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Environment Advisory Council

2012.09.19.. Baltic NGO meeting. What is it?. Cooperation platform of environmental NGOs designed to ensure permanent exchange of information between environmental NGOs and Ministry of Environment and other state institutions . 2012.09.19.. Baltic NGO meeting. Background. Forum of environmental NGOs

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Environment Advisory Council

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Environment Advisory Council Alda Ozola-Matule Chairperson of the Council

    2. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting What is it? Cooperation platform of environmental NGOs designed to ensure permanent exchange of information between environmental NGOs and Ministry of Environment and other state institutions

    3. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Background Forum of environmental NGOs – once in a year Need for permanent platform for exchange of information on upcoming agenda of Ministry of Environment and other environmental institutions Need for developing joint positions

    4. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Establishing of Council Starting in 2003 By-laws drafted by Ministry of Environment and few environmental NGOs

    5. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Members (19 + 1) 19 representatives from environmental NGOs Grass-root organizations “professional” associations 1 representative from Ministry of Environment Elected in open elections once in a year

    6. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Member organizations in 2006 Latvian Green Movement Baltic Environmental Forum WWF Latvia Rural tourism association Latvian Fund for Nature Coalition for protection of Nature and cultural heritage Association of Organic Farming Latvian Angler’s Association Latvian Ecotourism society Latvian Ornithological society Association of Environmental Education Society “For clean Daugava” Environmental Protection Club Foundation for Environmental Education Latvian Waste management association Latvian Packaging association Association for Water supply and waste water Association for electronics’ industry Institute for Environmental Science and Management Representative of Ministry of Environment

    7. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Working principles Democracy Meetings are open and anybody can participate Decisions are mostly taken in mutual agreement Involvement in Council doesn’t undermine direct cooperation of environmental NGOs and state institutions By-laws about decision making Voluntary work Permanent coordinator (employee of Ministry of Environment)

    8. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Methods of work Information exchange Meetings once in a month Workshop when new Council starts the work Permanent working groups (involving experts outside of Council) Thematic meetings with MoE or other ministries to discuss the issues Appointing representatives to the working groups organized by MoE and other state institutions

    9. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Working groups Biodiversity Energy Water Environmental policy integration Spatial planning Landscape

    10. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Every-day activities Preparation of joint positions on new strategies and draft legislation proposed by MoE or other institutions Written comments Participation in official working groups Sometime: Supporting position of MoE Raising the issues Information dissemination to broader group of environmental NGOs and other institutions

    11. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Information flows Coordinator ? Council members + broader group of NGOs Website (www.vidm.gov.lv/vkp)? Not so much discussions about joint positions

    12. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Challenges Efficiency of cooperation depends on the professional knowledge and good will of civil servants Lack of knowledge about environmetnal NGOs within state institutions The efficiency of participation: Voluntary work vs. quality Early involvement? Cooperation with other ministries or state institutions are not satisfactory

    13. 2012.09.19. Baltic NGO meeting Are any changes needed? Act on Environmental Protection (adopted in October 2006) (1) Vides ministrija sadarbiba ar ieinteresetajam biedribam un nodibinajumiem, kuru merkis saskana ar statutiem ir vides aizsardziba, izveido vides konsultativo padomi. Padomes lemumiem vides joma ir ieteikuma raksturs. Ministru kabinets apstiprina padomes nolikumu. Nolikuma nosaka vides konsultativas padomes tiesibas, funkcijas un darbibas kartibu, ka ari kartibu, kada šaja panta minetas biedribas un nodibinajumi delege parstavjus darbam vides konsultativaja padome. (2) Vides konsultativa padome veicina iespejami plašaku sabiedribas iesaistišanu ar vidi saistitu lemumu pienemšana, sadarbibu un informacijas apmainu vides joma starp ikvienu personu un sabiedribu kopuma, valsts iesta­dem un pašvaldibam, ka ari sekme priekšlikumu sniegšanu jautajumos, kas saistiti ar vides politikas izstradi un istenošanu un attiecigu normativo aktu vai planošanas dokumentu sagatavošanu. (3) Vides ministrija finansiali nodrošina vides konsultativas padomes darbibu, ka ari sadarbojas ar vides konsultativo padomi, iesniedzot tai apspriešanai un priekšlikumu sniegšanai vides normativo aktu projektus un iesaistot to uz vidi attiecinamo dokumentu sagatavošana.

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