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How to Translate English Headlines

How to Translate English Headlines. For News Translating Courses. Part 1. 在国际新闻报道中,英语新闻翻译占了相当大的比重。在英语新闻中,“标题被视作报道全文的缩写”,为了尽量吸引读者,编辑往往运用各种修辞手段,力争使新闻标题更具吸引力。这为英语新闻翻译带来挑战。翻译者需调动各种翻译手段,力争把原标题的意义和风格以汉语形式再现出来。 为此,翻译时应兼顾三个方面: 1. 准确理解标题意义,尤其是要透过字面理解其深层意义; 2. 在不曲解原意的情况下发挥汉语特点,以增强译文可读性;

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How to Translate English Headlines

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  1. How to Translate English Headlines For News Translating Courses

  2. Part 1

  3. 在国际新闻报道中,英语新闻翻译占了相当大的比重。在英语新闻中,“标题被视作报道全文的缩写”,为了尽量吸引读者,编辑往往运用各种修辞手段,力争使新闻标题更具吸引力。这为英语新闻翻译带来挑战。翻译者需调动各种翻译手段,力争把原标题的意义和风格以汉语形式再现出来。 为此,翻译时应兼顾三个方面: 1.准确理解标题意义,尤其是要透过字面理解其深层意义; 2.在不曲解原意的情况下发挥汉语特点,以增强译文可读性; 3.在文化背景缺失的情况下,注意译文的可接受性。

  4. 几种翻译方法 • 直译或基本直译新闻标题 • 采用翻译权衡手法——意译

  5. 直译或基本直译新闻标题 就英语新闻标题翻译而言,笔者以为,如果英语标题的含义明白,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,可考虑采用直译或基本直译。 对译法:译文在意义和结构上与原文基本保持一致

  6. *对译法:译文在意义和结构上与原文基本保持一致*对译法:译文在意义和结构上与原文基本保持一致 US, Vietnam Resume Talks 美越恢复会谈 Chronic Insomnia Baffles Sleep Experts 慢性失眠困扰睡眠研究专家 S. Africa’s Black Middle Class Fuel Sales Boom 南非黑人中产阶层推动经济发展 Can Lebanon Weather Possible Economic Sanction? 黎巴嫩能承受经济制裁 ?

  7. Putin faces harsh press criticism over terror 普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评 Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold 奥运盛妆开幕泳将喜夺首金 UK soldest person dies at 115 英国第一寿星谢世,享天年百岁又十五

  8. 采用翻译权衡手法——意译 有时,当一些英语标题或因修辞手法、或因文化及语言差异,在汉语中难以表现其微妙意义时,不妨根据英语标题字面意,结合新闻内容译出合适的中文标题。这样处理时,可根据汉语以及汉语新闻标题的特点,采用不同语法修辞手段,以取得最佳效果。 增加词语使意义完整 套用中外诗词熟句

  9. 增加词语使意义完整 就揭示新闻内容而言,英语标题倾向于将某一内容作“重点化”(accentuation)处理,不讲究面面俱到。此外,由于英语单词通常由数个字母组成,所以标题一般用词不多。这两点决定了英语新闻标题一般比较精炼简短。而汉语新闻标题侧重“全面性”(totalism),加上汉语是一词一意,所以汉语标题用词相对较多。有鉴于此,在标题翻译时,可以结合汉语新闻标题的特点,适当增加一些词语,使标题的形式更趋汉化,意义更趋完整。

  10. Older, wiser, calmer 人愈老,智愈高,心愈平 若按照原文逐字翻译成“更老,更明智,更冷静”,也不失为一个可以接受的译文。但如果根据中国读者阅读习惯,增加“人”、“智”、“心”三个字,意义更加明确,句式也更齐整。

  11. Japanese dash to US to say “I do” 日本情侣蜂拥美利坚,牧师面前誓言“我愿意” 英语原题运用了引喻(metaphor)的修辞手法。以“say‘I do’”来代替“get married”。如果把原题直接译成“日本人涌往美国说‘我愿意’”,未免太突兀,根据新闻内容加入“情侣”和“牧师”等词,使译文意义完整、更具可读性。

  12. 套用中外诗词熟句 源远流长的中国文化一直是国人的骄傲,很多脍炙人口的诗词熟句至今广为流传。此外,不少外国作家诗人的名言名句经翻译后也倍受人们喜爱。翻译英语新闻标题时,酌情借用、套用读者耳熟能详的诗词熟语,比较容易唤起读者的亲切感。

  13. Bush daughters reach legal age to drink 布什双娇初长成 酒巷从此任纵横 Singaporean star Gives Part of Liver to Save Dying Lover 若为爱情故肝脏也可抛———狮城上演感人生死恋

  14. Part 2

  15. Translation of lexical items in English news headline 翻译英语标题中的词汇 • Translation of acronym • Translation of new words in English news headline

  16. Translation of acronym Acronym (word formed from the initial letters of a group of words) is one main form of English news title’s glossary variation. Since newspapers are limited in time and space, acronym meets the need, saving the space of newspaper. We attempt to discuss some skills in translating acronym.

  17. 1.1 Translate according to its pronunciation AIDS---The Risk to Heterosexual (AIDS=Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome艾滋病,即后天免疫缺损综合症) 艾滋病危及异性恋爱者

  18. 1.2 Translating and shortening the full name (1) NATO to Seek New Secretary General (NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织,简称北约) ---北约寻求新任秘书长 (2) USSR Dissolves, Mikhail Corbachev Resigns: Boris Yeltsin Takes over (USSR=Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,简称苏联) ---苏联解体,戈尔巴乔夫辞职,叶利钦上台

  19. (1) BBC Considering Starting Global Television Service (BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation)   ---英国广播公司拟开通全球电视服务   (2) PLO Says Israeli Drive ahead (PLO=Palestine Liberation Organization)   ---巴勒斯坦解放组织说以色列即将大举进攻   (3) START Announced to Begin June29 (START=Strategic Arms Reductions Talks)   ---裁减战略武器会谈于六月而十九日开始 1.3 Explaining all letters

  20. (4) 36th WTTC triumphantly closes in Yugoslavia. (WTTC=World Table Tennis Championships) ---第三十六届世界乒乓球锦标赛在南斯拉夫胜利闭幕 (5) Government Is Covering up UFO Evidence? (UFO=Unidentified Flying Object) ---美政府一直隐瞒不明飞行物真相? (6) Hollywood Helps CIA Come in From the Cold (CIA=Central Intelligence Agency) ---好莱坞为中央情报局重塑形象

  21. Translation of new words in English news headline As science and technology of the world swiftly develop, the contact among countries increasingly expands, more and more new English words are born to the world. In order to draw close to the social life, grasp the times pulse, news report need to create massive new words to reflect the world’s new things, new thoughts, new phenomenon and new prevailing customs to attract readers’ attention.

  22. New Words • to give old words new meaning • ‘clone’: ‘复制’ √ ‘无性系繁殖’ × • ‘Bug ’means ‘计算机千年虫问题’ √ ‘机器的毛病’ × • Sept.11 or 9/11 • 2. completely new words namely • Internetese(因特网语言) • e-commerce(电子商务) • cyberspace(电脑空间) • bio-chips(生物芯片) • techno-millionaire(高科技百万富翁)

  23. (1) Year 2000 Bug Unstoppable for Some Corporations ---计算机千年虫问题迫在眉睫 (2) American Online: Often Down, Never Out ---美国在线公司:屡挫不倒 (3) What Is Dateline? ---何为征婚热线? (4) The Sandbaggers ---用沙袋治沙的人们

  24. (5) Cold-Fighting Drug May Be Used Against SARS ---千呼万唤始出来抗非典药物有望面世 (6) Asia Pledge Action on Bird flu ---亚洲国家表示采取一致措施控制禽流感 (7) Yahoo Awards World’s Best Cyber cafés ---雅虎评选全球最佳网吧

  25. Part 3

  26. 注意标点的翻译 新闻标题的结构往往是比较精简的,因此,标点符号在新闻标题中起到了非常重要的作用。在翻译新闻标题时,我们应当注意这些标点符号的具体含义。

  27. 1. Comma (,) Comma expresses the stop between the compound ingredients in title, and it is also used to replace “and” in order to save space, generally being translated to be “和” in Chinese. For example:   (1) Australia,U.S. Seek More Ways to Promote Trade ---澳大利亚和美国寻求更多途径以促进两国贸易   (2) UN, Iraq Talk on Refugee Aid ---联合国和伊拉克谈判援助难民问题   (3) China, CIS States May Share Cables ---中国和独联体国家合作开发光电通讯

  28. 2. Colon (:) In the English news title, the most eye-catching information is always put in front, and then some supplement information is drawn out to make up the subject after colon. Look at the examples:   (1)The$2 billion Makeover: Australia’s Olympic City Gets Ready for the Games ---二十亿美元的大改造:澳大利亚的奥林匹克城准备迎接奥运会   (2) War Plan: the West’s Military Options ---战争计划:西方的军事选择

  29. 2. Colon (:) Colon is also used to take place of relation verbs, and it is always translated to be “说”、“宣称”、“是” in Chinese. For example: (1) Renminbi to Remain Reliable, Strong: Li ---李鹏说人民币保持可靠和坚挺 When colon is used to show the source of a quotation, that is, equal to the Chinese word“说”, in English it can be put in head of or after the speaker, while in Chinese it can only be placed after the speaker. (2) Health Survey: New Yorkers Fitter, Slimmer ---健康调查称纽约人更加健康和苗条   (3) Poll on Trial: Why Weren’t the Victim Cries Heeded? ---笼罩着审讯的疑云是为什么受害者的呼救没人理睬

  30. 3. Quotation mark (‘’) Generally speaking, single quotation mark is used in English news headline instead of double quotation marks. To be accordant with Chinese natural expression, it is better for translator to change it into double quotation marks in Chinese. For example: (1) Abadan Oil Refinery ‘Destroyed’ ---阿巴丹炼油厂“被毁” (2) Arafat to Reagan: ‘We Are Still Here’ ---阿拉法特告诫里根:“我们仍然存在”

  31. 4. Dash (—) Dash is used to separate each independent clause in the title, and also frequently used to draw out the speaker before or after the subscript without the quotation mark. It is often translated to be “说” in Chinese in order to draw out the speaker, and to be “再” in order to emphasize something. For example: (1) Our Differences Can Be Overcome — Rockefeller ---我们的分歧是能够克服的— 洛克菲勒(说) (2) Yeltsin in Hospital — Again ---叶利钦再次住院 (3) World Unity against Terrorism Needed — Blair ---英国首相布莱尔说:世界各国在反恐问题上需要加强联合

  32. 尽量再现原文修辞特点 许多新闻标题不仅以其简洁精炼引人注意,同时也通过运用各种修辞技巧,既有效地传递一些微妙的隐含信息,又使读者在义、音、形等方面得到美的享受。因此,在翻译时应尽可能地体现原文修辞特点,如双关、比喻、押韵等,使译文和原文在修辞上基本吻合,从而让译文读者得到与原文读者近乎一样的感受。

  33. For example: No Fans? “No fret!” ---赛场没人气?“咱可没生气!” 这则新闻主要讲的是:在雅典奥运会开始几天,赛场观众寥寥无几。在一场网球比赛时,8000多人的体育场只坐了500人。不过运动员显得颇有风度,在接受记者采访时,他们表示对此并不介意。 原文两行标题结尾处用了由两个f起首的单词fans(球迷)和fret(烦恼),构成了英语中常用的头韵(all iteration)修辞手法,读来很有节奏感。汉语没有这种修辞方式,但译文通过押韵加叠词的手段,用“人气”和“生气”这两个词,在相当程度上体现出了原文的风味。

  34. After the Booms Everything Is Gloom ---繁荣不再萧条即来 其中的“Boom”和“Gloom”构成尾韵(rhyme),而汉语译文通过“再”和“来”,也达到了押韵的效果,读来朗朗上口。 当然,这则标题还可有其他译法,例如:一别繁荣一片愁容也是两句八个字,不但首尾都押韵,而且把原文的事实性陈述化成了形象性描述,给人一种行文紧凑,一气呵成的感觉。

  35. Soccer kicks off with Violence ---足球开踢拳打脚踢 原文中的“kickoff”指足球比赛中“开赛”或“中场开球”,但与后面的“violence”(暴行)一词并用,立即在读者头脑中映出一副拳打脚踢的景象来。“足球开踢,拳打脚踢”这样的译文,既一语双关,又前后押韵,表达了原文的幽默效果。

  36. Britannia Rues the Waves 当然,由于语言和文化差异,一些英语新闻标题中的精彩之处很难用汉语再现。 这个标题是变换英国海军军歌“Rule,Britannia”中的叠句——Britannia rules the waves (不列颠统治海洋),将“rules”(统治)改为“rues”(悲悼),意在讽刺日益衰落的英国航运业。 从英语角度来看,这是一个非常成功的仿拟(parody)修辞手法,因为Rules与Rues读音几乎一样,意义却相去万里,所以,不难想象富有幽默感的英国人看了标题会有何种感受。 然而,这种兼具文化特色及语法修辞特点的幽默实在难以通过汉语再现,在这种情况下,只能舍弃标题的修辞特色,争取译出标题的基本涵义,否则可能会因词害意,造成译文标题的意义含糊。

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