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My ROOT Exercise with MC Ntuples. Wen -Chen Chang 2010/12/15. Outline. 姚錫弘 successfully converts the MySQL tables of MC run into a ROOT ntuple file with an event-loop structure: /sp8data11/ shyao / rootfile /r321test.root .
My ROOT Exercise with MC Ntuples Wen-Chen Chang 2010/12/15
Outline • 姚錫弘successfully converts the MySQL tables of MC run into a ROOT ntuple file with an event-loop structure: /sp8data11/shyao/rootfile/r321test.root . • As an exercise of ROOT, I study the E906 acceptance of dimuon pairs in mass, xf, x1, x2, phi_muand theta_mu.
Ntuple Variables/sp8data11/shyao/rootfile/branchname.txt *Tree :event : A tree with data taken from SQL, 2010/12/01 * *Entries : 406055 : Total = 1835613408 bytes File Size = 1149489047 * *Br 0 :runID : runID/I * *Br 1 :seed : seed/I * *Br 2 :nEvGen : nEvGen/I * *Br 3 :extraWeight : extraWeight/D * *Br 4 :beamMomentum : beamMomentum/D * *Br 5 :beamCurrent : beamCurrent/D * *Br 6 :asciiFieldMap : asciiFieldMap/O * *Br 7 :energyCut : energyCut/D * *Br 8 :recordMethod : recordMethod[10]/C * *Br 9 :eventPos : eventPos[10]/C * *Br 10 :dimuonSource : dimuonSource[10]/C * *Br 11 :dimuonRepeat : dimuonRepeat/I * *Br 12 :magneticField : magneticField/O * *Br 13 :generator : generator[32]/C * *Br 14 :trackingEnergyCut : trackingEnergyCut/D * *Br 15 :trackingZCut : trackingZCut/D * *Br 16 :numSpills : numSpills/I * *Br 17 :numHits : numHits/I * *Br 18 :numTracks : numTracks/I * *Br 19 :numDimuons : numDimuons/I * *Br 20 :timeStart : timeStart[32]/C * *Br 21 :timeStop : timeStop[32]/C * *Br 22 :geoVersion : geoVersion[128]/C * *Br 23 :lastUpdate : lastUpdate[32]/C * *Br 24 :spillID : spillID/I * *Br 25 :target : target[32]/C * *Br 26 :eventID : eventID/I * *Br 27 :nDimuons : nDimuons/I * *Br 28 :nTracks : nTracks/I * *Br 29 :mProcessCode : mProcessCode[32]/C * *Br 30 :mWeight : mWeight/D * *Br 31 :mMandS : mMandS/D * *Br 32 :mMandU : mMandU/D * *Br 33 :mMandT : mMandT/D * *Br 34 :mPT : mPT/D * *Br 35 :mInvarMass : mInvarMass/D * *Br 36 :mEventsGen : mEventsGen/I * *Br 37 :dimuonID : dimuonID/I * *Br 38 :trackID1 : trackID1/I * *Br 39 :trackID2 : trackID2/I * *Br 40 :mass : mass/D * *Br 41 :xF : xF/D * *Br 42 :x1 : x1/D * *Br 43 :x2 : x2/D * *Br 44 :pT : pT/D * *Br 45 :dx : dx/D * *Br 46 :dy : dy/D * *Br 47 :dz : dz/D * *Br 48 :dpx : dpx/D * *Br 49 :dpy : dpy/D * *Br 50 :dpz : dpz/D * *Br 51 :energy : energy/D * *Br 52 :phi_gam : phi_gam/D * *Br 53 :phi_mu : phi_mu/D * *Br 54 :theta_mu : theta_mu/D * *Br 55 :sigWeight : sigWeight/D * *Br 56 :acceptS123 : acceptS123/O * *Br 57 :acceptAll : acceptAll/O *
Ntuple Variables/sp8data11/shyao/rootfile/branchname.txt *Br 58 :trackID : trackID[nTracks]/I * *Br 59 :parentID : parentID[nTracks]/I * *Br 60 :parentID2 : parentID2[nTracks]/I * *Br 61 :particleID : particleID[nTracks]/I * *Br 62 :parentParticleID : parentParticleID[nTracks]/I * *Br 63 :parentParticleID2 : parentParticleID2[nTracks]/I * *Br 64 :x0 : x0[nTracks]/D * *Br 65 :y0 : y0[nTracks]/D * *Br 66 :z0 : z0[nTracks]/D * *Br 67 :xf : xf[nTracks]/D * *Br 68 :yf : yf[nTracks]/D * *Br 69 :zf : zf[nTracks]/D * *Br 70 :px0 : px0[nTracks]/D * *Br 71 :py0 : py0[nTracks]/D * *Br 72 :pz0 : pz0[nTracks]/D * *Br 73 :pxf : pxf[nTracks]/D * *Br 74 :pyf : pyf[nTracks]/D * *Br 75 :pzf : pzf[nTracks]/D * *Br 76 :ke0 : ke0[nTracks]/D * *Br 77 :thxSt1 : thxSt1[nTracks]/D * *Br 78 :thySt1 : thySt1[nTracks]/D * *Br 79 :thxSt2 : thxSt2[nTracks]/D * *Br 80 :thySt2 : thySt2[nTracks]/D * *Br 81 :charge : charge[nTracks]/S * *Br 82 :hitSt1 : hitSt1[nTracks]/O * *Br 83 :hitSt2 : hitSt2[nTracks]/O * *Br 84 :hitSt3 : hitSt3[nTracks]/O * *Br 85 :hitSt4 : hitSt4[nTracks]/O * *Br 86 :protonID : protonID[nTracks]/I * *Br 87 :nHits : nHits/I * *Br 88 :hitID : hitID[nHits]/I * *Br 89 :hit_trackID : hit_trackID[nHits]/I * *Br 90 :deltaEnergy : deltaEnergy[nHits]/D * *Br 91 :hx : hx[nHits]/D * *Br 92 :hy : hy[nHits]/D * *Br 93 :hz : hz[nHits]/D * *Br 94 :hpx : hpx[nHits]/D * *Br 95 :hpy : hpy[nHits]/D * *Br 96 :hpz : hpz[nHits]/D * *Br 97 :hit_particleID : hit_particleID[nHits]/I *
Acceptance= #of Event Accepted /# of Event Generated • In principle, the variable “acceptAll” should be 1 if both mu+ and mu- are detected in ST1-ST4. But somehow it was always zero when I first looked into it. So I use “hitSt4[0]*hitSt3[0]*hitSt2[0]*hitSt1[0]*hitSt4[1]*hitSt3[1]*hitSt2[1]*hitSt1[1]>0” to represent the cut condition of acceptance. • Right now it seems that the problem of “acceptAll” is fixed.
Dimuon Vertex in z Target Beam dump
/usrX/wchang/E906/Root/ accept_all.cc void accept_xfmass(){ // open the ROOT ntuple TFile* f = new TFile("/sp8data11/shyao/rootfile/r321test.root","READ"); TTree* event = f->Get("event"); //define the cuts TCut *target = new TCut("z0[0]<0 && z0[1] <0"); TCut *bmdump = new TCut("z0[0]>0 && z0[1] >0"); TCut *accept = new TCut("hitSt4[0]*hitSt3[0]*hitSt2[0]*hitSt1[0]*hitSt4[1]*hitSt3[1]*hitSt2[1]*hitSt1[1]>0"); //create the Canvas for plotting TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","canvas title",1200,900); c1->Divide(2,2); //book the histrograms TH2F *gen = new TH2F("gen","generated events",20,0,10,20,-1,1); TH2F *acp = new TH2F("acp","accepted events",20,0,10,20,-1,1); TH2F *eff = new TH2F("eff","efficiency",20,0,10,20,-1,1); //place the labeling of axises gen->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("mass"); gen->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("xf"); acp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("mass"); acp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("xf"); eff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("mass"); eff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("xf"); eff->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Efficency"); // plot the figures one by one c1->cd(1); event->Draw("xf:mass>>gen", *target); c1->cd(2); event->Draw("xf:mass>>acp", *target && *accept); eff->Divide(acp, gen, 1., 1., "b"); // getting efficiency c1->cd(3); eff->Draw("cont"); c1->cd(4); eff->Draw("lego"); // Output the plots as eps or jpg files c1->Print("eff_xfmass.eps"); c1->Print("eff_xfmass.jpg"); //Save the Canvas and histrograms into a file TFile *picf = new TFile("./acpt_xfmass.root","RECREATE"); c1->Write(); gen->Write(); acp->Write(); eff->Write(); picf->Close(); //close the ROOT ntuple f->Close(); }
Acceptance in “mass” Events of J/psi and DY.
Acceptance in “xf” Somehow the acceptance in xf is rather flat.?
Acceptance in “x2 vs. x1” Good acceptance in large x1 (beam) and small x2 (target).
Conclusion • The ROOT ntuple with the event-loop structure is easier for analysis. I urge the students to do the exercise ASAP. • PAW to ROOT conversion table: http://root.cern.ch/root/HowtoConvertFromPAW.html . • I have to admit that there is a non-negligible threshold of being experienced with ROOT for those who started with PAW for analysis. (I echo the comment given in http://qd.typepad.com/4/2005/08/i_hate_root.html .) • For the consideration of being competitive in data analysis for people with ages >40 like me, it will be very much appreciated if 姚錫弘 could also convert the MySQL tables into a PAW ntuple file with an event-loop structure.