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Circu latory & Respiratory Test Review

Circu latory & Respiratory Test Review. The chambers of the heart that pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body?. Capillaries Ventricles Atria Aorta. # 4 in the diagram is?. the superior vena cava B) the Pulmonary veins C) the right atrium D) the right ventricle.

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Circu latory & Respiratory Test Review

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  1. Circulatory & RespiratoryTest Review

  2. The chambers of the heart that pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body? • Capillaries • Ventricles • Atria • Aorta

  3. # 4 in the diagram is? • the superior vena cava B) the Pulmonary veins C) the right atrium D) the right ventricle

  4. What is the structure labeled #3? • the aorta B) the pulmonary arteries C) the pulmonary semilunar valve D) the pulmonary veins

  5. What number represents the vessels that carry deoxygenated blood? What is this structure called? • #6 B) # 2 C) #1 D) # 3

  6. What number represents the chamber of the heart that is full of oxygen? • #4 • #5 • #2 D) #1

  7. Deoxygenated blood enters the ? A) Left atrium B) Right atrium C) Left ventricle D) Right ventricle

  8. After blood has been oxygenated in the lungs, it travels to? A) the right ventricle B) the left ventricle C) the right atrium D) the left atrium

  9. Valves are typically located within • Veins • Arteries • Capillaries • All of the above

  10. Capillaries are A) Blood vessels that generally carry only oxygenated blood B) The blood vessels that have valves within them C) Large blood vessels that have high pressure D) The smallest and most numerous blood vessels in the body

  11. Blood vessels that usually carry oxygen rich blood are? A) arteries B) veins C) capillaries D) valves

  12. The type Circulation in which the flow of blood occurs to and from the body? • Pulmonary • Arterial • Systemic • Peripheral

  13. The type of cells that transport respiratory gases are? • Red blood cells B) White blood cells C) Platelets D) Filled with plasma

  14. A narrowing of the inner wall of coronary arteries due to buildup of fatty materials is called? • Atherosclerosis • Hypertension • Stroke • Heart attack

  15. What structures does the picture illustrate? • Nerve cells • Platelets • Red Blood cells • White blood cells

  16. The cells in the picture • Live a minimum of a year B) Promote clotting C) Make up the air sacs that surround capillaries D) Contain hemoglobin

  17. The cells that contain hemoglobin are? • Red blood cells • Plasma • White blood cells • macrophages

  18. The process of blood clotting would probably be affected by? • A lack of sufficient blood flow to a group of cells B) An abnormality involving platelets C) A high level of oxygen in the veins D) too much elasticity in a blood vessel

  19. If you have blood type B, then that means you can give blood to someone who has ? • Blood types A and AB • Blood types B and AB • Only blood type AB • Only blood type O

  20. In the picture, “B” is pointing to? • The larynx • The esophagus • The trachea • The bronchi

  21. The Epiglottis • Covers the air passageway of the trachea during swallowing B) Is the air passageway that branches into each lung C) Contains passageways for both food and air D) Is also known as the voicebox

  22. Bronchioles are • Located at the back of nasal cavities and the mouth B) Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs C) Are also known as vocal cords D) A network of tiny tubes that connect the alveoli in the lungs to the bronchi

  23. Expiration occurs when • The diaphragm relaxes and rib cage muscles contract B) The diaphragm contracts and the rib cage muscles relax C) The diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax D) The diaphragm and rib cage muscles contract

  24. The Diaphragm A) Is a Dome shaped muscle below the chest cavity B) Is the site of gas exchange between the atmosphere and the blood C) Is a membrane that decreases the friction from the movement of the lungs during breathing D) Moistens and filters air before it moves back to the throat

  25. _______ is surrounded by capillaries. • each lung B) the trachea C) the aorta D) each alveolus

  26. Systolic pressure is caused by contraction of the heart’s? • Pulmonary semilunar valve B) Atria C) ventricles D) Aorta

  27. Which blood vessels connect the arteries to the veins? • Capillaries B) Venules C) arterioles D) Vena cava

  28. Systemic Circulation is • also known as pulmonary circulation B) The flow of blood from the heart to all parts of the body except the lungs C) The flow of blood between the heart and lungs D) Involves the pulmonary arteries and the pulmonary veins

  29. ________ assists in the blood clotting process • Hemoglobin • ATP • Platelets • White blood cells

  30. The molecule in red blood cells that binds to both oxygen and carbon dioxide is? A) glucose B) hemoglobin C) lymph D) ATP

  31. The trachea • Is the voice box • Is the site of gas exchange within the lungs • Sends blood to the right ventricle • Is a long straight tube that carries air from the back of the throat to the lungs

  32. The Bicuspid Valve • Prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle B) Prevents blood from flowing back into the right ventricle C) Prevents blood from going form the left ventricle to the left atrium D) Prevents blood from going form the right ventricle to the right atrium

  33. The _____ _____ returns fluids that have collected in the tissues to the bloodstream. • Immune system • Circulatory system • Lymphatic system • Respiratory system

  34. The rate of breathing is controlled by the ____ sensitivity to high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. A) Brain’s B) Diaphragm’s C) Alveoli's D) Lung’s

  35. ______ defends the body against pathogenic infections or invasions. A) Red blood cells B) plasma C) White blood cells D) platelets

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