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The Nucleus And Lysosome

The Nucleus And Lysosome. Dareenith (Big Fella) Scott Seward Jr. Cormacey (swag) Paulo Bateman Cedric (Baby Boi ) Edwardo Holt VII. The Nucleus. What Does It look like?. Nucleus. The Nucleus. What Kind of cells have this organelle?

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The Nucleus And Lysosome

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Nucleus And Lysosome Dareenith (Big Fella) Scott Seward Jr. Cormacey (swag) Paulo Bateman Cedric (Baby Boi) Edwardo Holt VII

  2. The Nucleus • What Does It look like? Nucleus

  3. The Nucleus • What Kind of cells have this organelle? • Only eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus, it’s the control center of all cells and contains DNA.

  4. The Nucleus • Where in the cell is the organelle located? • It is usually at the center of all cells and is seen lounging around in the cytoplasm.

  5. The Nucleus • What does the organelle do for the cell? • It contains the cells genetic material in the form of DNA and controls all the cells functions. And houses the Nucleolus.

  6. The Nucleus • If the cell were a factory what would it be? • It would be the main office because all the decisions are made here. And it controls everything

  7. Lysosomes • What does the organelle look like?

  8. Lysosome • What kind of cells have the organelle? • Only animal cells have lysosomes, because in plant cells contain a vacuole, which takes the place of lysosomes.

  9. Lysosome • Where in the cell is the organelle located? • The lysosome is located lounging in the cytoplasm with the nucleus.

  10. Lysosome • What does the organelle do for the cell? • The organelle is a vesicle that uses enzymes to digest excess or worn out cellular substances.

  11. Lysosome • If the cell was a factory what would the organelle be? • The lysosome would be the trash man because it gets rid of all the excess substances.

  12. Works Cited • http://empowermoments.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/garbage_man.jpg • http://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/01942/plcells/thinkquest/lysosomes.jpg. • http://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/01942/plcells/thinkquest/nucleus.jpg. • http://scienceforkids.kidipede.com/biology/cells/pictures/lysosomes.jpg • https://confluence.crbs.ucsd.edu/download/thumbnails/33489686/10976.jpg ?version=1&modificationDate=1311286147000 • http://www.fastcharacters.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/cartoon-business-man-02.jpg • http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/238/133/963.png • http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/nucleus/nucleus.html • http://mtbcells.weebly.com/lysosome.html • http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/animals/images/cellnucleus.jpg • http://www.stonewallsecurity.co.uk/images/controlRoom.jpg • http://imcurious.wikispaces.com/file/view/lysosomes.jpg/112070719/lysosomes.jpg • http://www.biology4kids.com/files/art/cell_lysosome1.gif

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