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Animal Behavior

Animal Behavior. What is behavior?. Animal Behaviors. A behavior is anything an animal does in response to a stimulus (stimuli) in its environment. Animals use behavioral adaptations for survival and reproduction. How does this relate to evolution?

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Animal Behavior

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  1. Animal Behavior What is behavior?

  2. Animal Behaviors • A behavior is anything an animal does in response to a stimulus (stimuli) in its environment. • Animals use behavioral adaptations for survival and reproduction.

  3. How does this relate to evolution? These behaviors have adaptive value if they are controlled by genes and contribute to the survival of the animal.

  4. Adaptive Value? • Territoriality – ensures adequate space and resources for reproduction Courtship Behaviors (Sexual selection)– ensures beneficial genes are passed on to offspring

  5. There are two basic types of behavior: • Innate (instinct) • Learned What is an innate behavior? What is a learned behavior? Which one is this:

  6. Innate behaviors • A behavior that is not learned but determined by your genes. • An instinct is a complex pattern of innate behavior.

  7. Taxis: movement toward or away from a stimulus. Examples of Innate Behaviors

  8. Examples of Innate Behaviors • Migration– seasonal movement of animals, usually in response to changes in day length; ensures survival and reproduction.

  9. Examples of Innate Behaviors • Estivation – Dormancy in response to extreme hot • Hibernation – Dormancy in response to extreme cold • Most animals do NOT sleep through the entire winter. Their metabolism/activity slows greatly to conserve energy.

  10. Learned behaviors • A behavior that an animal acquires during its lifetime. It changes through practice or experience. • Chimpanzee using a tool

  11. Examples of Learned Behaviors • Habituation- Animal stops responding to a stimulus that isn’t meaningful.

  12. Types of Learned Behaviors • Classical conditioning-responseto a stimulus learned by association with a specific action (example: bell rings?) • Classical conditioning

  13. Types of Learned Behaviors Trial and Error (Operant Conditioning) • Animal associates an action (behavior) with a positive or negative response

  14. Types of Learned Behaviors • Insight Learning (Reasoning) – Animal uses previous experience to respond to a new situation.

  15. Types of Learned Behaviors Imprinting – Animal forms a strong attachment to another organism (hopefully, Mom)

  16. Social Behaviors • Social behaviors occur when animals interact with their own species. • Can be innate, learned, or a combination of both. • Usually some form of communication is exhibited in social behavior. Examples: -territoriality -courtship -communication

  17. Visual Social Behaviors • Bee Waggle Dance – Complex movement that bees use to tell other bees in hive location and distance to a good food source. • Courtship dances – Sexual • selection

  18. Social Behavior • Pheromones – Hormones with odor • Adaptive value in ants/termites? • Sexual reproduction Sound – Bird Calls, whale songs, dog barking Language – ?

  19. Behavioral Cycles • Many animals respond to periodic changes in the environment with daily or seasonal cycles of behavior. • Circadian rhythm – 24 Hr. cycle of behavior • Migration/Estivation/Hibernation – seasonal responses

  20. Animal Behaviors • Battle at Kruger • While watching the video, list the types of animal behaviors observed. • Record the stimuli and the responses that define the behaviors.

  21. Animal Behavior Concept Maps Pgs. 13-14

  22. Study Guide pgs. 16-18

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