutritionist, health consultant and former Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferer. Click Here To Get Fast Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cure (tm)+3 Months Consultations or visit this page https://jvz4.com/c/1337239/217069

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