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Health for all Children — A Sustainable Goal

Several children go to bed without food every day. In addition, children go through lot of abuse and are often left with negligible facilities. India has the highest percentage of underweight children in the world.

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Health for all Children — A Sustainable Goal

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  1. About membership Sign in Get started CRY - Child Rights and You May 14 · 2 min read Follow Health for all Children — A Sustainable Goal With PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

  2. Several children go to bed without food every day. In addition, children go through lot of abuse and are often left with negligible facilities. India has the highest percentage of underweight children in the world.(source —  Livemint) The worst of all problems is according a low priority to healthcare. India has been fighting malnutrition and several health issues for a long time now. Children suffer the most as they are vulnerable and do not have access to adequate facilities. It is also equally important to educate the underprivileged about health and hygiene issues. There are many non-profit organizations that are engaged in providing a better life to these children. One of the most well known NGOs is Child Rights and You. Working in 19 states of India, the NGO is known for its work related to child rights advocacy. One of the prime factors on which it has been working for is health. 19.8 million children below age 6 in India are undernourished (ICDS 2015). CRY aims to improve the situation in its intervention areas with the assistance of its channel partners. In past, the NGO has made remarkable efforts in creating happy and healthy childhoods. They have several successful campaigns to their credit. In the same way, the NGO wishes to With PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

  3. successful campaigns to their credit. In the same way, the NGO wishes to help children who are in need. The goals are just not restricted to health but also on assisting in implementing a systematic child education planand equally contributing towards child abuse in India as well. You can also join and help in the causes that are affecting the country’s development. You can donate to CRY and let your contribution go in the process of helping children. Attaining health is just not about one time accomplishment, it needs to be a sustainable goal. When you donate, the money no matter how small, goes to the respective channel partner who are working in the direction of health. With adequate help and assistance, children from different backgrounds are given competent facilities and infrastructure. All you need to do is donate to CRY. Make a difference and donate today! Child Education Plan Child Abuse In India Like what you read? Give CRY - Child Rights and You a round of applause. From a quick cheer to a standing ovation, clap to show how much you enjoyed this story. 5 With PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

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