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New Areas of Development for HR Professionals: Project and change management at the EPO

New Areas of Development for HR Professionals: Project and change management at the EPO . R. Ernst. November 2008. OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION. Why the creation of HR-change management in the EPO ? Prince 2 Methodology In which areas. 1 Example further detailed: Flexi-time

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New Areas of Development for HR Professionals: Project and change management at the EPO

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  1. New Areas of Development for HR Professionals: Project and change management at the EPO R. Ernst November 2008

  2. OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION • Why the creation of HR-change management in the EPO ? • Prince 2 Methodology • In which areas. • 1 Example further detailed: Flexi-time • First experiences

  3. Why Change Management in HR? • MORE PRO-ACTIVE HR POLICY MAKING - Many new HR challenges in the framework of Strategic Renewal require a rigorous HR prioritisation and project management - Policy-making overlapwith daily business did not work - Bringing responsibility for HR-Policies, Service Regulations and HR Communication together in one directorate. • INCREASED INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS - Managers, staff and Staff Committee increasingly request for early and intensive involvement - Complexity of projects, because of automation and financial restrictions • CAPACITY FREED UP BECAUSE OF REORGANISATION OF HR FUNCTION - office-wide instead of site based organisation

  4. FROM A SITE-BASED TO AN OFFICE-WIDE STRUCTURE BEFORE the restructure: HR as units of three different PDs: PD 4.3 Munich PD 4.7 The Hague Berlin PD 4.5 Vienna UNIT Administration DIR Personnel Administration DIR Finance DIR Personnel SUB-UNIT Personnel DIR HR Managers Training Welfare DIR Infrastructure SUB-UNIT Infrastructure DIR Building Project Management DIR Compensation & Benefits

  5. DIR Regulations & Change Mgmt DIR Compensation & Benefits DIR Staff Services DIR HR Line Mgmt Support FROM A SITE-BASED TO AN OFFICE-WIDE STRUCTURE AFTER the restructure: HR in one single PD with clear roles for each directorate PD Human Resources DIR Training & Development POLICY OPERATIONS

  6. Prince 2 Methodology Prince 2 methodology : - is official EPO project methodology - ensures structured and disciplined processes - allows for close involvement of stakeholders - common language/understanding of all involved - obliges careful preparation

  7. In which areas ? Administration : - working time - duty travel - special leave - review of workflows / administrative procedures Development : - professional development concept - personal development plans - future staffing landscape - promotion board structure

  8. The example of flexi-time • Commitment by the President of the Office as result from Strategic Renewal and Human Capital Survey • Written mandate by top management • Drafting of Project Initiation Document • Project Board : senior providers, users representatives, staff committee • Project Team : varying composition according to stage of the project • Communication/involvement strategy : pilots, presentations at request, intranet, frequent asked questions, paper • Formal consultation : GAC, COHSEC • Linking up with political decision takers • Automation problems • Managing expectations • Implementation • Review

  9. First experiences • Positive : - 100% availability of Project Manager - prince 2 methodology created effective structure, but has to be applied with flexibility - close link with policy decision takers • Negative : - risk that HR-Colleagues start perceiving projects as more important than operations - project management experience restricted to few professionals - balancing of work load (one big project, combined with two smaller)


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