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EVALUATION OF DENTAL RESEARCH IN FINLAND. The onset seminar, Helsinki 15.12.2006 Riitta Pahkala, Coordinator. TIMETABLE OF THE EVALUATION PROCESS. Evaluation criteria. The Units to be evalauted by the Panel: The departments of the Faculties of Dentistry (Helsinki, Oulu, Turku), and

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  1. EVALUATION OF DENTAL RESEARCH IN FINLAND The onset seminar, Helsinki 15.12.2006 Riitta Pahkala, Coordinator


  3. Evaluation criteria The Units to be evalauted by the Panel: • The departments of the Faculties of Dentistry (Helsinki, Oulu, Turku), and • The independent research institutes or relative parts of them, who have received Academy’s funding for dental research or related projects (Institute of Biotechnology (BI), Helsinki; Institute of Regenerative Medicine (REGEA), Tampere; National Public Health Institute (KTL); STAKES (Nat Res & Dev Ctr Welf & Hlth).

  4. SUGGESTED TIMETABLE OF SITE VISITS • Oulu University: June 11, 2007 • Turku University: June 12, 2007 • Helsinki University: June 13, 2007 • Inst Biotecnol, Nat Pub Healt Inst, STAKES?: June 13, Helsinki • Inst Regenerat Med, REGEA: June 12, Tampere

  5. EVALUATION FORM GENERAL INFORMATION • Organisation • Department or equivalent • Head of the Department • Head of the Research Group • Contact person for the Evaluation

  6. 1. Staff(on December 31, 2005) • Senior researchers • Post docs • Doctoral students • Other research staff • Visiting researchers and visiting research students • Total research active staff • Technical personnel • Administrative personnel • Other personnel

  7. 2. Scientific publishing • Describe the Unit’s research • Number of scientific publications and other outputs 2001-2005 (articles, monographs, other scientific publications, patents, computer programs, visiting lectures, radio/tv programmes and journals popularising science) List all research group’s publications (full articles) in 2001-2005, identify each article by IADR classification, and provide copies of senior researchers’ five best papers.

  8. Behavioral Sciences & Health Services Research/Epidemiology Cariology Research Craniofacial Biology Dental Anesthesiology Research Dental Materials Diagnostic Systems Education Research Geriatric Oral Research Implantology Research Microbiology/Immunology and Infection Control Mineralized Tissue 12)Neuroscience/TMD 13) Nutrition 14) Oral Health Research 15) Oral Medicine & Pathology 16) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 17) Periodontal Research 18) Pharmacology, Therapeutics, & Toxicology 19) Prosthodontics Research 20) Pulp Biology 21) Salivary Research 22) Evidence based dentistry 23) Other (identify) IADR classification to identify the research field of each publication

  9. 3. Doctoral training • List of doctoral dissertations 2001-2005 • Completed doctoral degrees • Employment of PhDs • Registered postgraduate PhD-students

  10. 4. The Unit’s collaboration contacts • Visits abroad • Visits to the Unit • Short but particularly important visits • Most important collaborators • Describe the most important outcomes of the visits and collaboration contacts

  11. 5. Other scientific and societal activities • Invited presentations in scientific conferences • Memberships in editorial boards of scientific journals • Prizes awarded to researchers, honours and scientific positions of trust • Memberships in committees and in scientific advisory boards or other similar tasks of no primarily adacemic nature

  12. 6. The Unit’s self-assessment • SWAT –evaluation of the Unit’s scientific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats • Benchmarking, evaluate the Unit in relation to its international leading scientific competitors • The Unit’s research strategy 2007-2009 • The societal impact of the Unit’s activities • Assess the academic and societal need for doctoral training within the Unit’s research fields and the Unit’s role in doctoral training • There is a growing concern that there will be not enough academic clinicians in the future: assess the main threats for that and make suggestions to improve the situation

  13. 7. Funding • The Unit’s core and external funding received from the parent organisation in years 2001-2005 Core funding: Budget funding for research, other External funding: Academy of Finland, Tekes, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Other public sources, Industry, Private foundations, Competitive EVO, Other foreign organisations The role of a) Academy of Finland and b) other funding organisations in promoting the scientific and societal impact of research

  14. Deadlines of the process • Jan 12, 2007: Evaluation forms to the Units • Mar 30, 2007: Delivery of evaluation documents!! • Jun 11, 2007: Condensed evaluation material to the panel • Jun 11-14, 2007: Site visits • Sep 17, 2007: Evaluation report to the Academy of Finland

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