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W elcome to The Parent Orientation 8:50-9:33

W elcome to The Parent Orientation 8:50-9:33 P resented by Mrs.Beydoun and Mrs.Hadwan. Arrival/ Dismissal / Breakfast/ Lunch/ Snack/Water/Supplies. Arrival: Students are expected to be in class @8:32

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W elcome to The Parent Orientation 8:50-9:33

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to The Parent Orientation 8:50-9:33 Presented by Mrs.Beydoun and Mrs.Hadwan

  2. Arrival/ Dismissal/ Breakfast/ Lunch/ Snack/Water/Supplies Arrival: Students are expected to be in class @8:32 Dismissal: We are dismissing all students @ 3:35 Breakfast: It is served daily from 8:00-8:30. Anytime later, students will receive a bag with snacks to eat in the classroom. Snack: Healthy snacks and no assigned time for it. Water:Students are expected to bring a full reusable water bottle everyday. Every class has a water fountain. Students refill water bottle when they come back from lunch. Supply List: It was posted on the Henry Ford Blog and sent home last week!

  3. Curriculum We teach all subjects: -Math -Reading -Writing -Science -Social Studies

  4. Homework Purpose of H.W: The purpose for assigning homework is to give students the opportunity to extend lessons, practice skills, engage in critical thinking and develop good work habits. Responsibilities for homework should are shared between, student, family and teacher as mentioned in the planner. Homework assignments: Eureka Math Page in Succeed book Reading (20 min) and comprehension packet in the binder Spelling (simple independent practice in spelling notebook- STAR menu) No Homework usually on Weekends (study guides) No homework: 1st- Student brings the next day/ make it up at lunch/WIN time 2nd- Student calls home 3rd- Teacher calls home 4th- Meet with the parents

  5. PBIS/ Building Expectations • Follow all adult directions the first time given • Respect school property • Use appropriate and positive language • Use appropriate and positive actions • Use your manners by saying “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me” when speaking to others • Listen when others are speaking and speak when it’s your turn • Be honest • Respect all hallway displays by looking and not touching • Walk, not run, skip or jump, on the stairs • Allow others to pass by stopping until they pass • Listen to the announcements • Respect classes in session We celebrate once a month with all students who followed PBIS expectations.

  6. Major/Minor Behaviors https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hO20xSN-xxlM-T6egTmqtxEh0_x_xWR5L4ocGyT7vsU/edit?ts=5d6037fa Think Sheets and Phone Calls home when a student is on orange!

  7. Classroom Reward System Mrs. Hadwan’s Class We have a marble jar in the classroom. Every time students hear a good comment from any teacher, we will put 5 marbles. When the jar is filled, students will get a reward (pizza party, extra recess,..) Mrs. Beydoun’s Class At the end of each month, we total up the Dojo points and we add marbles based on that When the jar is filled, students will get a reward (pizza party, extra recess,..)

  8. Communication We will communicate any upcoming events, classroom news, and assessments using our blog of dearborn public school website. We will also use class dojo app to communicate homework, any concerns, and upcoming assessments. We will respond to all messages within 24 hours.

  9. Field Trip Imax Theater, Rouge River Factory, and Henry Ford Museum. Please complete a background check (Ichat) every year!

  10. Volunteer Please sign up if you would like to volunteer in the class.

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