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NWHPEC Board Meeting June 26, 2014 at Con-way Enterprise Services In Attendance : Jennifer Ayers , Mike Funke, Brett Gantz , Bryan Goodman, Alex Thomason, Julie Simmons Adjourned at 1:26pm. Financial Update (Mike):
NWHPEC Board Meeting June 26, 2014 at Con-way Enterprise Services In Attendance: JenniferAyers, MikeFunke, Brett Gantz, BryanGoodman, AlexThomason, JulieSimmons Adjourned at 1:26pm Financial Update(Mike): - P&L and Balance Sheet are looking solid. Julie’s Q2 salary and expenses from ESCO are still to be received, as well as Dan Miller’s Part I and II expenses Old Business: - Member Feedback: Julie has not had time to digest and identify a next step related the the member feedback information. Julie will discuss at the next Board meeting. • New Business: • NWHPEC Organizational Update: Julie presented the Situation-Target-Proposal she, along with Bryan and Kyle, have created. Julie walked through the proposal discussing the research and analysis completed. The Board accepted the proposal and thought it was well thought out and put together. Julie has a few actions to complete prior to the proposal being complete: • Insurance Umbrella Liability Policy: Bryan suggested we analyze the cost of increasing our current $1M liability policy to a $3M or $5M policy. Mike suggested we think about the cost of these policies related to NWHPEC’s total assets. The Board asked Julie to further clarify who the policy covers, as well as what it covers • Email and file back up: Kyle suggested we have an email and file back up system. • Scan paper doc’s: Julie has several paper documents on retention per either the grant or taxes. The Board suggested looking into the cost of scanning these documents for retention versus storing hard copies. • Event Updates (Julie): • Learning Tours: June 10th Learning Tour at Veris was well attended and received. Next up: August 5th at CP Medical (1st time host). • Training Classes: June 17th Intro to Lean at Con-way was taught by NWHPEC instructors from Climax and Blount and was very well received. Julie is scheduling another Intro to Lean class at USNR for July 15th. NWHPEC instructors aren’t available, so Julie will contract Michael Schmich. Axiom has requested to host an Intro to Lean class in the fall. • Executive Forum’s: Three Executive Forum’s held in the last month! Dan Miller Part’s I and II and Practical Problem Solving with Mike Hoseus. Events are outstanding and sell outs. • Best Practice Sharing Session: June 26th at Con-way. Attendance was lower than past sessions; could be summer timing, week prior to the 4th holiday, etc. Presentation evaluations were good and there was excellent feedback from the attendees. Julie is having more difficulty finding best practices to share since we’ve held 10 sessions since 2010. Julie is toying with the idea to create a new event to couple with the January Membership Meeting and hold one Best Practice Sharing Session in 2015 (in June). Next Board Meeting: July 24th via telecom Noon – 2:00pm Dial: 800-531-3250 Conf. ID: 8825544#