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EEC 693/793 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering Secure and Dependable Computing

This lecture provides an introduction to cryptography, covering terminology, basic encryption methods, and the characteristics of good ciphers. It explores the need for encryption, the role of encryption algorithms and keys, and the concepts of symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The lecture also introduces the field of cryptology and cryptanalysis, including techniques for breaking encryption and analyzing encrypted messages.

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EEC 693/793 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering Secure and Dependable Computing

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  1. EEC 693/793Special Topics in Electrical EngineeringSecure and Dependable Computing Lecture 4 Wenbing Zhao Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cleveland State University wenbing@ieee.org

  2. Outline • Introduction to cryptography • Terminology • Basic encryption methods • Characteristics of "Good" Ciphers EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  3. Cryptography Terminology • Encryption is the process of encoding a message so that its meaning is not obvious • Equivalent terms: encode, encipher • Decryptionis the reverse process, transforming an encrypted message back into its normal, original form • Equivalent terms: decode, decipher • Plaintext: message to be encrypted • Ciphertext: encrypted message EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  4. Cryptography Terminology • The cryptosystem involves a set of rules for how to encrypt the plaintext and how to decrypt the ciphertext • Why encryption? • It addresses the need for confidentiality of data, also helps to ensure integrity • It forms the basis of protocols that enable us to provide security while accomplishing system or network tasks EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  5. Cryptography Terminology • The encryption and decryption rules are called encryption and decryptionalgorithms • Encryption/decryptions algorithms often use a device called a key, denoted by K, so that the resulting ciphertext depends on the original plaintext message, the algorithm, and the key value • An encryption scheme that does not require the use of a key is called a keyless cipher EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  6. Symmetric Encryption • The encryption and decryption keys are the same, so P = D(K, E(K,P)) • D and E are closely related. They are mirror-image processes • The symmetric systems provide a two-way channel to their users • The symmetry of this situation is a major advantage of this type of encryption, but it also leads to a problem: key distribution EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  7. Symmetric Encryption • DK(EK(P)) = P EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  8. Asymmetric Encryption • Encryption and decryption keys come in pairs. The decryption key, KD, inverts the encryption of key KE, so that P = D(KD, E(KE,P)) • Asymmetric encryption systems excel at key management EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  9. Cryptology • Cryptologyis the research into and study of encryption and decryption; it includes both cryptography and cryptanalysis • Cryptography– art of devising ciphers • Comes from Greek words for“secret writing”. It refers to the practice of using encryption to conceal text • Cryptanalysis–art of breaking ciphers • Study of encryption and encrypted messages, hoping to find the hidden meanings EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  10. Cryptanalysis • Attempt to break a single message • Attempt to recognize patterns in encrypted messages, to be able to break subsequent ones • Attempt to deduce the key, in order to break subsequent messages easily • Attempt to find weaknesses in the implementation or environment of use of encryption • Attempt to find general weaknesses in an encryption algorithm EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  11. Cryptanalysis • Traffic analysis: attempt to infer some meaning without even breaking the encryption, e.g., • Noticing an unusual frequency of communication • Determining something by whether the communication was short or long EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  12. Basic Encryption Methods • Substitutionciphers: one letter is exchanged for another • Transpositionciphers: order of letters is rearranged EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  13. Substitution Ciphers • Idea: each letter or group of letters is replaced by another letter or group of letters • Caesar cipher – circularly shift by 3 letters • a -> D, b -> E, … z -> C • More generally, shift by k letters, k is the key • Monoalphabetic cipher – map each letter to some other letter • A b c d e f … w x y z • Q W E R T Y … V B N M <= the key EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  14. Cryptanalysis of Substitution Ciphers • Brute force cryptanalysis would have to try 26! permutations of a particular ciphertext message • Smarter way: use frequencies of letters, pairs of letter etc., or by guessing a probable word or phrase. Most frequently occurred • Letters: e, t, o, a, n, … • Digrams: th, in, er, re, an, … • Trigrams: the, ing, and, ion, ent • Words: the, of, and, to, a, in, that, … • When messages are long enough, the frequency distribution analysis quickly betrays many of the letters of the plaintext EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  15. Transposition Ciphers • Substitution cipher – preserves order of plaintext symbols but disguises them • Transposition cipher – reorders (rearrange) symbols but does not disguise them. It is also called permutation • With transposition, the cryptography aims for • Widely spreading the information from the message or the key across the ciphertext • Transpositions try to break established patterns EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  16. Columnar Transposition • Plaintext written in rows, number of columns = key length • Key is used to number the columns • Ciphertext read out by columns, starting with column whose key letter is lowest EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  17. Columnar Transposition • A transposition cipher example EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  18. One-Time Pads • One-time pad: construct an unbreakable cipher • Choose a random bit string as the key • Convert the plaintext into a bit string • Compute the XOR of these two strings, bit by bit • The resulting ciphertext cannot be broken, because in a sufficiently large sample of ciphertext, each letter will occur equally often, as will every digram, every trigram, and so on => There is simply no information in the message because all possible plaintexts of the given length are equally likely EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  19. The Vernam Cipher • The Vernam Cipher is a type of one-time pad devised by Gilbert Vernam for AT&T EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  20. The Vernam Cipher • The encryption involves an arbitrarily long nonrepeating sequence of numbers that are combined with the plaintext • Assume that the alphabetic letters correspond to their counterparts in arithmetic notation mod 26 • That is, the letters are represented with numbers 0 through 25 • To use the Vernam cipher, we sum this numerical representation with a stream of random two-digit numbers EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  21. The Vernam Cipher - Example EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  22. The Vernam Cipher - Observations • The repeated letter t comes from different plaintext letters • Duplicate ciphertext letters are generally unrelated when this encryption algorithm is used => there is no information in the message to be exploited EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  23. The Vernam Cipher - Decryption • To decrypt: (Ci – Ki) mod 26 • Note on rules of mod on negative number: “The mod function is defined as the amount by which a number exceeds the largest integer multiple of the divisor that is not greater than that number” (http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52343.html) • Modula op always return non-negative number • E.g., (19-76) mod 26 = (-57) mod 26 = (-78+21) mod 26 = 21 EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  24. The Vernam Cipher - Decryption EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  25. One-Time Pads • Disadvantages • The key cannot be memorized, both sender and receiver must carry a written copy with them • Total amount of data can be transmitted is limited by the amount of key available • Sensitive to lost or inserted characters EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  26. Characteristics of "Good" Ciphers-- Claude Shannon (1949) • The amount of secrecy needed should determine the amount of labor appropriate for the encryption and decryption • The set of keys and the enciphering algorithm should be free from complexity • The implementation of the process should be as simple as possible • Errors in ciphering should not propagate and cause corruption of further information in the message • The size of the enciphered text should be no larger than the text of the original message EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  27. Shannon's Characteristics of "Good" Ciphers • The amount of secrecy needed should determine the amount of labor appropriate for the encryption and decryption • Even a simple cipher may be strong enough to deter the casual interceptor or to hold off any interceptor for a short time EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  28. Shannon's Characteristics of "Good" Ciphers • The set of keys and the enciphering algorithm should be free from complexity • We should restrict neither the choice of keys nor the types of plaintext on which the algorithm can work • For example, an algorithm that works only on plaintext having an equal number of As and Es is useless EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  29. Shannon's Characteristics of "Good" Ciphers • Errors in ciphering should not propagate and cause corruption of further information in the message • One error early in the process should not throw off the entire remaining ciphertext EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  30. Shannon's Characteristics of "Good" Ciphers • The size of the enciphered text should be no larger than the text of the original message • A ciphertext that expands dramatically in size cannot possibly carry more information than the plaintext, yet it gives the cryptanalyst more data from which to infer a pattern • A longer ciphertext implies more space for storage and more time to communicate EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  31. Properties of "Trustworthy" Encryption Systems • It is based on sound mathematics • It has been analyzed by competent experts and found to be sound • It has stood the "test of time" EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

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