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“Should pit bulls be banned in Colorado?”

“Should pit bulls be banned in Colorado?”. Grandview High School By Jason B, Garrett B, Matthew C, Brittany C, Ida J, Lamar M, Joel M, Ray M, Matt N, Shawrun T, and Michael T May 2006. “I’m not bad.”. Panel One.

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“Should pit bulls be banned in Colorado?”

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  1. “Should pit bulls be banned in Colorado?” Grandview High School By Jason B, Garrett B, Matthew C, Brittany C, Ida J, Lamar M, Joel M, Ray M, Matt N, Shawrun T, and Michael T May 2006

  2. “I’m not bad.” Panel One The problem is that there are local breed–specific bans for vicious dogs and a 2004 state law does not allow breed-specific bans in Colorado.

  3. Problem Summary • When I remember my teacher’s sister’s story about her sister’s pit bull, she said that her sister was at church and the dog got loose. Her sister thinks that the neighbor let the dog loose from the leash. He went into the backyard and was shot by an officer by doing nothing in the backyard. He was shot because he was a pit bull, not because he was being aggressive. The pit bull had never bitten anyone and was not aggressive towards people. Is that fair? Should a specific breed of dog be targeted by people as being aggressive? Our class does not think so.

  4. In the media, articles and news stories appear that show how pit bulls attack or are aggressive. People are being attacked by pit bulls, according to the media. Dogs other than pit bulls are also aggressive and/or attack people, but they are not the focus of the media. Pit bulls receive negative response from the media. • In Colorado, a 2004 state law “prohibits cities from outlawing pit bulls and other breeds…” (Rocky Mountain News, 1/25/2006, page 14A). This law is “basically meaningless because it’s not being enforced” (Rocky Mountain News, 1/25/2006, page 14A). Even though this law exists, cities across the state are enforcing pit bull bans or adopting them at record pace (Rocky Mountain News, 1/25/2006, page 14A). • This is a problem because Aurora has banned pit bulls along with Denver and Commerce City. Parker and Longmont talked about banning them but decided not to ban them after city council meetings.

  5. This term, the Colorado state legislature is addressing this issue. Currently, they are looking at SB (Senate Bill) 25 which would require owners to disclose that their dog is dangerous if it has been declared so by a judge. This bill is being sponsored by Sen. Dave Owen, a Republican from Greeley. He thinks that it is needed to protect the handlers who come into contact with the dog. • On January 24, 2006, “[a] panel of Colorado senators rejected a bill that would have let cities and towns declare bans on specific breeds of dogs, affirming a state law that passed two years ago” (Denver Post, 1/25/2006, page 2B). • In response to a pit bull ban, Dr. Todd Towell, president of the Colorado Veterinarian and Medical Association, said that “[I]f you ban pit bulls, the dog will have to be hit or beaten to attack someone. (Rocky Mountain News, 1/25/2006, page 14A). Towell testified to the Colorado Senate that “breed-specific bans punished responsible dog owners who do not train their dogs to attack without provocation” (Denver Post, 1/25/2006, page 2B). • “Opponents of breed-specific legislation contend that pit bulls are being unfairly targeted and labeled as vicious and dangerous. They urged state lawmakers to back legislation that punished irresponsible owners – not the breed” (Rocky Mountain News, 1/25/2006, page 14A). As a class, we feel the owner should be fined if he/she has an aggressive dog and if the owner doesn’t pay the bill he will be thrown in jail.

  6. Current Policy in Aurora What the law says:- • The ban affects pit bulls and seven other breeds with similar characteristics • Pit bulls registered within 90 days of the laws passage may remain in Aurora; new pit bulls are forbidden • Owners must register pit bulls for $200 annually • Pit bulls must be microchipped and spayed or neutered • Owners must carry $100,000 liability insurance • Pit bulls must be muzzled while in public, confined in secure pens or on a short leash while outside; owners may play with dogs in back yards with 6-foot fences • Homes with pit bulls must display a warning sign • Violators may be fined $700

  7. Current Policy inDenver What the law says: • Denver’s pit bull law prohibits any person from owning, possessing, keeping, exercising control over, maintaining, harboring or selling a pit bull in the city and county of Denver. • It is permissible to transport a pit bull directly through Denver, from a starting point outside of Denver, provide that the city and country of Denver. • A pit bull is defined in the ordinance as any dog that is an American Pit Bull Terrier, an American Staffordshire Terrier, a Straffordshire Bull Terrier, or any dog displaying the majority of physical traits of any one or more of these breeds. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/4467849/detail.html

  8. Current Policy in Commerce City What the law says: • “The ban would be similar to Denver's strict ban on pit bulls but one difference is that Commerce City's ban would allow current pit bull owners in the city to keep their dogs, as long as they register the dog and comply with strict conditions regarding insuring the dog and securing it behind a cement-reinforced chain-link fence.” (TheDenverChannel.com) • Vicious Animals and Pit Bull Terriers -- It is illegal for anyone to own, keep, possess or maintain vicious animals, including any pit bull terrier or pit bull terrier mix, within the city, unless such animal is confined with a six foot fence and it has no less than six inch secure lining around the base. • http://www.ci.commerce-city.co.us/departments/public_safety_info.html

  9. Disagreements in Community • Non-pit bull owners • Certain members of government • People and family members of people who have been victims of pit bull attacks

  10. Do you think there should be a statewide ban on owning pit bulls? http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/4770275/detail.html

  11. “I’m not bad.” Panel Two Alternative Policies

  12. Advantages There will be no more dead dogs. There will be no more attack dogs. Only good pit bulls will be in the city. Disadvantages Some people will do dog fights. It will cost money to enforce. The bad owner will get another dog and train it to be mean. Alternative 1: Take the dog from owner who has trained it to fight and/or be mean.

  13. Advantages It will help stop attacks and fights. It will give money from violators to help dogs in critical condition. It will make sure dogs are not killed without reason. Disadvantages It might increase dog fights and attacks. The owner will not own up to his/her penalties. The pit bull has still hurt or injured someone. Alternative 2:Ban the deed not the breed - If a pit bull attacks someone, increase the penalties of the owner.

  14. Advantages It will stop dog fights. Kids and parents might fell safer being around dogs. It will ban the dogs who deserve to be punished, not the innocent dogs who may be of one breed, but who have not hurt anyone. Disadvantages Some people will always find dogs that they can train to attack. Some people will want to continue to ban certain breeds. Some people will always blame pit bulls for being mean/vicious. Alternative 3: Have a ban for dogs that attack, no matter what breed they are.

  15. “I’m not bad.” Panel Three Our Proposed Policy

  16. Our Proposed Policy • The owner of the vicious dog who has bitten/ attacked someone will receive the following punishments. 1. Take the dog away and place it in the pound or a foster home. 2. Fine the owner based on the following: a. pays the medical bills for a person who has been bitten. b. $200 fine for biting/attacking someone. c. the owner cannot get or receive another dog.

  17. Is it Constitutional? • Yes. • It does not violate any part of the State or United States Constitution.

  18. Agency of Government • Local and state • The state has a law that does not allow cities/counties to ban specific breeds. • Various local governments have banned specific breeds of dogs which violates state law. • The Colorado Supreme Court determined that Denver had “home-rule status” and their ban could remain in 2005.

  19. “I’m not bad” Panel Four Action Plan

  20. Steps we will follow: • Research. a. We interviewed people. 1. School Resource Officer 2. Grandview High School Dean 3. Grandview High School Counselor 4. Parent 5. Aurora City Council member b. We looked up things on the internet. c. We called the people to see if they think we should ban pit bulls.

  21. Conduct a poll. a. Compile results b. Make graphs/charts • Gather research and ideas. • Establish alternative solutions. • Compose a class policy. • Share our class policy with a member of the Aurora City Council member.

  22. Supporters • People say that you should blame the deed and it’s not the dogs fault.

  23. Opponents • People say that pit bulls are born Vicious and they should be banned.

  24. Sources Brouillette, Amy. "Aurora closer to pit-bull limits." Denver Post 27 September 2005 09 September 2005 <http://www.denverpost.com/portlet/article/html/fragments/print_article.jsp?article=3065317>. Caldwell, Alicia. Pit bull case a legal gray area." Denver Post 06 November 2005: C. Carman, Diane. Pit bull ban is a start, not a panacea." Denver Post 06 November 2005. "City of Longmont." Current Legislative Status of Breed-Specific Legislation. 11 November 2005 <http://www.ci.longmont.co.us/survey/dogs/#stats>. Dashevskaya, Sonnet . "Austin Lost Pets." Pit Bull Fact vs. Legend. 14 March 2001. 16 November 2005 <http://www.austinlostpets.com/kidskorner/2October/pitbull.htm>. "Denver Channel." Commerce City Considers Pit Bull Ban - Survey. 26 July 2005. 11 November 2005 <http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/4770275/detail.html>. "Denver's 7." Denver Fighting to Keep Pit-Bull Ban. 27 April 2004. 09 September 2005 <http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/3240513/detail.html>. Hughes, Trevor. "Longmont FYI." City considers breed ban. 08 February 2006. The Daily Times-Call. 16 February 2006 <http://www.longmontfyi.com/Local-Story.asp?ID=6093>. Ingold, John. "Commerce City bans new pit bulls, muzzles the rest." Denver Post 20 September 2005 30 September 2005 <http://www.denverpost.com/portlet/article/html/fragments/print_article.jsp?article=3044689>.

  25. Jack, Ida. Personal interview. 04 November 2005. Kass, Jeff. "Denver's pit bull ban roils owners." The Christian Science Monitor 17 June 2005 01 January 2006 <http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0617/p01s05-usgn.html>. "Map of Colorado." Comfortable Shoes. 02 February 2006. 02 February 2006 <http://www.comfortableshoes.com/images/denver_map.gif>. Meyer, Jeremy. "Denver Post." "Ow. Get off me. Bad dog. Bad dog.". 04 November 2005. 04 November 2005 <http://www.denverpost.com/portlet/article/html/fragments/print_article.jsp?article=3181017>. Meyer, Jeremy. Pit bull disputes head to court." Denver Post 14 February 2006. Miller, Barbara. "Pit Bull legislation in state legislature." E-mail to Terri Bramhall.20 January 2006. "Ministry of the Attorney General." News Release. 15 October 2004. Ontario Government. 06 February 2006 <http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/news/2004/20041015-pitbulls-nr.asp>. Nukal, Parus. Personal interview. 17 November 2005. O'Connell, J.C.. "Aurora adopts pit bull ban." The Aurora Daily Sun & Sentinel October 25, 200525 October 2005 03 November 2005 <http://www.aurorasentinel.com/print.sap?ArticleID=10989&SectionID=8&SubSectionID=8>. O'Connell, J.C.. "Aurora slams door on pit bulls." The Aurora Daily Sun & Sentinel 11 October 2005 03 November 2005 <http://www.aurorasentinel.com/print.asp?ArticleID=10885&SectionID=8&SubSectionID=8>.

  26. "Pit Bull Rescue Center." The Pit Bull Educational Packet. 2004. 11 November 2006 <http://www.pbrc.net/misc/PBRC_presspack.pdf>. "Pit Bulls." WB2 News. WB2, Denver. 13 November 2005. "Stafford: Ban on pit bulls doesn't resolve city's problem with vicious dogs." Aurora Sentinel and Daily Sun Online 05 October 2005 3 November 2005 <http://www.aurorasentinel.com/print.asp?ArticleID=10835&SectionID=16&SubSectionID...>. "The Denver Channel." Pit Bulls Banned Again in Denver. 09 May 2005. 22 November 2005 <http://www.thedenverchannel.com/print/4467849/detail.html>. "The State of Colorado." Office of the Governor - Press Office. 21 April 2004. 06 February 2006 <http://www.state.co.us/owenspress/04-21-04a.htm>. Washington, April. Pit-bull aficionados criticize Denver ban." Rocky Mountain News [Denver]21 April 2005.

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