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Epithelial Tissue. GENERAL LOCATION. Body coverings Body linings Glandular tissue. GENERAL FUNCTIONS. Protection Absorption Filtration Secretion. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. Cells fit closely together Tissue layer always has one free surface
GENERAL LOCATION • Body coverings • Body linings • Glandular tissue
GENERAL FUNCTIONS • Protection • Absorption • Filtration • Secretion
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS • Cells fit closely together • Tissue layer always has one free surface • The lower surface is bound by a basement membrane • Avascular (no blood supply) • Regenerates easily if well nourished
CLASSIFICATION • Number of Cell Layers -Simple: one cell layer -Stratified: more than one cell layer • Cell Shape -Squamous: flattened -Cuboidal: cube-shaped -Columnar: column like
TYPES OF EPITHELIAL TISSUE • Simple Squamous Structure: single layer of flat cells Function: forms membranes; lines body cavities Found in: capillaries, lining of lungs
Endothelium • Specialized type of squamous cell that permits efficient diffusion of materials. Very fragile but this allows for rapid gas exchange. Found lining the heart, lungs, blood & lymph vessels.
TYPES OF EPITHELIAL TISSUE • Simple Cuboidal Structure: single layer of cube-like cells often arranged around a space (follicle) Function: secrete fluids; absorption Found in: kidney tubules; ovaries
TYPES OF EPITHELIAL TISSUE • Simple Columnar Structure: single layer of tall cells Function: secrete mucus & enzymes; absorption Found in: the digestive tract lining
Goblet cells • Spherical cells that produce mucus - a lubricating material for the digestive tract
TYPES OF EPITHELIAL TISSUE • Psuedostratified (Ciliated) Structure: hair-like projections Function: absorption, secretion of mucus, and aids in the movement of particles Found in: upper respiratory tract & reproductive organs
TYPES OF EPITHELIAL TISSUE • Stratified Structure: many cell layers Function: protection in areas where friction is common Found in: skin, mouth, esophagus
TYPES OF EPITHELIAL TISSUE • Transitional Structure: changes shape based on amount of stretch Function: allows for expansion Found in: urinary tract/bladder lining
SOURCES OF SLIDES http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.stegen.k12.mo.us/tchrpges/sghs/ksulkowski/images/20_Simple_Columnar_Epithelial_Tissue.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.stegen.k12.mo.us/tchrpges/sghs/ksulkowski/TissueSlides.htm&usg=__6bG6lRXNVq92ooXE_8vwTjeB25o=&h=467&w=700&sz=91&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=CJfwZ1avYGDPPM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=140&prev=/images%3Fq%3Depithelial%2Btissue%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 http://www.unomaha.edu/hpa/2740epithelium.html#ss
Gland • One or more cells that secrete a particular product
TYPES OF GLANDS Endocrine - ductless; secretions are hormones that enter the blood vessels ex: thyroid, adrenal, pituitary
TYPES OF GLANDS Exocrine - empty through ducts to the epithelial surface ex: sweat, oil, mammary, salivary