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Current status in standardization in the field of PED Bratislava-11, 12 and 13 April 2005

Current status in standardization in the field of PED Bratislava-11, 12 and 13 April 2005. Nouredine Hakimi CEN Programme Manager. Content. Some important horizontal decisions taken at CEN level The Pressure Equipment Advisory Nucleus The work programme and status of draft standards

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Current status in standardization in the field of PED Bratislava-11, 12 and 13 April 2005

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  1. Current status in standardization in the field of PEDBratislava-11, 12 and 13 April 2005 Nouredine Hakimi CEN Programme Manager

  2. Content • Some important horizontal decisions taken at CEN level • The Pressure Equipment Advisory Nucleus • The work programme and status of draft standards • The promotion of Pressure Equipment standards • Conclusion • Sources of Information

  3. CEN IS MADE UP OF: a ‘system’ to carry out formal processes shared between: • 28 National Members, and the representative expertise they assemble from each country • 8 Associates; 2 Counsellors (EC, EFTA) • The CEN Management Centre, Brussels

  4. Some important horizontal decisions taken at CEN level Mr Lars Flink, the new chairman of the CEN Board, outlined the challenges facing CEN in the next three years: • 3-year timeframe for the development of standards: the successful implementation of this action; • Enlargement of CEN: participation of all CEN Member bodies in the technical work.

  5. Technical work in the enlarged CEN (Resolution BT 10/2004) BT created a group (BT/CAG 172 Technical work in enlarged CEN) to advise the Chairman on ways to facilitate the participation of the National Standards Bodies in the technical work, at all levels. • Global relevance of standards (Resolution BT 17/2004) BT noted that BT/WG 152 Global relevance in standards is developing guidance to CEN technical committees on the implications of global relevance.

  6. 3 1 2 Global objective: The Three Year Cycle for ENs

  7. ENQ + FV / PQ-UQ + FV

  8. Unique acceptance procedure UAP

  9. The Pressure Equipment Advisory Nucleus: PE-AN • The pressure Equipment Advisory Nucleus is a group reporting to the CEN Technical board. • There are 16 members (NSBs, EC, Notified Bodies, Users, Manufacturers, CMC,..) • The PE-AN is a forum for the management of sector activities • The PE-AN has plenary meetings 2 to 3 times a year. Last meeting: 5th of April

  10. PE-AN • The PE-AN issues recommendations that are handled by the CEN Programme manager. This could lead for example to: • BT decisions • Messages to CEN/TCs • The PE-AN could be addressed to answer to specific concerns related to the sector

  11. Specific principles in the pressure sector • The pressure equipment standards are classified into two categories • Type 1 standards (Cited in the Official Journal) • Type 2 standards (not cited )

  12. Classification of Standards: Type 1 standards • Provide a technical solution to [fully] achieve one or more specific PED Essential Safety Requirements either by itself or by calling up other references (see guideline 10.5). • It can be a product standard (i.e. a standard dealing with items of pressure equipment or assemblies) or a standard dealing with materials, procedures for permanent joining, approval of NDT personnel etc.

  13. Classification of Standards: Type 2 standards • Provide useful elements that contribute to the fulfilment of ESR(s) • cannot alone give presumption of conformity to these ESRs. • Examples: NDT test methods, general principles, terminology. • Type 2 standards are likely to be used as normative references in type 1 standards

  14. The work programme and status of standards

  15. European Standards • Some 24 CEN and 9 ECISS Technical Committees relate to the PED • 280 harmonized standards • 562 supporting standards

  16. Harmonized standards by TCs

  17. The status of harmonized standards Total: 280 WIs

  18. The status of supporting standards Total: 562 WIs

  19. Amendment, revision, maintenance Standards are continuously amended or revised to stay at the state of the arts or include new topics • Maintenance : • There are 3 Help desks covering major standards • EN 13445:2002 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessels’ • EN 13480 ‘Metallic Industrial piping’ • EN 12952 and EN 12953 for boilers • Because of the complexity of the standards for : • - correction of potential errors and mistakes; • - answering queries raised by users.

  20. EN 13445 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessel’ Help Desk • A central point to collect questions &feedback from the users of the standard • A network to answer the queries in a very short time • An official body to give authorised answers, accepted by the “authors” of the standard • A professional body to prepare corrected pages of the standard • A place to find updated information about the standard, its status, its future.

  21. EN 13445 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessel’ Help Desk • The CEN Management Centre makes the corrected pages available to the CEN National Standard Bodies. • The delivery of these corrected pages to the final users is under the responsibility of CEN National Standard Bodies.

  22. Receipt of a question form Analysis of the question by experts designated by CEN members ?? ?? ?? ?? Expertgroup Interpretation Correction Technical question Information on the website Correction notice with corrected pages issue 2 …. n Transfer to TC 54 for action EN 13445 MHD: Functioning Decision

  23. EN 13445 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessel’ Help Desk • 38 experts from 10 countries • The helpdesk is accessible through the CEN website but also through www.unm.fr/en/general/en13445/ • A log of all pages for each Part, with their issue number and date, is given as downloadable documents, for each language version (English, French, German) : • The 13th issue of EN 13445 was made available to the CEN members in March

  24. EN 13445 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessel’ Help Desk The status on the 1st of April was, • 393 questions have been received among which • 273 corrections issued • 11 interpretations issued • 63 technical questions (transferred to TC 54) • 44 (not defined or no action)

  25. The future of EN 13445 EN 13445 shall become the most popular PV standard in Europe, and a major PV standard outside Europe • promote EN 13445 during international conferences • publish success stories concerning its use • make comparison studies with its competitors • explain the background of the rules • organise training sessions • EN 13445 shall remain up-to-date • encourage companies to send experts to CEN/TC 54 • initiate pre-normative research when needed

  26. EN 13480 : Piping Help Desk • The Help Desk is a CEN/TC 267 ‘Industrial piping and pipelines’ working group • It provides prompt official responses to questions regarding the application of the Standard • as well as updated information about the evolutions of the standard. • The helpdesk is accessible through the CEN website but also through http://comelec.afnor.fr/cen/en13480. • 19 experts from 5 countries

  27. EN 13480 : Piping Help Desk Up to now, • 55 questions have been received among which • 10 have been treated • 12 are under treatment • 33 still to be distributed to the experts of the help desk. In total there will be approximately 8 corrections that will be incorporated in the 2nd issue of EN 13480 that will be published probably in coming months.

  28. EN 12952 and EN 12953 Boiler Help Desks • Experts have already been nominated • Chairman and Secretary of CEN/TC 269 • Convenors of CENT/TC 269/WG 1, WG 2 and WG 3 • CEN/TC 269 will provide the following internet address for the help desk: • http://www.nard.din.de/index.php?lang=en&na_id=nard • The activity of the Boiler help desk has encountered some delays but will start soon

  29. EN 12952 and EN 12953 Boiler Help Desks • The MG shall deal with editorial problems. • Any Technical problems, or lack of agreement, shall be passed to the appropriate WG for resolution.

  30. The Promotion of Pressure Equipment Standards

  31. CMC does not sell standards but encourages their use • The promotion of standards is to the benefit of all, especially the NSBs • Ways of promoting are: • Writing “case studies” on the success of manufactures using ENs • Being present at important conferences (speakers, booths) • Publishing articles on important standards • Organising workshops/conferences • Developing help desks • …

  32. Promotion of standards outside Europe: Visibility Fund The European Commission Services’ Visibility Fund for co-financing projects aimed at the promotion of standards outside Europe has been used in 2004 for four projects : • Presentation of the Design Criteria of EN 13445 During the 57th Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding (IIW),Osaka (Japan) 11-16 July 2004; This includes 16 presentations from European experts;

  33. Presentation of the European position on sealing technology, creep damage and repairs at the Pressure Vessel Research Council Meetings of April 5-8, 2004 in Savannah, Georgia, USA.; by Guy Baylac; • Presentation of the results of the “Comparative Study on Pressure Equipment Standards” at the ASME PVP Conference 2004, July 25 –29, San Diego, CA, USA, by Prof. Josef Zeman TUW (Vienna, Austria); • Lectures at the Pressure Vessel Association of China, and the East China University of Science & Technology in September 2004, by John Darlaston

  34. Visibility: 2005 projects • ASME PVP Conference in DENVER (July 2005): Guy Baylac as co-ordinator • Five papers will be presented: • Non destructive testing of unfired pressure vessels • European acceptance criteria for radiographic testing • Inspection and testing of serially produced pressure vessels • Non destructive testing of welds • Non destructive testing and inspection of unfired pressure vessels subject to cyclic loads in EN 13445-5 • Workshops in Korea in association with industry, Korea Power Engineering and the University of Seoul (Sept, Oct 2005) John Darlaston

  35. Conclusions • The CEN work programme supporting the PED has well progressed • Some gaps should be filled: • Harmonized standards for Cast Iron are still an omission • Develop copper and aluminium material standards for pressure purposes • CEN looks forward for the Completion of mandated programme • Major product standards are available and need to be used more by industry • CEN looks to further improve competitiveness of ENs • And to promote EN standards

  36. Useful websites • www.cenorm.beCEN Home page • http://ped.eurodyn.comText of Directive, Guidelines and links to standards, notified bodies, JRC, etc • www.eotc.be/newapproach “Blue” Guide • http://www.newapproach.org/Directives/Default.asp Directives and related standards

  37. Restricted access electronic platforms: • CEN Livelink: For TCs having asked CMC • DIN Livelink: Used by TCs hold by DIN • COMELEC: Used by AFNOR TCs • Access is granted by contacting the TC secretary • Mainly used for TC/WG daily work

  38. Online Database • PROJEX online (user restricted) • Only for TC secretaries and • TC Chairman

  39. CEN Publications/ Communications • Sector News (every month) • Networking (every 2 months) • COMPASS ‘European Standardization in a nutshell’

  40. Programme Managers and Info Desk For targeted questions: • There are 11 Programme Managers in the CEN Management Centre For General questions • Ask the CMC InfoDesk • infodesk@cenorm.be

  41. CEN Programme Managers

  42. Programme Managers

  43. Details of Programme managers • (ADC) Amilcar Da Costa amilcar.dacosta@cenorm.be • (GDJ) Guido De Jongh guido.dejongh@cenorm.be • (MCH) Marie-Christine Héloire marie-christine.heloire@cenorm.be • (AGU) Andreea Gulacsi andreea.gulacsi@cenorm.be • (SJ) Stefan Joannin stefan.joannin@cenorm.be • (NH) Nouredine Hakimi nouredine.hakimi@cenorm.be • (LP) Ludwig Paul ludwig.paul@cenorm.be • (TL) Thierry Legrand Thierry.legrand@cenorm.be • (JVT) Johan Van Tiel. johan.vantiel@cenorm.be • (SC) Sam Cross sam.cross@cenorm.be • (GG) Gerrald Goselink gerrald.goselink@cenorm.be

  44. Question/answers The floor is open Thanks for your attention

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