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The Yalta & Potsdam Conferences

The Yalta & Potsdam Conferences. to consider whether the Cold War started in1945. In the beginning…. In may 1945 American troops entered Berlin from the west, as Russian troops moved in from the East. They met and celebrated victory together.

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The Yalta & Potsdam Conferences

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  1. The Yalta & Potsdam Conferences to consider whether the Cold War started in1945.

  2. In the beginning… • In may 1945 American troops entered Berlin from the west, as Russian troops moved in from the East. • They met and celebrated victory together. • Yet 3 years later they were arguing over Berlin and war seemed a real possibility.

  3. YALTA – Feb 1945

  4. YALTA – Feb 1945 • Feb 1945 – obvious Germany was losing the war in Europe so the allies met • Yalta = Ukraine • Met to decide what should happen after Germanys defeat • Despite differences the conference went well

  5. Yalta Agreements • Stalin agreed to enter the war against the Japan once Germany had surrendered. • Germany to be divided into 4 zones – British, French, American & Soviet (Berlin there though also divided into 4). • They would hunt and punish war criminals

  6. Yalta Agreements • Stalin could have some influence over Eastern Europe – but their would be free elections to choose Govt • Germany should pay reparations • All would join the United Nations (aim for peace)

  7. PROBLEMS • Relations between Churchill & Stalin were frosty • The greatest source of conflict was over Poland • The Soviets had established a communist friendly Govt there • The allies didn’t want that

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybnzMnFEWJY&feature=related

  9. POTSDAM – July to August 1945 • Potsdam = Berlin suburb – many changes since Yalta. • Stalin’s armies occupied most of Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech, Poland, Finland) • America had a new President – Roosevelt had died – Truman was more anti communist • The allies had tested the atomic bomb

  10. DISAGREEMENTS AT POTSDAM • July 1945 = British election (now Clement Atlee deeply suspicious of Stalin) • In a very hostile atmosphere: • Disagreed over what to do with Germany (Stalin wanted to cripple it – USA no) • Reparations – Russia wanted them - the USA did not want a repeat of the TOV • Truman agreed – bitterly – to recognise the Polish Govt

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQu4YLOajuA

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