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Study of the Spatial Resolution and Muon Tomographic Imaging Properties of Glass RPCs

Study of the Spatial Resolution and Muon Tomographic Imaging Properties of Glass RPCs. Qite Li Peking University. Knowledge is Power Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Peace Happiness. Fear Frustration. Nuclear Knowledge can be the Power of. U ranium 90% (HEU) Pu-239 93% (WGPu)

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Study of the Spatial Resolution and Muon Tomographic Imaging Properties of Glass RPCs

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  1. Study of the Spatial Resolution and Muon Tomographic Imaging Properties of Glass RPCs Qite Li Peking University

  2. Knowledge is PowerSir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

  3. Peace Happiness Fear Frustration Nuclear Knowledge can be the Power of

  4. Uranium 90% (HEU) • Pu-239 93% (WGPu) • 26 kg HEU / 5kg WGPu • 11 cm / 6 cm box

  5. Muon Tomography(MT) 2.3mrad 10mrad 20mrad ~1.1° ~GeV Muon 1/cm2/min water Fe W 10cm

  6. INFN : CMS Muon Barrel Chambers FIT : Triple GEMs Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 604 (2009) 738-746. Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 652 (2012) 16-20 MT Station Examples Los Alamos (2003): Drift Tubes Science and Global Security 16 (2008) 37–53

  7. Requirements of Detectors for MT • Large Area (~1m2) • High Detction Efficiency (>90%) • High Spatial Resolution (<1mm) • Cost-effective

  8. RPC Resistive Plate Chamber R. Santonico(in 1980s) Large Area Good Time Solution~1ns Acceptable Spatial Resolution ~1cm CMS Muon Trigger RPCs by PKU (2002)

  9. RPC Brief View -HV HV Graphite Resistive Plate Working Gas Resistive Plate Gruand Graphite Readout Strips

  10. Combination of RPC & Delay-line Readout 90% F134a+9% C4H10+1% SF6 50ml/Min

  11. General Properties: Signals • Avalenche +Streamer Signal • Avalenche Signal

  12. General Properties: Detection Efficiency

  13. -HV

  14. Simulation Profile Sigma 2.40mm Avalanche Profile Sigma 2.2±0.1mm Streamer Profile Sigma 7.4±0.2mm

  15. Spatial Resolution Measurement Residual Method ΔX=X2-(X1+X3)/2

  16. Spatial Resolution of Glass RPCs

  17. Uniformity -50mm~-25mm Res=0.99 mm 25mm~50mm Res=0.94 mm -25mm~0mm Res=0.89 mm 0mm~25mm Res=0.82 mm

  18. X Y and T readout in ONE RPC

  19. X axis 0.79 mm (FWHM) for one RPC Preliminary Y axis 1.97 mm (FWHM) for one RPC Preliminary

  20. RPC 1 RPC 2 RPC 3 Material MT Station with three 2D-Glass RPCs12+2 channels

  21. Empty target Mean angle ~15 mrad Position/Alignment error ~8 mrad RPC box, framework ~10 mrad Imaging Result: Empty target Preliminary

  22. Pb brick 1 15cm*5.5cm*3.5cm Imaging Result: Pb brick 1 Preliminary

  23. Pb brick 2 24cm*7cm*6cm Imaging Result: Pb brick 2 Preliminary

  24. Conclusions • Glass RPCs with LC Delay-line Readout • Simple structrue, stable performance • Efficiency 95~98% • Charge profile measurement • <1mm(FWHM) in avalenche mode • Ideal detectors for MT • MT Station using three 2D-Glass RPCs • Preliminary Test (detection area: 20cm*20cm) • Sensitive to ~cm Pb

  25. MT station with 4 RPCs 3D ImagingComing Soon

  26. Thank You! Email: Liqt@pku.edu.cn Gmail: Liqt1985@gmail.com Supervisor: Prof. Yanlin Ye Email: yeyl@pku.edu.cn Peking University, China

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