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Evidence to Support the Scale-up of Work with Men: The Men and Gender Equality Policy Project

Evidence to Support the Scale-up of Work with Men: The Men and Gender Equality Policy Project. Margaret E. Greene, mgreene@icrw.org. Men and Masculinities in the Global Gender Discourse.

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Evidence to Support the Scale-up of Work with Men: The Men and Gender Equality Policy Project

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  1. Evidence to Support the Scale-up of Work with Men:The Men and Gender Equality Policy Project Margaret E. Greene, mgreene@icrw.org

  2. Men and Masculinities in the Global Gender Discourse Gender is increasingly being used as a basis for creating and implementing public policies and publicly supported services. But there is still much confusion about what to do with men.

  3. Obstacles to Change • Great laws on the books, uneven implementation • Men don’t always demand the goods and services available to them • Structural obstacles to making good policies work, e.g., difficulty in including men at births/in services • Some resistance to working with men: men’s health & interests versus gender equality

  4. Key Questions for Policy Development • Question is not if men & masculinities are changing, but how and why. • Men and masculinities are changing all the time. • So what are the factors associated with that change?

  5. What Needs to Happen for Policy Change: Project Goals • Need to make men “visible” in discussions of gender equality • Need to look at efforts to influence both individual behavior and change structures • Need to make gender equality more accessible to more people

  6. Project Objectives • Identify and try to explain changes in men and masculinities across diverse cultural settings • Identify major trends, patterns, opportunities and obstacles to policies promoting gender equitable behaviors among men • Use our analysis and frameworks to support and advocate for the evolution of policy

  7. Project Activities • Conduct comparative research in India, Mexico, Brazil, Croatia, Chile & South Africa (UK, US and likely others to join later) to understand factors associated with men’s changing behaviors • Policy analysis • Qualitative research • Quantitative IMAGES survey

  8. Project Activities • Develop a conceptual framework and national policy advocacy briefing for each setting for analyzing and promoting large-scale change among men re: gender • Drawing on highlights from the country settings, develop a comparative analysis and framework for international uses • Develop a video documentary of men and change in diverse settings presenting the major findings and an alternative discourse on men and change.

  9. Policy analysis • Which policies do we want to include? • Which policies have sought to influence the gendered behavior of men directly? • What have been the limitations of such policies? • Which policies have indirectly influenced men’s behavior? • Which policies are missing?

  10. Qualitative Component:“Men Who Care” • Methods: A two-part truncated life historyinterview to be conducted with 20 men in each setting • Focus: Study of men who display behaviors running counter to traditional masculinity • Through what processes and influences did these men come to engage in these more gender equitable forms of behavior? • To what extent do these practices coexist with dissonance on gender equitable attitudes or practices in other areas of these men’s lives?

  11. Survey Objectives • Assess current behaviors and attitudes of men on a wide range of issues as they relate to gender equality, including fatherhood, use of violence in intimate and sexual relationships, work-life balance, etc. • Compare these results with women’s attitudes and behaviors on many of the same issues. • Assess men’s knowledge of and attitudes toward about policies that have sought to promote gender equality in their country • Explore factors that may explain variation in men’s behaviors in their family lives and intimate and sexual relationships

  12. Survey Application • 1500 men (ages 18-59) and 500 women (18-59) in each country. • Random household survey based in two urban areas, one a secondary city. • At least 90% of questions in final instrument will be common across all countries; up to 10% may be country specific

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