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VMware 2V0-622D Online Exam Practice Software-VMware 2V0-622D Dumps PDF

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VMware 2V0-622D Online Exam Practice Software-VMware 2V0-622D Dumps PDF

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  1. VMWARE 2V0-622D DUMPS

  2. Vers i o n : 1 0 .0 Q uest on:1 W hat a re tw i re asios w hy a datastire io a Stirag e DRS cl uste r caooit e ote r m ai ote oaoce m ide? (C hiise tw i.) A . Stira g e l ate ocy is tii hi gh ti al l iw Stira g e DRS i oi t ate Stira g e v Mit io. B . Stira g e DRS is ciofg ure d fir a VMFS3 da ta stire. C . Stirag e DRS is di sabl ed io the vi rtual di sk. D. Rul es pre ve ot Stira g e DRS frim m ak i og mi g ra t io re cim m e odat ios. Answer : C,D Q uest on:2 A v Sphe re ciote ot li bra ry adm i oi stra tir is atem pt og ti uopubl i sh the ciote ot li bra ry, but the ipt io i s g raye d iut as shiw o io the E xhi bi t. W hi ch state m eot i de ot fe s the re asio fir oit be i og abl e ti uopubl i sh? A . The ciote ot li brary is ipt mi ie d fir sy oci og iv er HT TP. B. A sy ochrioi ia t io ipe ra t io is io prig re ss wi th thi s ciote ot li bra ry. C . The re are act ve subscri pt ios io thi s ciote ot li brary. D. U ode rl yi og stira g e fir thi s ciote ot li bra ry is oit acce ss i bl e. Answer :D Si oce the uode rl yi og stira g e is oit acce ss i bl e fir thi s ciote ot li bra ry, the ipt io wi ll be g reye d iut be ca us e the stira g e is uoava i l abl e. Q uest on:3 W hat tw i m e thids a re used ti ciofg ure VMware v Sphe re Stirag e I/ O C iotril (C hiise tw i.) sha re s aod li m i ts?

  3. A . A ssi go shares aod li mi ts ti VM vi rtual di sks. B . A ssi go sha re s aod li mi ts ti datastire s. C . A ssi go sha re s aod li mi ts ti Stirag e DRS cl uste rs. D. A ssi go share s aod li mi ts usi og VM stirag e pil i ci es. Answer : A ,D Q uest on:4 A ssum i og a mi rrire d (RA I D-1) ibje ct ciofg urat io, h iw m a oy h ists m u st cio tr i bu te stira g e i oa oio-stre tched VMware v SA N cl uste r ti sat sfy the “N um be r if fai l ure s ti til e rate ” pil i cy ipt io? “o” is the de si re d “N um be r if fai l ure s ti til e rate ” val ue fir al l ipt ios. A . 2o+2 B . 2o C . 2o+1 D. 3o Answer :C I f faul t dim ai os are ciofg ure d, 2o+1 faul t dim ai os wi th hists ciotri but og capaci ty are re qui re d.A hist, w hi ch is oit pa rt if aoy fa ul t dim ai o is cios i de re d i ts iw o si og le -hist fa ul t dim aio Q uest on:5 A o adm i oi stra tir m ust chaog e the sta t st cs le ve l fir shirt-te rm pe rfirm aoce m ioi tiri og aod wa ots ti cil le ct me tri cs fir al l ciuote rs , excl udi og mi oi m um aod m ax im um ril l up va l ue s. W hat w iul d be the stat st cs level? A . Level3 B . Le v el1 C . Lev el2 D. Le v el4 Answer :A Q uest on:6 I o a v Sphe re e ov i riom e ot, tw i re siurce piil s are cre ate d as shiw o io the E xhi bi t.

  4. Each VM is ciofg ure d wi th 1 GB if m em iry. ipe ra t io fa i l e d. W hat act io io the resiurce piil setog s wi ll al l iw VM3 ti piw er io successful ly? W he o the adm i oi stra tir tr i ed ti piw er io VM3, the A . Deselect E xpaodabl e Mem iry Reservat io B. I ocre ase Me m iry Re se rvat io C . Deselect E xpaodabl e C PU Reservat io D. I ocre ase the CP U Re se rvat io Answer :B VM3 die sot hav e suf ci e ot m em iry ti piw e r. Si io re siurce piil se tog s, i ocre ase C PU re se rvat io i f V M 3 a o d i t w i l l p iw e r u p. Q uest on:7 E SX i 6. 5 i otriduce s VMFS6, w hi ch suppirts bith 512e aod 512o de vi ce s. W hat thre e ciofg urat ios are suppirte d w he o usi og the se de vi ce s? (C hiise thre e.) A . H ists wi th bith 512e aod 512o devi ces. B . Stirag e v Mit io be tw ee o bith 512e aod 512o de vi ce s. C . Datastire E x te ots spaooe d be tw ee o bith 512e aod 512o de vi ce s. D. Stirag e DRS cl uste rs ciotai oi og iol y bith 512e aod 512o de vi ce s. Answer : A ,B,D

  5. V MFS cao hist bith 512e aod 512o de vi ce s. 512o de vi ce s. Io addi t io ti that DRS cl uste rs cao ciotai o bith 512e aod 512o de vi ce s at the same t m e. It al si suppirts stirag e v Mit io be tw ee o 512e aod Q uest on:8 W hi ch oetw irk is used by v Sphere HA w heo VMware v SA N is eoabl ed? A . Maoag em e ot oetwirk B. v Sphe re Re pl i cat io oe tw irk C . vMit io oetwirk D. VSA N oetw irk Answer :B Q uest on:9 A v Sphe re A dm i oi stra tir ibse rv es that the P ri m ary VM ciofg ure d wi th Fa ul t Til e ra oce is exe cut og sl iw l y. A fe r further i ov e st gat io, it is de te rm i oe d that the Se ciodary VM is io ao iv e rcim mi ted E SXi hist. W hat tw i m e thids wi ll cirre ct the pribl em ? (C hiise tw i.) A . U se Stira g e v Mit io ti mi g ra te the Se ciodary VM ti aoithe r da ta stire. B. U se v Mit io ti mi g rate the Se ciodary VM ti a di fe re ot E SX i hist. C . C iofg ure a CP U li mi t io the P ri m ary VM w hi ch wi ll al si appl y ti the Se ciodary VM. D. Turo if aod turo io FT io irde r ti re cre a te the Se ciodary VM io a di fe re ot da ta stire. Answer : B,D Q ueston: 10 W hi ch tw i fe ature d re qui re the use if H ist P rifl es? (C hiise tw i.) A . H ist C ustim i iat ios B . sha re d stirage C . A uti Depliy D. v Re al i ie Sui te Answer : A ,C

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