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Salutary Neglect

Salutary Neglect. British have left the colonies alone British try to enforce laws and taxes after the French and Indian War without the consent of the colonies British do not understand colonists are used to representative government. Colonies have formed own governments

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Salutary Neglect

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  1. Salutary Neglect • British have left the colonies alone • British try to enforce laws and taxes after the French and Indian War without the consent of the colonies • British do not understand colonists are used to representative government • Colonies have formed own governments • Colonist are used to managing their own affairs with their elected representatives • “Taxation without representation”, colonist want to have a say in government through elected reps.

  2. British Mercantilism • System where England controls colonial trade and taxes • Colonies provided raw materials for Britain • If colonies received imports, the goods had to arrive on British Ships • Certain colonial goods were sold only to England, but not to other countries • Colonies were to serve as a market for English manufactured goods

  3. Navigation Acts 1650-1763 • Restricted colonial trade, manufacturing and shipping to other countries • Colonists smuggled and disregard Acts • Salutary Neglect: Britain has allowed the colonies to prosper under their protection with little or no control

  4. Sugar Act 1764 • Tax placed on sugar and molasses because colonists are British subjects • Colonist protest and smuggle sugar and molasses

  5. Quartering Act 1765 • Required colonies to provide British troops with quarters and supplies • Colonial assemblies vote to refuse to supply British soldiers

  6. Stamp Act 1765 • Any item that was made of paper required a stamped tax payment to be made • Colonists argue “taxation with representation”, Stamp Act is repealed

  7. No taxation without representation • Americans denied the right of Parliament to tax Americans since no Americans were seated in parliament • Prime Minister Grenville replied that every Parliament member represented ALL British subjects – “virtual representation” • Americans rejected virtual representation. • They really didn’t want representation in Parliament because it would not have helped them and taken away a principle for which to rebel.

  8. Repeal of the Stamp Act • In 1765, representatives from the colonies met in NYC to discuss the Stamp Act. Called the Stamp Act Congress, it was largely ignored by the British. • Colonists thus agreed to boycott British supplies and began making their own such as clothes (homespun). • The Sons and Daughters of Liberty took law into their own hands, tarring and feathering violators of the boycott. They stormed the houses of important officials and took their money. • Stunned, parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766 but passed the Declaratory Act proclaiming that Parliament had the right “to bind” the colonies “in all cases whatsoever”.

  9. Townshend Acts 1767 • Tax on glass, lead, paper, paint and tea • Colonist smuggle goods, boycott British goods, and fight with British troops (Boston Massacre)

  10. Tea Act 1773 • Tax on tea, it is a plan to bail out East India Tea company through tax on tea • Boston Tea Party and smuggling of tea

  11. Intolerable Acts 1774 • Response to Tea Party, assembly and town meetings dissolved, port of Boston closed,and British tried in England • Militias form, colonies send representatives to 1st Continental Congress meets and starts colonial boycott

  12. Quebec Act 1774 • Prohibited colonists from moving into Ohio River Valley, Catholic religion in region • Colonists expected to settle into the region

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