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Customer Referrals & Employee Incentives Using Your Greatest Assets to Promote Your Services

Customer Referrals & Employee Incentives Using Your Greatest Assets to Promote Your Services. Tammy Wilkerson NISC. Overview. Benefits of customer referrals and employee incentives Getting everyone on board to promote & sell your products & services

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Customer Referrals & Employee Incentives Using Your Greatest Assets to Promote Your Services

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  1. Customer Referrals & Employee IncentivesUsing Your Greatest Assets to Promote Your Services Tammy Wilkerson NISC

  2. Overview • Benefits of customer referrals and employee incentives • Getting everyone on board to promote & sell your products & services • Member case studies (PGTelco, PTCI, South Slope, Endeavor Communications) • Your Billing/OSS software as a valuable tool

  3. Benefits of Referrals & Incentives • Heighten Brand Awareness • Increase Revenue Growth • Enhance Motivation Techniques • Utilize Those with Most Product Knowledge • Strengthen Relationships

  4. The Importance of Marketing • Educate • Marketing is a concern for everyone • Regular training is essential • Communicate • Keep all departments informed • Involvement • Team approach to decision making • Involve staff in the “fun” stuff

  5. Educate • Inform employees of the importance of marketing efforts • Company buy-in allows for greater success • Provide access to marketing collateral prior to campaigns

  6. Educate • Ensure employees know about software functionality available to them • Regular team meetings to bring all employees up to speed on new promotions • Weekly training to assist staff in better understanding product benefits & promotions

  7. Communicate • Prior to promotions, meet to discuss any potential challenges • Share results of successful campaigns with entire company • Multiple mediums to get information disseminated to all staff

  8. Involvement • Solicit ideas and feedback • Include marketing staff in decision making process • Invite all staff to take part in community events • Involve technicians in distribution of marketing collateral – demos, door hangers, flyers during installation

  9. Case Study - PG Telco • Employee Incentive Program • Incentive of Paid Time Off (PTO) for achieving company sales goals

  10. Employee Sales Incentives • Monthly & quarterly company-wide goals of High Speed Internet new installations • If made their goal, everyone in the company got 1 hour of PTO • Team-oriented approach

  11. Employee Sales Incentives • Tried individual goals for CSRs and Installation & Repair Staff • Based on totals, some employees could get up to 4 hours of PTO • Company-wide goals push everyone to boost sales • Employees happy with PTO rewarded

  12. Customer Referral Program • Refer friends & family & get the following rebates: • Express Service $20 • Express-Plus Service $30 • Elite Service or Above $40

  13. Customer Referral Program • If you are referred by a friend you get the following discounts: • Express Service $10/mo for 3 months • Express-Plus Service $15/mo for 3 months • Elite Service or Above $20/mo for 3 months

  14. Case Study - PTCI • Customer Referral Program • Employee Incentive Programs • Installer/Repairmen & Repair Clerk Incentive Program

  15. Statement Message

  16. Customer Referral Coupon

  17. Referral Program Results • 130 referral coupons returned in 2012 compared to 44 in 2009 • Approx. 195% increase!

  18. PTCI Employee Incentive Programs

  19. Employee Incentive Card

  20. Spanish Side

  21. Employee Incentive Card Program • 243 cards brought back by customers from January through December 2012 • Extended to employee’s children • Cell Phone Program • Separate Incentive Card

  22. Employee Child Incentive Card

  23. Employee Child Incentive Program • 40 cards turned in by 20 children in 2012 • Free use of most popular phones • Those who had cards returned get to upgrade

  24. PTCI Incentive Card Program Approx. 30%increase in incentive card revenue since 2009

  25. Installer/Repairmen & Repair Clerk Incentive Program

  26. Repairmen & Repair Clerk Incentive Program • Number of items sold and/or up-sold • The installer receives half of the monthly revenue one time • Extended to repair clerks since they are on the phone with customers • April, May and June – highest months

  27. CSR Incentive Program

  28. Upselling Efforts • Number of items sold and/or up-sold • November & December– highest months • Average of approx. $3,675/year per CSR

  29. Case Study – South Slope Cooperative Communications • Customer Referral Program • No Strings Attached! • Team Effort

  30. Team Effort • No Strings Attached – turning technicians into sales people • Teams have members from each department – everyone works together • Employees brought 60 referrals in 1 week!

  31. Case Study - Endeavor Communications • Organizational Message • Referral Program • Total Team Effort

  32. Total Involvement

  33. Endeavor’s Cooperative Message We Are The Technology Leaders in Your Community!

  34. Realtor Referrals • In contact with area realtors to participate in referral program • Fantastic time for buyers • Local cooperative connection • Additional partnerships! • Meeting with area realtor boards & supplying them with refer a friend brochures

  35. Insurance Agencies Who are our businesses and how do we connect to them?

  36. Spreading the Word • Focus groups – review employee suggestions, ideas & keep in touch! • Working together– keep communication lines open • Training – what are we selling? • Everyone has responsibility to represent the cooperative!

  37. Your B/OSS Software as a Tool • Targeted Marketing Messages • Customized Bill Inserts & Statement Messages • Online Customer Account Management • Customer Engagement Apps • Upselling Efforts • CSRs upselling to reach incentives • Did you hear about our customer referral program? • Follow-Up

  38. Your B/OSS Software as a Tool • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool • Helpful tracking • User-defined fields • Churn Analysis • Reason for adding service • Evaluation of marketing tactics

  39. Your B/OSS Software as a Tool • Promotional Maintenance • Tie a specific code to referral • Ad Hoc Reporting • Quick Customer Accounts

  40. Summary With Incentive & Referral Programs You Can: • Heighten Brand Awareness • Increase Revenue Growth • Enhance Motivation Techniques • Utilize Those with Most Product Knowledge • Strengthen Relationships

  41. Questions &Discussion

  42. Thank You

  43. For More Information Tammy Wilkerson 319-841-8415tammy.wilkerson@nisc.coop

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