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Welcome to Language Arts 10

Welcome to Language Arts 10. An Introduction to the Course and My Expectations Mrs. Kam Barr 2012-2013 School Year. About Me…. Football Footballfootball. TV. Shopping. Blue Devils. About The Class. Reading various types of literature & using literary terms

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Welcome to Language Arts 10

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  1. Welcome to Language Arts 10 An Introduction to the Course and My Expectations Mrs. Kam Barr 2012-2013 School Year

  2. About Me… Football Footballfootball TV Shopping Blue Devils

  3. About The Class • Reading various types of literature & using literary terms • Write, revise, edit, and publish written works on a given topic • Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills • Deeper meaning questioning • Written Response Journals • Apply reading comprehension strategies, including making predictions, comparing and contrasting, recalling and summarizing ,making inferences and drawing conclusions • Vocabulary & Grammar Review • Review Concept & Prep for OGT in March • Compile and maintain a portfolio of written work. • Maintain a resource notebook for classroom use.

  4. "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." -Dr. Seuss

  5. What You Need… • Textbook, Glencoe Literature, fourth course • Supplemental texts and readings • I Am Legend or The Uglies • Lord of the Flies by William Golding* • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury • Antigoneby Sophocles • Loose-leaf notebook paper • A folder of your choice • A flash drive

  6. “Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. “ Bill Bradley

  7. My Rules & Expectations I observe these rules and expectations in my classroom: • Use appropriate language and behavior at all times. • Be in your seat when the bell rings, ready to learn! • Attend to your personal needs before the bell rings. • Bring your required materials with you daily, unless you are instructed otherwise. • Respectothers and their property. • Remain seated until dismissed by teacher. (Do NOT line up at the door to wait for the bell to ring!) • Pick up after yourself (Put trash and recycling where it belongs!).

  8. Consequences of Poor Behavior Choices • Don’t want to get in trouble… Don’t make dumb choices! • 1st offense: verbal warning • 2nd offense: 10 minute detention • 3rd offense: 20 minute detention • 4th offense: call home and office referral • In extreme cases, a student can be removed from the class (i.e. fighting, excessive disruption, etc.)

  9. A Note about TARDINESS Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. William Shakespeare Please be on time to class!

  10. “I am not concerned with your liking me or disliking me. All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” Jackie Robinson

  11. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

  12. Grading & Evaluation Policies • A student’s grade is determined by the number of points accumulated against the number of points earned. The following will be used to determine grades: • Written papers and research papers • Homework assignments and reading • Tests, Projects & Quizzes • Group assignments and presentations • Reading Response Journals (collected weekly) • Bellwork/Exit Activities (weekly grade) • This is a required course to graduate. Failure to complete a majority of the assignments will result in the failure of the course.

  13. Grading Scale • 90/10 Policy is used • The grading scale for my class is standard for college level students: • A 100-90% • B 89-80% • C 79-70% • D 69-60% • F 59-0%

  14. Late Work Policy • 90% portion of academic work will have 5 days to make up with 10% being removed from the grade. • After 5 days, the grade will result in a zero. • Work turned in late that falls within the 10% portion of the class work will be given a zero. BOTTOM LINE… TURN YOUR WORK IN ON TIME!

  15. Rewrites & Retakes • Rewrites are allowed for major papers. • The following steps need to be taken in order for the writing to be reevaluated: • The paper was turned in on time. • Evidence of the following process is present: prewriting, drafting, revision, and editing. • The student must submit the original work in conjunction with the newly written work *If the original assignment was turned in late, the student relinquishes the opportunity for reassessment. • Students are not permitted to retake tests or quizzes. This is a language arts department policy.

  16. Go above & beyond! No student ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him: it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required, that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction. • - Charles Kendall Adams

  17. Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) • Will be prepping for the test • Mid-March • More information to follow

  18. SUMMER READING • THE UGLIES or I AM LEGEND • Need your book all next week • TEST IS Friday, August 31st. Worksheets will be collected on August 31st. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted. Zeroes will be given if the assignment is not handed in!

  19. Midterms &Final Exams • Both a midterm and final exam will be given. • The tests will be comprehensive in nature, covering the material over the semester. • Midterms are before Christmas Break • Finals are the last 3 days of school • If a student is absent on the day of a midterm or final exam, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to make up the exam.

  20. Entrance & Exit Passes • Every morning when you enter the classroom, a brief assignment will be posted on the overhead or the smartboard. • a mini grammar lesson or journal writing assignment. • the first 5 minutes of class • Exit Passes are similar to bellwork, but the activities are completed at the END of class. • These will typically be done in the last 1-5 minutes of class.

  21. Cell Phones & Ipods • I expect devices to be put away during instructional time. • Any devices out during a test will be assumed as cheating! The test will be confiscated & the grade will be a zero as well as an office referral. • Please refrain from texting. • Absolutely no videotaping of any kind in class.

  22. So…for technology & devices • NOT OKAY • Lectures & Notes • Group Work • Test & Quizzes • Discussion • OKAY • Individual work • Quiet Writing Time • Bellwork • Exit Moments

  23. PROGRESS BOOK • Check your grades regularly! • Updated weekly • Please let me know if you see a discrepancy. LOOK HOW HAPPY SHE IS… She checks ProgressBook often!

  24. Writing & Essays • Students will have a minimum of 3 required papers • You will be writing MORE than that! • Papers will be required to be written in MLA style. (This will be reviewed from ninth grade) If this is you… Don’t panic about the amount Of writing you will be doing! THIS IS A TIME TO LEARN THE WRITING PROCESS!

  25. Absences & Make Up Work • It is your responsibility to get your missed work. • Be sure to ask me what you missed during your absence. • Check the assignment calendar • Check makeup work box for additional assignments and worksheets. • Makeup work is expected in a timely manner • Please utilize the email available to you if you have questions! Don’t forget to ask!

  26. Turning in & Picking Up Work • All assignments will turned in to box on my desk. • Do not hand me assignments. • Turn the work into the box! This way there will be no confusion or lost papers! • LATE WORK ONLY should go in the Late Box! • ONCE ASSIGNMENTS ARE GRADED, THEY WILL BE PLACED IN THE BINS FOR YOUR CLASS PERIOD ON THE TABLE.

  27. No names on papers… make me crazy… • Please be sure to put your name on your papers • Include class period • Assignments with no names will be posted on the chalkboard • If they have not been claimed in a week, the papers will be discarded. • After first quarter, ASSIGMENTS WITH NO NAMES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. • IF YOU HAVE NO NAME ON YOUR WORK, YOU WILL GET A ZERO!

  28. Leaving the room… • YOU NEED YOUR AGENDA! • Try to keep it to emergencies only! • Please ask first, don’t just leave! • Please, no aimless wandering around the building. • Please, no cafeteria trips. Don’t abuse your privledges!

  29. END OF CLASS • Lining up at the door makes me crazy! • Stay in your seat until the bell rings! = Happy Mrs. Barr

  30. QUESTIONS & CONCERNS • Please feel free to see me for extra help, problems, questions, and concerns. • mornings from 7:00 a.m. to 7:20 a.m. • Also, available after school • PLEASE LET ME KNOW AHEAD OF TIME IF YOU PLAN TO COME BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL! • email - kbarr@bcsoh.org

  31. Parent/Student Signature Sheet • You sign it. • Have your parents sign it. • Bring it back ASAP.

  32. Let’s have a great year! Okay, you might never be this happy to be at school… But, we will have fun learning!

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