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Bob Polomski, Ph.D. Clemson Extension Horticulturist Clemson University, South Carolina

Emerging Issues in Arboriculture. Bob Polomski, Ph.D. Clemson Extension Horticulturist Clemson University, South Carolina September 12, 2010. Emerging Issues in Arboriculture. Tree selection Production Planting Establishment

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Bob Polomski, Ph.D. Clemson Extension Horticulturist Clemson University, South Carolina

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  1. Emerging Issues in Arboriculture Bob Polomski, Ph.D. Clemson Extension Horticulturist Clemson University, South Carolina September 12, 2010

  2. Emerging Issues in Arboriculture • Tree selection • Production • Planting • Establishment • Urban soil management (“soil restoration” • Plant Health Care http://hort.ufl.edu/woody/planting

  3. Tree Selection • The search for the perfect landscape/street tree continues….        --evaluation of new species and cultivars

  4. Tree Selection Biomechanics: study of the structural behavior of trees • Study branch failures • Learn why some trees stay upright in a storm while others fail; • Prune to prevent storm damage

  5. Tree Production • Effects on successful tree establishment and longevity    --evaluate container types and container treatments to reduce/ eliminate circling roots

  6. Planting and establishment An estimated 80 percent of all landscape tree problems originating below ground relate to quality and placement of the root system. Structural root defects and root planting depth issues can occur during all stages of tree production and establishment including nursery propagation and production, landscape specification development and planting, and post‐planting and transplanting maintenance.

  7. Tree Selection

  8. Tree Planting • Bare root --Develop methods and products to use for bare-rooting trees at planting time (root washing, pressure washing, and air excavation) Bassuk, N. L. 1998. Creating the urban forest: the bare root method. 1998. Urban Horticulture Institute Cornell University Ithaca, NY.

  9. Tree Planting • Bare rooting--technique to reveal tree roots prior to finishing the planting or transplanting process • Need to see root defects--if possible, correct and adjust planting height “Bare Root to Bare Root – Coming Full Circle” (www.mortonarb.org/deeptreeroots/pdf/LBG_Abstracts.pdf)

  10. Tree Planting • Bare rooting--technique to reveal tree roots prior to finishing the planting or transplanting process • Need to see root defects--if possible, correct and adjust planting height/depth. “Bare Root to Bare Root – Coming Full Circle” (www.mortonarb.org/deeptreeroots/pdf/LBG_Abstracts.pdf)

  11. Tree Planting • Plant trees at the proper depth--Deep roots of landscape trees: A comprehensive guide to current research and practice (www.mortonarb.org/deeptrees)

  12. Planting too deep is deadly • 93% of professionally-planted trees (Smiley and Booth, 2000) • 75% of nursery-grown trees (Maynard 1995)

  13. Tree Planting • Container-grown--evaluate root pruning strategies: slicing, shaving, bare rooting, or butterflying Alleviate root defects after planting and ensure survival and vigorous growth of trees after planting.

  14. Planting and establishment • Container-grown--evaluate root pruning strategies: slicing, shaving, bare rooting, or butterflying

  15. Post-planting survival and establishment • New technologies to improve post-plant survival and stress resistance in urban trees, e.g., biostimulants, humectants, mycorrhizae, etc.

  16. Established Trees • Urban soil management (“soil restoration”)--Root Invigoration®

  17. Established Trees • Urban soil management (“soil restoration”)--Root Invigoration®

  18. Established Trees

  19. Planting and Establishment • Urban soil management (“soil restoration”)--Root Invigoration®--Aerated Compost Tea (ACT) www.masslaboratory.org/mass_015.htm

  20. Planting and establishment • Urban soil management (“soil restoration”)--Root Invigoration®--Aerated Compost Tea (ACT)--Biochar – carbon-rich product (wood, manure, leaves) heated in absence of O2

  21. Planting and establishment http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/JustOneThing/video/green-plant-soil-biochar-11486209

  22. Plant Health Care: Pests • Emerald ash borer (Agrilusplanipennis) --Native of China and Eastern Asia --Michigan in 2002 -13 states and parts of Canada www.agri.ohio.gov/divs/plant/eab/eab-index.aspx

  23. PHC: Pests • EAB management www.emeraldashborer.info/files/Multistate_EAB_Insecticide_Fact_Sheet.pdf

  24. PHC: Pests • Walnut twig beetle and thousand cankers disease of black walnut (Juglansnigra)—insect-disease complex Geosmithiasp. Fusariumsolani

  25. PHC: Pests • Walnut twig beetle and thousand cankers disease of black walnut (Juglansnigra)—insect-disease complex (Geosmithiasp. and Fusariumsolani) • 1990s Utah • 2001 New Mexico

  26. PHC: Pests • Walnut twig beetle and thousand cankers disease --Black walnut decline

  27. PHC: Pests • Asian long-horned beetle 
(Anoplophoraglabripennis) • --native to Japan, Korea, and China • --1996 discovered in Brooklyn and Amityville, NY • --Maples and horsechestnuts, also ash, poplar, willow, elm, mulberry, and black locust

  28. PHC: Pests • Asian long-horned beetle

  29. PHC: Pests • Asian long-horned beetle

  30. Plant Health Care • Novel disease control compounds to reduce pesticide usage in the arboricultural industry: --“Biopesticides” - synthetic or natural compounds such as plants, microorganisms, and certain mineralscontrol pest and foliar diseases.

  31. Arboricultural Research • Research • More research • Even more research Application

  32. “With great power… Comes great responsibility.”

  33. Only you can speak for trees. Angel Oak, Charleston, SC

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