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SEQUENTIAL ABSTRACT STATE MACHINES CAPTURE SEQUENTIAL ALGORITHMS. The “official" Turing thesis is that every computable function is Turing computable. Turing stronger thesis: every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing machine.

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  2. The “official" Turing thesis is that every computable function is Turing computable. Turing stronger thesis: every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing machine. Can one generalize Turing machines so that any algorithm, never mind how abstract, can be modeled by a generalized machine very closely and faithfully?

  3. The obvious answer seems to be NO.. • Suppose such generalized Turing machines exist.. • What would their states be? • What instructions should the generalized machines have? • Can one get away with only a bounded set of instructions?

  4. “A New Thesis” [Gurevich 1985] If we stick to one abstraction level (abstracting from low-level details and being oblivious to a possible higher-level picture) And if the states of the algorithm reflect all the pertinent information Then a particular small instruction set suffices in all cases.

  5. First-order structures with purely functional vocabulary are called algebras. • Accordingly, the new machines were called dynamic structures/ dynamic algebras/ evolving algebras. • The evolving-algebra-community changed it to abstract state machines, or ASMs.

  6. The Original Sequential ASM Thesis “Every sequential algorithm can be step-for-step simulated by an appropriate sequential ASM.”

  7. What are sequential algorithms exactly? A sequential algorithm is any object that satisfies the next three postulates: • The Sequential Time Postulate. • The Abstract-State Postulate. • The Bounded-Exploration Postulate.

  8. The First Postulate : SEQUENTIAL TIME

  9. Syntax • Any algorithm A can be given by a finite text. • We will concentrate on the behavior of algorithms, and not on the language it’s programmed in.

  10. Behavior Let A be a sequential algorithm. A is associated with: • A set S(A) whose elements will be called states of A. • A subset I(A) of S(A) whose elements will be called initial states of A. • A map TA: S(A)  S(A) that will be called the one-step transformation of A.

  11. Some Definitions For The Future.. • A run (or computation) of A is a finite or infinite sequence X0,X1,X2,….. where X0 is an initial state and every Xi+1 =TA(Xi). The computation steps of A form a sequence. In that sense the computation time is sequential. • Algorithms A and B are equivalent if S(A)=S(B), I(A)=I(B),TA=TB. Equivalent algorithms have the same runs.

  12. States are Full instantaneous descriptions of the algorithm. • A state X of an algorithm A reachable if X occurs in some run of A. • we do not require that an algorithm halts on all inputs. • We stipulate that TA(X) = X if A terminates in a state X.

  13. Why do we need the other 2 postulates? • Example 1 do for all x,y with Edge(x,y) R(x) R(y) R(y):=true; The algorithm is sequential-time but it is highly parallel. A sequential algorithm should make only local changes. The total change should be bounded.

  14. Example 2 If x y Edge(x,y) then Output:=false; else Output:=true; The algorithm changes only one Boolean but it explores the whole graph in one step. A sequential algorithm should be not only bounded change, but also bounded-exploration.

  15. The Second Postulate : ABSTRACT STATE

  16. Lets talk a bit more about the notion STATE

  17. Until now, states were merely elements of the set of states. Now, we argue that states can be viewed as (first-order) structures of mathematical logic. What exactly is this structure? We will describe its syntax and its semantics.

  18. Syntax • A vocabulary is a finite collection of function names. Some function names may be marked as relational. Every vocabulary contains: * The equality sign. * true, false and undef. * The unary name Boole. * the names of the usual Boolean operations.

  19. Terms are defined by the usual induction. A nullary function is a term. If f is a function name of positive arity j and if t1,…,tj are terms, then f(t1,…, tj) is a term. If the outermost function name is relational, then the term is Boolean.

  20. Semantics • A structure X of vocabulary is a nonempty set S (the base set of X), together with interpretations of the function names in over S. • A j-ary function name is interpreted as a function from S to S, a basic function of X. • We identify a nullary function with its value. • A j-ary relation R is a function from S to {true,false}, a basic relation of X.

  21. Example of states as structures:The Euclidean algorithm The goal is to find greatest common divisor (gcd) of two natural numbers a and b. One step of the algorithm can be described as: if b=0 then d:=a; else if b=1 then d:=1; else par a := b; b := a mod b; The base set of any state X of the algorithm includes: *Set of natural numbers (which comes with 0,1 as distinguished elements). *The binary operation mod. *Three dynamic distinguished elements a, b and d.

  22. Isomorphism Let X and Y be structures of the same vocabulary . Recall that an isomorphism from X onto Y is a one-to-one function from the base set of X onto the base set of Y, such that f( x1,…, xj) = x0 in Y whenever f(x1,…, xj) = x0 in X.

  23. Up-to-Isomorphism Abstraction • Distinct isomorphic structures are just different representations of the same isomorphic type • Isomorphic structures have the samecomputational power. • Suppose that X and Y are distinct states of the algorithm A and is an isomorphism from X onto Y, maps the base set of X onto the base set of Y, and preserves all functions of X.

  24. In a more graphic way… f A x f( x) A ~ A’ Mapping  f’ A’ x’ f’( x’) “101” f “110”  f’ 6 5

  25. Fixed Vocabulary • In logic, the vocabularies are not necessarily finite. • In our case, by definition, vocabularies are finite. • The vocabulary does not change during that evolution.

  26. The Base Set • The base set can change from one initial state to another. • The base set does not change during the computation. • All states of a given run have the same base set. Does it make any sense??

  27. The Environment • The initial state contains an infinite set, the reserve. • The environment’s job is to get the elements from the reserve. • We can use a special external function to fish out an element from the reserve. • That function is controlled by the environment.

  28. More exact wording of the second postulate • States of A are first-order structures. • All states of A have the same vocabulary. • The one-step transformation TA does not change the base set of any state. • S(A) and I(A) are closed under isomorphism. Further, any isomorphism from a state X onto a state Y is also an isomorphism from TA(X) onto TA(Y ).

  29. The third Postulate : BOUNDED EXPLORATION

  30. States as Memories • If f is a j-ary function name and a is a j-tuple of elements of X, then the pair (f,a) is a location. • ContentX(f,a) is the element f(a) in X. • If (f,a) is a location of X and b is an element of X, then (f,a,b) is an update of X. • Two updates clash if they refer to the same location but are distinct. • A set of updates is consistent if it has no clashing updates. • The result of executing an update set over X will be denoted X+ .

  31. LEMMA: If X,Y are structures of the same vocabulary and with the same base set, then there is a unique consistent set of nontrivial updates of X such that Y = X+ . PROOF: X and Y have the same locations. The desired set is: {(f,a,b)| b=ContentY(f,a) ContentX(f,a)}. THE SET WILL BE DENOTED Y-X

  32. The Update Set of an Algorithm at a State Let X be a state of an algorithm A. By the abstract-state postulate, X and TA(X) have the same elements and the same locations. Define: (A,X) TA(X)-X so that TA(X)=X+ (A,X).

  33. The Accessibility Principle • According to the abstract-state postulate, an algorithm A does not distinguish between isomorphic states. • A state X of A is just a particular implementation of its isomorphism type. • How can A access an element a of X? One way is to produce a ground term that evaluates to a in X. • The assertion that this is the only way can be called the sequential accessibility principle.

  34. An element a of a structure X is accessible if a = Val (t,X) for some ground term t in the vocabulary of X. • A location (f,a) is accessible if every member of the tuple a is accessible. • An update (f,a,b) is accessible if both the location (f,a) and the element b are accessible.

  35. The accessibility principle and the informal assumption that any algorithm has a finite program indicate that any given algorithm A examines only a bounded number of elements in any state.

  36. And yet another definition.. We say that two structures X and Y of the same vocabulary coincide over a set T of -terms if Val(t,X)=Val(t,Y) for all t T.

  37. More exact wording of the third postulate • There exists a finite set T of terms in the vocabulary of A such that (A,X)= (A,Y) whenever states X,Y of A coincide over T. • Intuitively, the algorithm A examines only the part of the given state which is given by means of terms in T. • The set T itself is a bounded-exploration witness for A.


  39. Let T be a bounded-exploration witness for algorithm A. Without loss of generality, we assume the following: *T is closed under subterms. *T contains the logical terms true, false, undef. • Call terms in T critical. • For every state X, the values of critical terms in X will be called critical elements of X.

  40. An update rule of vocabulary has the form f(t1,…, tj) := t0 where f is a j-ary function symbol in and t0,…, tj are terms over . • Every update in (A,X) can be programmed as an update rule. • To execute all updates in (A,X) in parallel, as a single transaction, we’ll use the par construct: par R1 . . Rk endpar • The par rules are called blocks. • The empty block is abbreviated to skip.

  41. If R is an update rule f(t1,…, tj) := t0 and ai = Val (ti,X) for i = 0,…, j then (R,X) {(f,(a1,…, aj), a0)} • If R is a par rule with constituents R1,…,Rk then (R,X) (R1,X) (Rk,X). • For every state X, there exists a rule R such that: *R uses only critical terms. * (R ,X) = (A,X).

  42. LEMMA If states X and Y coincide over the set T of critical terms, then (R ,Y)= (A, Y). (R ,Y)= (R ,X)= (A,X)= (A,Y). PROOF X and Y has the same critical terms. By the definition of R X and Y coincide

  43. Lemma: Suppose that X,Y are states and (R ,Z) = (A,Z) for some state Z isomorphic to Y, Then (R ,Y)= (A, Y). Definition: At each state X, the equality relation between critical elements induces an equivalence relation EX(t1, t2) Val (t1,X) = Val (t2,X) over critical terms. Call states X,Y T-similar if EX = EY . Lemma: (R ,Y )= (A,Y) for every state Y T-similar to X.

  44. For every state X, there exists a Boolean term that evaluates to true in a structure Y if and only if Y is T-similar to X. • There is a finite set {X1,…,Xm} of states such that every state is T-similar to one of the states Xi. • To program A on all states, we need a single rule that is applied to every state X and has the effect of R at X.

  45. CONDITIONAL RULES If is a Boolean term over vocabulary and R1,R2 are rules of vocabulary then if then R1 else R2 endif is a rule of vocabulary . To fire R at any -structure X, evaluate at X. If the result is true then (R,X)= (R1,X) otherwise (R,X) = (R2,X).

  46. MAIN LEMMA For every sequential algorithm A of vocabulary , there is an ASM program of vocabulary such that ( ,X)= (A,X) for all states X of A. PROOF Let X1,…,Xm be states. The desired is: par if then R . . if then R endpar Given a program , T (X) X+ ( ,X).

  47. One Last Definition A sequential abstract state machine B of vocabulary is given by: * a program of vocabulary . * a set S(B) of -structures closed under isomorphisms and under the map T . * a subset I(B) S(B) that is closed under isomorphisms. * the map TB which is the restriction of T to S(B).

  48. It is easy to see that an abstract state machine satisfies the sequential-time, abstract-state and bounded-exploration postulates. • By Definition, it is an algorithm. • Recall the definition of equivalent algorithms : Algorithms A and B are equivalent if S(A)=S(B), I(A)=I(B),TA=TB.

  49. MAIN THEOREM “For every sequential algorithm A, there exists an equivalent sequential abstract state machine B.” PROOF By the Main Lemma, there exists an ASM program such that ( ,X) = (A ,X) for all states X of A. Set S(B) = S(A) and I(B) = I(A).

  50. The end!! (Finally.. )

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