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RPRA Update

Learn about the changes in Ontario's Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program and how it supports the shift towards a circular economy. Find out the key updates and the benefits of EPR for infrastructure development, product returns, and innovation.

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RPRA Update

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  1. RPRA Update Holly Lafontaine Manager of Programs & Planning May 28, 2019

  2. Road Map 1 EPR 2What’s changing in Ontario 3 WDTA program updates

  3. Extended Producer Responsibility EPR is one of the policy tools that can incentivize resource recovery How EPR can support a shift towards Circular Economy: • Supporting infrastructure development and financing • Driving product returns to increase scale and cost effectiveness of reverse logistics and processing • Rewarding innovative approaches to achieving product or material recovery targets

  4. Maximizing value retention https://www.circle-economy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/finance-white-paper-20160923.pdf

  5. Maximizing value retention https://www.circle-economy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/finance-white-paper-20160923.pdf

  6. Oils Pectin Flavonoids Fibers

  7. https://www.enviro-pac.com

  8. https://www.enviro-pac.com

  9. Ontario: new Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) model Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA) Responsibility of producers Each producer is individually responsible for meeting mandatory and enforceable requirements Flexibility in how to meet requirements to allow innovation Compliance oversight and enforcement by the Authority A registry to securely obtain and store data from reporting organizations Enforcement capabilities

  10. What’s changing in Ontario To: Going from: Stewards/producers collectively responsible for the end-of-life management of products and packaging Stewards/producers individually responsible for the end-of-life management of products and packaging A system managed by multiple competing producer responsibility organizations (PROs), and/or producers managing their own products and packaging A system centrally managed by IFOs/ISOs Performance targets outlined in a Program Plan or Industry Stewardship Plan Mandatory and enforceable performance requirements outlined in regulations

  11. What’s changing in Ontario Going from: To: A supply chain operated without a Program Plan, resulting from commercial negotiations within the parameters of a new regulation A supply chain operated according to a Program Plan or Industry Stewardship Plan The Authority collects system data through a secure registry to enforce individual producer compliance IFOs/ISOs collect system data and the Authority oversees The Waste Diversion Transition Act, 2016 (WTDA) The Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA)

  12. Tires

  13. Overview of Transition - Key Changes On December 31, 2018 the Used Tires Program operated by Ontario Tire Stewardship came to an end On January 1, 2019 a new, mandatory tire recycling system came into effect and tire producers (formerly called “stewards”) became individually responsible for managing tires at end of life New system is overseen by RPRA

  14. RRCEA used tire market • Registration statistics: • 593 producers • 6 producer responsibility organizations • 32 processors • 18 retreaders • 132 haulers • Over 6,000 collection sites

  15. RRCEA Tire Collection System • Every producer shall establish and operate a collection system for tires • Tires Regulation provides options for the producers • For example, based on population or retail sites • Population requirement states, in local municipalities with a population of 1,000 or more: • at least one tire collection site if the population is less than 3,000, or • if the population is 3,000 or more, at least one tire collection site for every 3,000 people or portion thereof • in territorial districts with a population of 1,000 or more 1 site

  16. RRCEA Promotion & Education Requirement to publish and clearly display on their website: • The locations of the producer’s tire collection sites for each tire type, where consumers may return tires • A description of any collection services provided by the producer that are available other than at a tire collection site • A description of the resource recovery activities engaged in by the producer in the course of managing the producer’s collected tires

  17. WDTA Program Updates

  18. OTS Wind Up On April 2, 2019 The Minister directed OTS to amend its Wind-Up Plan to establish a program for the return of surplus funds to tire consumers OTS held consultation sessions on May 7th and May 9th On April 30, 2019 OTS received additional information from Canada Revenue Agency and OTS is in the process of reviewing the status of program surplus funds OTS will submit a report to RPRA before a program for the return of surplus funds to tire consumers is finalized

  19. WEEE Program Wind Up OES submitted Wind Up Plan Dec 2018 Steward fee elimination implemented Feb 1st for the remaining duration of the program Authority consulted on the wind up plan and surplus fund options • Minister requested the Authority to consult on a surplus of funds of >$25M • Consultation showed wide support for extension of the program and prolongation of the fee elimination • The Authority reported back to the Minister April 30th Authority is reviewing feedback obtained on the overall Wind Up Plan and preparing submission to the Authority Board for consideration of approval

  20. WEEE Wind Up Plan (WUP) Development and Approval Today New regulation developmentMinistry of Environment, Conservation and Parks WUP draftingOES WUP consultation & approvalRPRA Registration with RPRA System Participants Plan assessmentRPRA WUP consultation • OES Wind up of OES Operation of WEEE program under the Wind Up Plan Regular program operations Minister’s Wind Up direction letterFeb 8, 2018 RPRA WUP approvalExpected June 2019 Program wind upJune 30, 2020

  21. WEEE and Batteries Reg Material designated Collection and access Management Promotion & Education Find the draft Reg and react on: https://ero.ontario.ca/ Ministry seeking feedback until June 23, 2019

  22. MHSW Program Wind Up SO consulted on draft Wind Up Plan and received feedback until May 1, 2019 SO must submit the MHSW Wind Up Plan to the Authority by end of June Battery Wind Up on a separate timeline to coincide with the WEEE wind up

  23. MHSW Wind Up Plan (WUP) Development and Approval Today New regulation developmentMinistry of Environment, Conservation and Parks WUP draftingSO WUP consultation & approvalRPRA Registration with RPRA System Participants Plan assessmentRPRA WUP consultation • SO Operation of WEEE program under the Wind Up Plan Regular program operations Minister’s Wind Up direction letterApril 12, 2018 RPRA WUP approvalExpected Dec 2019 Program wind upDec 31, 2020 Battery program wind upJune 30, 2020

  24. Blue Box Program 2017 Consolidated Datacall Report available at rpra.ca/datacall All 2017 Blue Box Audit reports have been sent to the 20 selected programs

  25. Blue Box Program • 2018 Datacall submission closed April 26, 2019 • RPRA now conducting verifications on data submitted • Steward Obligation methodology and CIF Strategic Plan and budget will be considered at June 27 RPRA Board Meeting Amended Blue Box Program Plan dormant since February 15, 2018 Currently no new direction from the Minister for the transition of the Blue Box Program

  26. Thank you. Questions?

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