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<< 夏、商、西周的政治制度 >> The political system of Xia, shang and western zhou dynasties

<< 夏、商、西周的政治制度 >> The political system of Xia, shang and western zhou dynasties. 丹凤中学:陈敏. 了解宗法制和分封制的基本内容,认识中国早期政治制度的特点 Understanding the basic content of the legal system and the feudal system. understanding the characteristics of early Chinese political system. 课标要求:

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<< 夏、商、西周的政治制度 >> The political system of Xia, shang and western zhou dynasties

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  1. <<夏、商、西周的政治制度>>The political system of Xia, shang and western zhou dynasties 丹凤中学:陈敏

  2. 了解宗法制和分封制的基本内容,认识中国早期政治制度的特点了解宗法制和分封制的基本内容,认识中国早期政治制度的特点 Understanding the basic content of the legal system and the feudal system. understanding the characteristics of early Chinese political system 课标要求: Class standard requirement 教学重点: Teaching points 西周的分封制与宗法制 the legal system and the feudal system in Zhou dynasty 教学重点: Teaching points 中国早期政治制度的特点及宗法制 the characteristics of early Chinese political system and the legal system

  3. 你听说过有关中国起源的传说故事吗?你知道下面的图讲述的是个什么样的故事吗?Have you heard about the legend story of the origin of China 盘古开天

  4. Nu Wa created man 女娲造人

  5. 女娲补天

  6. 大禹治水 Dayu controled water

  7. 比一比?找不同?Find differences 夏禹像三

  8. 公元前2070年,禹建立了第一个王朝——夏。我国开始了早期国家政治制度。禹死后,其子启夺得王位,并传位给自己的后代。原始社会后期的禅让制被王位世袭制所代替,王位在一家一姓中传承。公元前2070年,禹建立了第一个王朝——夏。我国开始了早期国家政治制度。禹死后,其子启夺得王位,并传位给自己的后代。原始社会后期的禅让制被王位世袭制所代替,王位在一家一姓中传承。 BC 2070, yu established the first dynasty – Xia. China started early national political system. After Yu died, his son Kai won the throne, and transfer points to his offspring. In late primitive society ,System of hereditary system was replaced by the throne.

  9. 王位世袭制代替禅让制是历史的进步还是倒退? Is Abdication system insteading of the throne hereditary system a historical progress or retrogression? 探究

  10. 公元前1046年武王伐纣建立西周,定都镐京。武王把一定的土地和人民,分别授予王族、功臣和古代帝王后代,让他们建立诸侯国,拱卫王室。公元前1046年武王伐纣建立西周,定都镐京。武王把一定的土地和人民,分别授予王族、功臣和古代帝王后代,让他们建立诸侯国,拱卫王室。 King Wu establish the Western Zhou Dynasty in 1046 BC, and determine capital in Gao Jing. King Wu distributed some land and people to oyal family, hero and descendants of ancient kings. so they could establish vassal state, surround and protect the Imperial palace.

  11. 武王死后,其弟周公旦辅佐年幼的成王,继续推行分封制度,扩展周的统治范围。武王死后,其弟周公旦辅佐年幼的成王,继续推行分封制度,扩展周的统治范围。 After King Wu died, his brother Zhou Gong Dan was as the assistant of the young king,  continue to implement the system of packet, expand the scope of rule

  12. 如果让你将周天子分封的一段情景再现课堂,你怎样进行?如果让你将周天子分封的一段情景再现课堂,你怎样进行? If you would reproduce scenes section of the Zhou feudal class, how do you proceed? 情境体验

  13. 分封制能否起到巩固周朝统治的作用吗? Could Feudal system play an important role in consolidating the rule of the Zhou dynasty? 探究

  14. 《荀子.儒效篇》记载:”(周公)兼制天下,立七十一国,姬姓独居五十三人。“可见同姓亲族是西周分封的主体。这些同姓亲族受封时,周王会给他们 What will Zhou king give their relatives? A 封号和耕牛 Title and cattle B 土地和耕牛 Land and cattle C 土地和人口 Land and people D 人口和铁犁 people and Iron plow 练一练 C

  15. 青天断案 • 一个官员生前娶了一位妻子,为他生了一个女儿,然后他再娶了一个妾氏,为他生了大儿子,此后妻子又为他生了一个小儿子,结果这官员不幸殉职,于是他的两个儿子都想取得他的爵位和家业,请问应该判给谁? An official was married a wife ,and she gave birth to a daughter. Then he took a concubine, had the eldest son. Then his wife bore a son.After he died, his two sons wants his seat and possessions. Who should be awarded?

  16. 宗法制通过血缘亲疏确立起一整套土地、财产和政治地位的分配与继承制度。保障各级贵族能享受世卿世禄的特权,同时也防止了内部纷争,强化王权,有利于统治集团内部的稳定和团结。宗法制通过血缘亲疏确立起一整套土地、财产和政治地位的分配与继承制度。保障各级贵族能享受世卿世禄的特权,同时也防止了内部纷争,强化王权,有利于统治集团内部的稳定和团结。 Case lawestablished a land, property and political status and the distribution system of inheritance through blood relationship. Ensure all levels can enjoy the privilege of aristocratic, but also to prevent internal conflicts to Strengthened royalty .It would benefit for the stability and unity 宗法制的影响?

  17. 分封制是权利的分配,宗法制是分配的原则,二者互为表里分封制是权利的分配,宗法制是分配的原则,二者互为表里

  18. 夏商周政治制度及其关系

  19. 1 周王室—周王正妻所生之子 2 周王室—周王嫡长子,嫡长孙 3 诸侯国—诸侯嫡长子,嫡长孙 4 卿大夫封地—卿大夫嫡长子,嫡长孙 A.1234 B. 123 C.234 D.23 通过宗法制的实行,西周形成一个庞大的宗族网。“大宗能率小宗,小宗能率群弟”。按宗法规定,下列在相关范围内一定能成为大宗的是: 练一练 C

  20. 想一想,宗法制对今天有何影响?\ Think about the impact of case law? 探究

  21. 公祭黄帝陵

  22. 胡氏宗祠

  23. 台湾蒋孝严桂林祭祖

  24. 西周的宗法制对中国历史产生了深远影响。它不仅影响了中国古代历史,也影响着今天的中国,想想看,它对于祖国统一大业的最后完成具有什么重要意义?西周的宗法制对中国历史产生了深远影响。它不仅影响了中国古代历史,也影响着今天的中国,想想看,它对于祖国统一大业的最后完成具有什么重要意义? Zhou's case law had a profound impact on the Chinese history. It not only affects the ancient Chinese history, also affects Chinese today. Think about it, what are the significance for the reunification of the motherland ? 感悟

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