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Manageability in Future Internet - Devisable Management Architecture for WSN -

Manageability in Future Internet - Devisable Management Architecture for WSN -. Choong Seon Hong Kyung Hee University cshong@khu.ac.kr November 17, 2008. Contents. Introduction to Future Internet and its Manageability Future Internet and Sensor Network Application Trend in Sensor Network

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Manageability in Future Internet - Devisable Management Architecture for WSN -

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  1. Manageability in Future Internet- Devisable Management Architecture for WSN - Choong Seon Hong Kyung Hee University cshong@khu.ac.kr November 17, 2008

  2. Contents Introduction to Future Internet and its Manageability Future Internet and Sensor Network Application Trend in Sensor Network Classification of Management The Separation of data plane and management plane Devisable Management: Approach to manage sensor network in future internet Conclusions 2

  3. Growth of Internet Usage travel Usenet IPTV library p2p old game shopping INTERNET search social networking news chat

  4. Problems of Current Internet Lack of security Very difficult to manage due to explosive growth in # of devices & network traffic amount Lack of mobility support No guarantee on QoS – best effort service

  5. Why Future Internet? A growing and changing demand For increasing user control of contents/services For interconnecting ‘things’-TV/PC/phone/sensor… For convergence: networks/devices/services (video/audio/data/voice) Mobility Security Current technologies can be, and need to be improved significantly For scaling up and more flexibility For better security For higher performance and more functionality

  6. What is Future Internet? [1] Need to resolve the challenges facing today’s Internet by rethinking the fundamental assumptions and design decisions underlying its current architecture Two principal ways in which to evolve or change a system Evolutionary approach (Incremental) A system is moved from one state to another with incremental patches Revolutionary approach (Clean-slate) The system is redesigned from scratch to offer improved abstractions and/or performance, while providing similar functionality based on new core principles It is time to explore a clean-slate approach In the past 30 years, the Internet has been very successful using an incremental approach Reaching a point where people are unwilling or unable to experiment on the current architecture

  7. What is Future Internet? [2] Future Internet? Clean Slate design of the Internet’s architecture to satisfy the growing demands Management issues of Future Internet also need to be considered from the stage of design Research Goal for Future Internet Performing research for Future Internet and designing new network architectures Building an experimental facility

  8. Research Roadmaps for Future Internet US (Future Internet) NSF NeTS-FIND Architecture Project 2006 NSF GENI GENI 2002 Network testbed PlanetLab 2008-2009 FP7 FP6 EU (Future Network/ Future Internet) NGI FIRE Euro-NGI(€5M) Euro-FGI 2002 2006 2007 2013 4WARD 2008 JP (NeW Generation Network) 2007 NWGN Promoting Forum Network testbed 2004 JGN II JGN2Plus JGN X 2006 AKARI project Architecture Project FIF 2006 KR (Future Internet) KOREN2 KOREN 2002 CASFI 2008 Now 2000 2005 2010 2015

  9. Requirements for Future Internet • Integrity, authenticity, confidentiality of communication with any given peer • Seamless handoff/roaming • Identity/addressing • Virtualization of Resources Scalability Interoperability Reliability Availability • Intelligent and programmablenetwork nodes • FCAPS • Autonomic Management

  10. Requirements for Future Internet Manageability • Integrity, authenticity, confidentiality of communication with any given peer • Seamless handoff/roaming • Identity/addressing • Virtualization of Resources Scalability Interoperability Reliability Availability • Intelligent and programmablenetwork nodes • FCAPS • Autonomic Management

  11. Management of the Current Internet

  12. Current Network Environment Satellite Broadcast Networks (DAB, DVB-T) WiBro, HSDPA Bluetooth Zigbee 6LoWPAN CDMA, GSM, GPRS IP-based micro-mobility Wireless LANs INTERNET xDSL/Cable FTTH PSDN 10 Gigabit Ethernet PSTN SONET ATM ISDN SS#7 Fast Ethernet WANs Gigabit Ethernet IN/AIN Ethernet B-ISDN

  13. Current Network Management Framework Management Platform Collect, organize & interpret Operational Data Administrator Workstation mgmt requests/replies Agent Agent event reports Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent Observation & Control

  14. Functional Requirements for NM • Fault Management • detection, isolation and correction of abnormal operations • Configuration Management • identify managed resources and their connectivity, discovery • Accounting Management • keep track of usage for charging • Performance Management • monitor and evaluate the behavior of managed resources • Security Management • allow only authorized access and control FCAPS

  15. Standard Management Frameworks • OSI Network Management Framework • CMIP (X.700 Series) • Internet Network Management Framework • SNMPv1 • SNMPv2 • SNMPv3 • TeleManagement Forum • SID, eTOM, NGOSS • Distributed Management Task Force • CIM, WBEM • Open Mobile Alliance • OMA DM

  16. Towards Management of the Future Internet

  17. Manageability for the current Internet has been developed as anafterthought! THINK about Manageability of Future Internet Do we need a revolutionary approachoran evolutionary approach? ? FCAPS

  18. Research Efforts - EU http://www.4ward-project.eu • 4WARD WP4: INM (In Network Management) • Autonomic self-management • Abstractions and a framework for a self-organizing management plane • Scheme, strategies, and protocols for collaborative monitoring, self-optimizing, and self-healing

  19. Research Efforts - USA • GENI OMIS WG (Operations, Management, Integration and Security) • Operations, management, integration and security processes in GENI • Experiment support, monitoring, and data storage • Security monitoring and incident response • Federation management and monitoring • Hardware release, maintenance and integration • Software release, maintenance and integration • Operations metric collection and analysis • http://www.geni.net/wg/omis-wg.html

  20. ResearchEfforts - Korea • CASFI(Collect, Analyze, and Share for Future Internet) • Goals • Manageability of Future Internet • Data Sharing Platform for Performance Measurement • High-Precision Measurement and Analysis • Human Behavior Analysis • Groups • KHU, KAIST, POSTECH, CNU • Period • 2008.03.01 ~ 2013.02.28 • http://casfi.kaist.ac.kr

  21. Management for Future Internet [1] • Management Interface • Management Information Modeling & Operations • Instrumentation • Management Architecture • Centralized vs. Decentralized Management • Peer-to-Peer • Hybrid • Service Management • Customer-centric service • Service portability • SLA/QoS

  22. Management for Future Internet [2] • Traffic Monitoring/Measurement and Analysis • Monitoring for large-scale and high-speed networks • Network/application-level monitoring • Global traffic data access/sharing • Fast and real time monitoring • Statistical sampling method • Storing method for large scale traffic data • Measurement and analysis of social networking

  23. Management for Future Internet [3] • Autonomic Management/Self-Management • Self-managing frameworks and architecture • Knowledge engineering, including information modeling and ontology design • Policy analysis and modeling • Semantic analysis and reasoning technologies • Virtualization of resources • Orchestration techniques • Self-managed networks • Context-awareness • Adaptive management

  24. Sensor Network and Internet: Similarities and Dissimilarities 24

  25. Application Trend in Sensor Network and its Management • Large scale data acquisition system (e.g. Environmental monitoring, Oceanography) • For building ubiquitous instrumentation to accomplish design manageability in future internet (e.g. Sensors attached in the routers or switches) • Passive monitoring of Networking Devices • Environmental observation and forecasting system • In the implementation of intelligent, sophisticated and complicated control algorithms • There will be revolutionary changes (or at least a paradigm shift) for network-enabled devices in control and management algorithm using sensors 25 Necessitate an Efficient Sensor Network Management Architecture

  26. Classification of Sensor Network Management 26

  27. Management Protocols in Internet and Sensor Network • Until now research trend has shown similar architectural trend from the management point of view 27 Network Managers, Software Agents, Policies Management Decision and Operations Management Plane Supply Management Data Data Plane (e.g. MIB’s) • Problems • Poor failure-mode operation • Huge overhead

  28. Policy based Network Management It is a condition-action response mechanism To provide an automatic response to conditions in the network according to pre-defined policies It is also an abstraction/translation mechanism Define goals /not device configurations Changes in policy lead to changes in goals/not implementations 28

  29. General Architecture of Policy based Management Policy Management Tool Creation Editing Validation Translation Policy Repository Storage Searching Retrieval Policy Decision Point Decision Translation Configuration Policy Enforcement Point Configuration 29

  30. Policy based Management: Discussion Policy based architecture is truly best suited for management if the all sorts of situation can be known in advanced However, due to dynamics it is impossible to predict the network behavior WSNs are more unpredictable than usual networks Therefore we need a management architecture composed of following three properties Autonomic: All management functionalities will be executed autonomously and possibly with minimum human intervention Adaptive: Ability to cope with the unpredictable behavior Intelligence: Ability to take management decisions based on rules and policies 30

  31. Devisable Management for WSN • Devisable Management • It is a kind of autonomous management where network manager (software manager) will detect network events and do the necessary based on network resources, predefined policies, intuition and intelligence. • Intuition • Intelligence • Predefined Policies 31 Intelligence Element Intuition Element Devisable Management Policy Element

  32. Devisable Management for WSN (Cont’d) • Design Goals and Objectives • Autonomic Management • Keeping human intervention as less as possible • Reduce the gap between software managers and human managers • Time cautious network event detection • Keeping the network change (e.g. state change) detection time as low as possible • Target is like six 9 availability • Managing unforeseen events • Sometimes network/sensor node may experience unforeseen events due to configuration error or due to security attacks 32

  33. Devisable Management for WSN (Cont’d) • Design issues to be considered • Design and develop an appropriate interface to reduce the gap between human manager and software agents who performs the task of management • Definition of high level policies and goals of the applications and its conversion to low level machine readable policies • Identify sensor network functionalities and management functions • Issues related to manage unforeseen events • Query Model to other sensor network • Extensibility of the management protocol • Inclusion of new module and modification of existing modules 33

  34. Devisable Management for WSN (Cont’d) • To identify the management requirements and operation first we need WSN Functionalities • Basic functionalities • Configuration • Can be done manually/automatically if the deployed area is accessible • Must be self configured if the deployed area is inaccessible • Sensing • Gather data for sensed phenomenon or periodic events • Processing • Data gathering, aggregation etc. • Communication • Deliver sensed phenomenon or periodic events to appropriate destination • Other functionalities • Application dependent • Temporal requirement, Spatial requirement, Reliability 34

  35. Devisable Management for WSN (Cont’d) • Management Functionalities • Configuration Management: Tasks of this operation requires direct specification from applications and of course varies application to application • Node deployment (e.g. random or deterministic) • Topology discovery • Synchronization • Coverage area determination • Fault Management: most critical for sensor networks • Fault detection, isolation and correction • Performance Management • Data reliability, protocol scalability, throughput, goodput, sensing quality wrt environmental changes • Security Management • Identify threats, reliability, privacy, integrity • Mobility Management • Energy Management • Heterogeneity Management • Do we need a Virtualization in WSN? 35

  36. Devisable Management for WSN (Cont’d) • Functional modules for designing a devisable management • TNM (Tiny Network Manager) • Resides in the sensor node • Performs management for known events using Policy Based Network Management • Performs unforeseen event management using Intuition and Intelligence 36

  37. Devisable Management Modules 37

  38. Devisable Management Modules (Cont’d) • Management Agents • It detects changes in the network (e.g. Anomaly detection) • It also executes specific management tasks (e.g. configuration management, fault management etc.) • Rules and Policies • Autonomous management can be accomplished with the help of policy based management • It consists of Policy Evaluation, Policy Repository, Policy Decision Point (PDP) and Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) 38

  39. Devisable Management Modules (Cont’d) • Unforeseen Event Management Module • This module prepares a query to ask about specific network state change which is not possible to handle with the exiting rules and policies • It also notifies reply (if received) to the policy evaluation module to create new policy • Protocol Extensibility Module • This module deals with inclusion, modification and removal of the existing management policies, agents and functions when necessary 39

  40. Devisable Management (Cont’d) • Identification of unforeseen events • Convert the event data into a high-level query format • Ask the query to other sensor network through Internet for solution 40 Policy Decision Point (PDP) Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) YES Policy Found Event Detection Agent Query Agent Policy Repository NO Communication Agent

  41. Devisable Management (cont’d) 41

  42. Devisable Management (Cont’d) 42 Query Format Query ID Event Type Parameters Values Reply Format Query ID Parameters Values

  43. Devisable Management (Cont’d) 43 Sequence diagram for policy based management operation and query to other sensor node for unforeseen event management

  44. Devisable Management (Cont’d) 44 Sequence diagram for reply in response to the query for unforeseen event management

  45. Conclusions It’s time to study on manageability for Future Networks The idea of devisable management would be very effective for managing Sensor networks It will reduce the gap between human managers and software agents It will enhance the autonomous property of management protocols However the implementation will be very complex Also, identifying a application independent query model will be a huge task 45

  46. Question and Discussion

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