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1. Dread not the things that are ahead the burdens great the sinking sands,

1. Dread not the things that are ahead the burdens great the sinking sands,. The thorns that o’er the path are spread God holds the future in His hands.

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1. Dread not the things that are ahead the burdens great the sinking sands,

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. Dread not the things that are ahead the burdens great the sinking sands, The thorns that o’er the path are spread God holds the future in His hands.

  2. God holds the fu-ture in His hands And ev-’ry His bless-ed hands, heart He understands; On Him depend; He He un-der-stands; On Him depend;

  3. is your Friend; He holds the fu-ture in His hands. He is your Friend;

  4. 2. We know not what tomorrow hides, of sun or storm of good or ill; We on-ly know His dear hand guides and He will be our Fa-ther still.

  5. God holds the fu-ture in His hands And ev-’ry His bless-ed hands, heart He understands; On Him depend; He He un-der-stands; On Him depend;

  6. is your Friend; He holds the fu-ture in His hands. He is your Friend;

  7. 3. His hand cre-a-ted earth and sky,the ze-phyrs and thestormsthatrage, And years to come and years gone by To Him are but an o-pen page.

  8. God holds the fu-ture in His hands And ev-’ry His bless-ed hands, heart He understands; On Him depend; He He un-der-stands; On Him depend;

  9. is your Friend; He holds the fu-ture in His hands. He is your Friend;

  10. 4. Live close to Him and trust His love assured that while on earth we roam, What-e’er may come He bends a-bove To guide His children safely home.

  11. God holds the fu-ture in His hands And ev-’ry His bless-ed hands, heart He understands; On Him depend; He He un-der-stands; On Him depend;

  12. is your Friend; He holds the fu-ture in His hands. He is your Friend;

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