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Neutron detector for SPIRAL2

Neutron detector for SPIRAL2. FP7-SPIRAL2: Neutron Wall. Construction of new infrastructures – prepartory phase FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1 SPIRAL2 PREPARATORY PHASE. Work Plan. In two years we have to write a proposal with technical details for the future ‘neutron wall’

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Neutron detector for SPIRAL2

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  1. Neutron detector for SPIRAL2

  2. FP7-SPIRAL2: Neutron Wall Construction of new infrastructures – prepartory phase FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1 SPIRAL2 PREPARATORY PHASE Work Plan • In two years we have to write a proposal with technical details for the future ‘neutron wall’ • Economical aspects and current status: A. Maj

  3. FP7-SPIRAL2: Neutron Wall

  4. In-beam gamma spectroscopy Proton-rich: Far away from valley of stability. Study of isospin symmetry for medium mass nuclei. High-angular covarage: High efficiency Neutron gamma discrimination High multiplicity Neutron-rich: Neutron emmission veto to get the most exotic nuclei High-angular coverage: High efficiency Neutron gamma discrimination Gamma delayed n-emission, unbound states High-angular covarage: High efficiency Measuring Eneutron? Neutron gamma discrimination Other reactions ... Physics Motivations

  5. Off-beam gamma spectroscopy Delayed neutron emission in beta decay What do we need? High efficiency Good energy resolution and low threshold Physics Motivation Are all these requirements compatible? Presentation: F. Delaunay

  6. High Efficiency (nuclear break-up, fusion-evaporation neutrons) Good energy resolution Low energy threshold Neutron gamma discrimination High multiplicity (Diminished cross-talk) Digital Compact electronics Variable thickness? New materials .... Some Requirements

  7. Solid angle (different configurations for the different phases of AGATA and EXOGAM2) → Modular detector. Intrinsic efficiency: Material Efficiency

  8. Efficiency: The phases of AGATA 2008 (2009) (2015) 15 capsules ~3% 45 capsules ~9% 135 capsules ~30% 1p 3p Presentation: A. Gadea

  9. TOF Pulse shape analysis Discrimination gamma-neutron Discrimination using TOF and zero-cross-over (ZCO) in BC501A scintillator in the neutron wall Analogical electronics http://nsg.tsl.uu.se/nwall/results/nwall-zco-tof.pdf

  10. Dinamic range Sampling time Band Width Digital Pulse shape discrimination .... Digital Electronics Presentation: P.A. Soderstrom

  11. Optimization of geometry to distinguish between 1n, 2n, ..., i-n Dimished cross-talk (multiple hit) Neutron multiplicity J. Ljungvall, M. Palacz and J. Nyberg, NIM A 528 (2004) 741–762

  12. Multiple scattering: Neutron Wall

  13. Simple Simulations. Started a Geant4 simulation: Two barrels of BC501A (carbon-hydrogen based liquid scintillator) An initial idea is to increase distance between the neighbouring detectors BUT without decreasing the solid angle.

  14. 500 mm Simulations TOF between neighbouring detectors Dimensions D=100mm L=150 Neutron source • Monocromatic source 2 MeV • Gamma multiplicity = 0 • Neutron multiplicity = 1 or 2

  15. Simulations Two neutrons 2n t2 t1 t2=t1+Δt One scattered neutron n t1

  16. Simulations Preliminary results from the simulations: Both peaks are slightly shifted just a few channels. It is not possible to distinguish between them. Two neutrons One scattered neutron Tdiff Still everything very preliminary, among other things there is a kinematical dependence

  17. High intrinsic efficiency Good time and Energy resolution Puse shape discrimination Safer chemical properties (toxicity and flammability) ... New Materials Presentation: L. Stuttge

  18. What physics we want to do? Define the detector characteristics Simulations: Geometry of the neutron detector for SPIRAL2 for the different phases of AGATA and EXOGAM2 (modular detectors?) Digital electronics New materials. FP7 SPIRAL2 Preparatory Phase: Report ready in two years Summary

  19. Define working groups Detector characteristics (Physics) Geometry (Simulations) Study New Materials Digital Electronics Other tasks? How to proceed?

  20. Neutron detector for SPIRAL2 (J. Valiente) Coupling of the neutron detector with AGATA (A. Gadea) New neutron detector material “Neutromania” (L. Stuttge) Neutron detector developments at LPC Caen (F. Delaunay) Digital pulse shape discrimination (P.A. Soderstrom) New neutron detector array at TRIUMF (S. Williams) PARIS project and its synergy with neutron detectors (A. Maj) DISCUSSION At some point coffe and lunch Chairman: B. Wadsworth Programme

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