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Generator Reactive Capability

Generator Reactive Capability. Demonstration Testing Summer 2003 Rich Burke Pete Harris Steve Smith Rick Paliuca. Generator Reactive Capability Agenda. Background of the Program Communications - Who to Contact to Schedule Test Conducting a Test - Coordination and Logging Requirements

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Generator Reactive Capability

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  1. Generator Reactive Capability Demonstration Testing Summer 2003 Rich Burke Pete Harris Steve Smith Rick Paliuca

  2. Generator Reactive CapabilityAgenda • Background of the Program • Communications - Who to Contact to Schedule Test • Conducting a Test - Coordination and Logging Requirements • Submittal of Data - How to Send Data to Receive Compensation • Alternatives to Conducting a Test – Waivers • Failure to Conduct a Test - What Happens? • Reactive Program Contact List – Satellite and ISO Contacts • Supporting Documents

  3. Background of the Program • August 2001 – Under Schedule 2 of the NEPOOL Open Access Transmission Tariff (NOATT) Eligible Generator Reactive Capability began to be paid based on NX-12D and NX-9B claimed capability. • Eligibility requirement – Generator must be in the ISO-NE Market System and have valid NX-12D forms and NX-9B data on file. This information can be found in OP-14 and 16 at: http://www.iso-ne.com/smd/operating_procedures/ • Payments are allocated to the Generator based on the claimed capability of the Generator to deliver VARS to the Transmission System. This payment is an annual flat rate (Rate for 2003, $1.00 per kVAR – yr).

  4. Background of the Program • Stipulation of this payment program - Within 2 years, (Summer 2003) Generators are required to conduct a demonstration test to continue to qualify for payment. New Generators receive a grace period of 2 years. • These demonstration tests will become the basis for the claimed capability data represented by the NX-12D and NX-9B documentation.

  5. Background of the Program • Prior to requesting a demonstration: current, verified NX-12D forms and NX-9B data must be on file with the ISO and the generator has to be in the Market system. Demonstration tests must be conducted within the following parameters: • June 1st through September 15th • Test must be conducted during on-peak hours • Monday through Friday, 08:00 to 22:00 • Generator must be at Summer-Seasonal Claimed Capability (S-SCC) MW output. • Maximum Lagging VAR sustained for one hour.

  6. Background of the Program • The intent in setting these testing parameters is to closely simulate seasonal system conditions when additional Generator VAR capability would be called upon. • This is a test to demonstrate VAR capability with the Generator at S-SCC output, even though more VARs could be produced at a lower MW level.

  7. Background of the Program • Requested timing of the test is at the discretion of the Generator. • Max lagging VARs must be demonstrated while the Generator is at its S–SCC MW output, for 1 hour. • Generator can submit Market bids that will economically ramp and hold the Generator at the S-SCC level for the duration of the test OR self schedule. • The Generator will be subject to system reliability or economic dispatch instructions while testing. • If unable to sustain the test parameters, the test will be deemed invalid and the Generator must request to be re-scheduled.

  8. Background of the Program • This is not a Claimed (MW) Capability Audit. • Demonstration test will be valid for five years. • If changes (upgrade or downgrade) are made in the Generators reactive capability, a new demonstration test will be required. • For future reference. • Proposed testing requirements in five years will include multi-point demonstrations, lagging and leading. • Many details yet to be drafted and NEPOOL approval must be obtained.

  9. Background of the Program • New England Transmission System voltage control is under the jurisdiction of the Master Satellites. • CONVEX • Maine • New Hampshire • REMVEC • All requests for a demonstration test must be made through the Satellite in which the Generator is located.

  10. Background of the Program • Demonstration tests must be requested five business days in advance of the date desired. • The Satellite will conduct Transmission System Studies. • The Satellite will coordinate System Studies with the ISO for Generators at 25 MW and higher. • The Satellite will respond to the Generator no later than two days prior to the requested date. • If approved the Satellite will notify the Generator. • If denied the Satellite will inform the Generator of the reason and suggest a more suitable time to request a test.

  11. Communications • Request a demonstration test from the Satellite. • Current verified NX-12D and NX-9B information must be on file with the ISO. The Satellites have access to this information and will refuse a Generator not meeting this requirement. • Demonstration Test Request Form can be found at http://www.iso-ne.com/Generator_VAR_Capability/ • Complete this form and submit to the appropriate Satellite, email or fax. • Satellite contact information is included on the form. • Contact ISO at mvarcaptest@iso-ne.com if unclear of which Satellite your Generator is located.

  12. Communications • All Generators must send in Demonstration Test Request Form to their Satellite. • Units > 25 MW • Satellite submits to ISO via Outage Scheduler. • Requires Satellite and ISO approval. • Units < 25 MW • Satellites submits to ISO via Appendix A Report. • Requires Satellite approval only.

  13. Conducting a Test • Well in advance (but no later than 1 hour) prior to the time scheduled for the test, contact the Satellite to confirm arrangements. • This will allow the Satellite to evaluate and assure system conditions are appropriate for the test. If required, the Satellite will contact ISO New England for coordination. • Under some conditions the Satellite may need to configure other reactive sources to accommodate your test.

  14. Conducting a Test • Recording the Test Data • During the test, the Generator is required to fill out the “Reactive Capability Test Data Recording Form.” • This form requests VAR output data on a five minute interval for the duration of the one-hour test at several metering points (if available).

  15. Reactive Capability Test Data Recording Form Corresponding VAR Metering Points

  16. Reactive Capability Test Data Recording Form Corresponding VAR Metering Points

  17. Conducting a Test • At the conclusion of the one-hour test, contact the Satellite prior to returning to normal voltage schedule. • The Satellite may need to coordinate with the ISO, and other reactive resources to return the Transmission System to normal conditions.

  18. Conducting a Test • The Generator, Satellites and the ISO have the authority to cancel a test at anytime. • Generator - to protect Generator equipment. • Satellite - to protect local transmission system reliability. • ISO - to protect regional transmission system reliability and economic dispatch. • A cancelled test must be re-scheduled by the Generator via a new Request.

  19. Submittal of Data • Within two business days of successfully conducting a test the Generator must submit the Reactive Capability Test Data Recording Form to the ISO: • via email: mvarcaptest@iso-ne.com or • via fax 413-535-4399

  20. Submittal of Data • The ISO will review this information and may verify data through various means. • If there are discrepancies the ISO will contact the Generator. • If the demonstration data indicates the need for revised NX-12D forms and /or NX9-B data to be submitted the ISO will contact the Generator. • Upon validation of all required data, the ISO will inform the Generator and the demonstrated Reactive Capability will be effective with the next monthly billing cycle.

  21. Alternatives to Conducting a Test - Waivers • All Generators must request a test, however the Satellites and/or the ISO may identify when waivers apply due to transmission system conditions prohibiting a test. The evaluation of Generator requests will identify cases where the waiver applies. • Contingency Conditions • Typically a large Generator, where in order to conduct a demonstration test, the transmission system would be subjected to adverse conditions for the Generator to be allowed to produce max lagging VARs. This Generator would be capable of producing max lagging VARs in response to Contingency Conditions and should be compensated at this level. • The ISO will contact the Generator when this applies and request certain data necessary to simulate Generator capability in Transmission System Studies. Eligible Capability will be based on these System Studies.

  22. Alternatives to Conducting a Test - Waivers • Small Generators • Generators located where there is limited metering of the surrounding Transmission System that make it difficult for the Satellite or the ISO to monitor system voltage to assure system reliability during the test. • Typically Generators that are connected to the local distribution system. • The Satellite will contact the Generator when this applies and also notify the ISO. Eligible Capability will be based on the data submitted through the NX-12D forms and NX-9B data.

  23. Alternatives to Conducting a Test - Waivers • Submittal of Historical Data • For the initial single point test, Reactive data collected within the previous five (5) years will be admissible. • Data must be presented in the form of Generator recording logs (strip charts, etc.). • Must have been collected in a timeframe consistent with demonstration testing requirements (on-peak hours, June 1st to September 15th, etc.). • Submit this data directly to the ISO, by e-mail, fax or mail (see ISO contact page). • The ISO will evaluate the request and notify the Generator of acceptance or denial.

  24. Failure to Conduct a Test – What Happens? • The ISO will monitor all requests for a test - approved, denied or cancelled. • After September 15th, the ISO will evaluate each Generator’s status in the program. • Generators that satisfied the test requirements (through demonstration, historical data or waiver) will be established in the program for five years. • Generators that attempted to conduct a test on several occasions, yet through circumstances beyond their control (system conditions or Satellite/ISO limitations) were unable to complete a test, will continue to be compensated based on the NX-12D and NX9B data submitted until they demonstrate during the next Audit Season (i.e., 2004).

  25. Failure to Conduct a Test – What Happens? • Generators that do not diligently attempt to request a test or repeatedly cancel a test at their own discretion, will not be eligible for capability payment under this program until such time that they satisfactorily conduct a test.

  26. Reactive Program Contact List ISO-NE Contacts • ISO-NE Email: mvarcaptest@iso-ne Fax: 413-535-4399 Mailing Address: ISO New England One Sullivan Rd. Holyoke, MA 01040 Attn: Serafima Bykhovskaya • Serafima Bykhovskaya Engineer 413-535-4195 sbykhovskaya@iso-ne.com • Ingrid Canaday Scheduler 413-535-4359 icanaday@iso-ne.com • Dave Bertagnoli Tech Lead 413-535-4330 dbert@iso-ne.com • Peter Harris Process 413-535-4385 pharris@iso-ne.com

  27. Reactive Program Contact List Satellite Contacts • CONVEX Transmission Coordinator 860-665-4943 CVXOperations@nu.com FAX 860-594-6000 • Maine Art Higgins, Control Room Supervisor 207-626-9884 arthur.higgins@cmpco.com FAX 207-626-9549  • New Hampshire James McAndrew, System Ops. Cord. 603-634-3586 mcandjb@nu.com FAX 603-634-3571 • REMVEC REMVEC Operations 800-382-7260 800-423-6029 508-389-2491 FAX 508-389-3297

  28. Supporting Documents and Reactive Information Web Links • Reactive Capability Demonstration Web Site • http://www.iso-ne.com/Generator_VAR_Capability • Supporting Documents • NEPOOL Open Access Transmission Tariff – Schedule 2. http://www.iso-ne.com/FERC/filings/Index_NOATT.html • REACTIVE SUPPLY AND VOLTAGE CONTROL FROM GENERATION SOURCES SERVICE BUSINESS PROCEDURE.http://www.iso-ne.com/settlement-resettlement/Schedule_2_VAR_Billing_Procedure_SMD.doc

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