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Interoperability of astronomy data bases Françoise Genova, CDS

Interoperability of astronomy data bases Françoise Genova, CDS. Astronomy. A small discipline Few commercial constraints A long term partnership to define exchange standards and links FITS : early data exchange format on-line information in astronomy: from observations to results.

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Interoperability of astronomy data bases Françoise Genova, CDS

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  1. Interoperability of astronomy data basesFrançoise Genova, CDS F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  2. Astronomy • A small discipline • Few commercial constraints • A long term partnership to define exchange standards and links FITS: early data exchange format on-line information in astronomy: from observations to results F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  3. Object name >> position An early example of interoprerability: Name resolver F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  4. Evolving world - Web Services - Very Large Surveys Simbad Name Resolver >> Sesame Web Service F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  5. Web Services as building blocks F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  6. The astronomy bibliographic network Links between • electronic journals • the ADS bibliographic database • on-line services (SIMBAD, NED) • … archival data/published results bibcodee.g.1999A&A...351.1003G F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  7. References in an • on-line article • links to ADS • quality check F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  8. ADS - Abstracts - Scanned articles - Links to original on-line paper - Links to other, distributed information e.g. original observations - Also-read articles F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  9. ADS From bibliography To the original observations Search an author’s publications F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  10. F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  11. F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  12. HST archive From observation To publication F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  13. A&A on line From publication to SIMBAD and more F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  14. Simbad Information About the object F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  15. Links To high energy observations in HEASARC, To Catalogues F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  16. Links from object names in journals: an early example: IBVS F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  17. Links to images and data F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  18. GCVS F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  19. Lessons learnt • De facto standard SIMBAD/NED, ADS, journals, archives • Cooperation between all the actors + snowball effect Journals, ADS, data centres, archive centres • The community is trained (everyday tools) • Easy-to-build link but contents / validation are fundamental the role of experts remains fundamental for building value-added services F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  20. Data federationTabular data in astronomy A common description for tabular data • Reference catalogues • Published tables • Surveys • Catalogues of observations in archives ReadMe physical organization  contents F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  21. ReadMe F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  22. Tables published in articles are usable data! F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  23. Links to observational data (images, spectra, time series), often distributed in observatory archives F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  24. An homogenized view of heterogeneous information With links to data F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  25. Towards data integration • XML • VOTable > Roy’s talk F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  26. HEARSARC Browse Astrores in action! F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  27. With a touch of GLU Générateur de Liens Uniformes • Resource dictionary (shared, distributed, hierarchical name space, clone management…), knows the query syntax • Resolver: symbolic name > URL • An early registry prototype with many of the required functionalities (conversions, failure tests, …) F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  28. Observations from European archives Inclusive: NASA missions HST, Chandra, surveys, … F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  29. Glu Tag Resolver Symbolic name >> URL F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  30. Data mining: the Uniform Content Descriptors • A set of UCDs has been first developed in the frame of the ESO/CDS Data Mining project to describe VizieR catalogue columns (100.000 columns, 1.300 UCDs) • Name for concept • Assigned semi-automatically using column label, description and unit • Used e.g. to check the coherence of information in tables F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  31. UCD browser F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  32. Join on UCDs : UCD+units: conversion, selection Select catalogues & target F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  33. Colour excess characterizes carbon stars F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  34. F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  35. http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/UCD/ F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  36. Extension of UCDs • SDSS: 1.500 columns • Manual verification needed • Very few additional UCDs • On-going: • UCDs for VOX • UCDs for IDHA data model Add ‘Metadata’ branch … FITS keywords are often not accurate F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  37. Validation, maintenance • A new structure • Prune the existing UCD tree • UCD steering group • Proposal in October 2003 • UCD V1.0 • Evolution mechanism F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  38. F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

  39. The future • Other knowledge basis • List of object names • Journal keywords • Thesaurus (built by librarians)… • Astronomy described with different points of view • Converging towards an ontology of astronomy?? F. Genova, VO as a Data Grid, 2003/06/30

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