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Missouri public schools: the best choice . . . The best results!

Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education October 13, 2011. Missouri public schools: the best choice . . . The best results!. Missouri Education. What Have I Learned in the Past Year……. TOY. L-1. MACCE. MoSpe. OEQ. PRAXIS. ETS. CCSSO. MOACTE. SAMs. ABCTE. SCEE. ISLLC.

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Missouri public schools: the best choice . . . The best results!

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  1. Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education October 13, 2011 Missouri public schools: the best choice . . . The best results!

  2. Missouri Education


  4. What Have I Learned in the Past Year……. No Money $$$$$ More Work 4

  5. What Have I Learned in the Past Year……. Who are the Players… 5

  6. Our Future, Our Teachers Teacher Education Reform and Improvement Plan September 2011 6

  7. The shape of the teaching profession is changing,raising the stakes on teacher preparation. Teacher experience as share of workforce Mode: 1 yearof experience. Mode: 15 yearsof experience. 7

  8. Teachers are dissatisfied with their pre-service training. 62%of new teachers saythey graduated from their school of education unprepared for “classroom realities.” 62% 8

  9. Superintendents and principals are dissatisfied with pre-service teacher training. Principals reporting their teachers were… … NOT prepared to work with parents: 79% …NOT prepared to address needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds: 72% …NOT prepared to address needs of students with disabilities: 70% …NOT prepared to address needs of students with limited English proficiency: 84% …NOT prepared to maintain order and discipline in the classroom: 67% 9

  10. 2011Missouri's Survey Data …Understanding of how students differ in their approaches to learning …Designing lessons that address differentiated learning …Success in application of these lessons …Prepared to address needs of students with limited English proficiency 10

  11. The U. S. Department of Education is Proposing a Three Part Strategy HEA Title II Regulations - Revise federal reporting requirements to reduce burden and focus on the most important indicators of quality. Presidential Teaching Fellows – A new $185 million program to support rigorous state-level policies and provide scholarships to attend top programs. August F Hawkins Centers for Excellence - $40 million in first-time funding for a program supporting teacher preparation at minority-serving institutions. 11

  12. Missouri Education Reform Plan

  13. 4 Goals: Goal 1 – All Missouri students will graduate college and career ready. Goal 2 – All Missouri children will enter kindergarten prepared to be successful in school. Goal 3 – Missouri will prepare, develop and support effective educators. Goal 4 – The Department will improve efficiency and operational effectiveness. 13

  14. Goal 3 – Missouri will prepare, develop and support effective educators Objective 1: • By 2020, all candidates will be highly effective Strategy: Develop a process for approving educator prep programs based on current research and student achievement 14

  15. Goal 3 – Missouri will prepare, develop and support effective educators Objective 2: • By 2020, all educators will be highly effective Strategies: Review and revise all licensure policies and procedures Provide districts access to educator evaluation resources aligned to educator standards 15

  16. 17

  17. 18

  18. State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness 19

  19. The Founding States NCATE State Alliance 20

  20. The Office of Educator Quality Missouri Model Teacher and Leader Standards 21

  21. Missouri Model Teacher and Leader Standards A Resource for State Dialogue A Resource for State Dialogue Adopted and approved by the Missouri State Board of Education: June 2011 22

  22. Partners involved with the creation / development 27 organization partners 32 school district partners 25 higher education partners Well-over 150 different people More than 2 years of work overall Acknowledgments 23

  23. June, 2010 Missouri school districts are directed to adopt a set of teaching standards The work of MACCE on educator standards (2009) served as starting point for the state model The standards provide a model/resource available for use by districts Senate Bill 291 24

  24. The Core Concepts of Teaching and Leading “articulate expectations of performance” Articulate Expertise and Effectiveness “develop student capacity for continuous academic and personal growth and development” Purpose of the Model Standards “serve as a resource for educators” Extensive research-base “inform and build collective capacity to grow and develop the knowledge and skills of students” Model Teacher and Leader Standards 25

  25. The Professional Continuum • Candidate • College, university or state approved alternate pathway • Content knowledge and skills are developed • New teacher/leader • Entering the profession • Begin to apply knowledge and skills from preparation • Developing • Expanding knowledge and skills from experiences • Proficient • Continued advancement of knowledge and skills • Distinguished • Exhibits mastery and formal/informal leadership

  26. Measures of Evidence • Multiple measures of evidence help to determine the appropriate level of the educator • Examples of evidence also provide a blueprint for how to increase knowledge and skills • Continuous improvement is characterized by mastery and increasing levels of expertise • Formative development occurs through the use of rubrics for each indicator

  27. Missouri Teacher Standards36 Quality Indicators

  28. Missouri Leader Standards 12 Quality Indicators 29

  29. Professional Frames Professional Practice Teacher / Leader Standards 9 Standards/36 Indicators 5 Standards/12 Indicators Professional Commitment Professional Impact 30

  30. Professional Frames of the Educator Professional Commitment …agreement or pledge made as a result of being an educator Professional Practice …action or process of educating based on knowledge & skills Leader Standards Standards Teacher Professional Impact …effect or cause that results because of the educating Leader Standards Teacher Standards 31

  31. Glossary of Key Terminology • Provides a collective definition and understanding • Establishes standardized language using credible resources (i.e. InTASC Standards) • 34 terms defined and referenced

  32. Development of Missouri Standards for Educators • Teachers • Leaders • Superintendent • Counselor • Librarian All with diverse stakeholder direction and input!

  33. Collective Capacity Strategy Model 34

  34. Phase I: Professional ContinuumTeacher and Leader Standards • Develop/Design/Adapt: In Collaboration with a Broad-based group of Educators • Examined Proposed Missouri Standards 2009 • InTASC Common Core Teaching Standards • Standards from other states • Experts in the field of research and development 35

  35. Phase II. Educator Accountability and Assessment • Develop/Design/Adapt: In Collaboration with a Broad-based group of Educators • Identify educators interested in being part of the work • Identify tools that are already out there • Identify what research says is best practice in teacher evaluation/assessment; in leader evaluation/assessment 36

  36. Phase III. Redesign of Evaluation of Educational Preparation Programs The development of highly effective educators • The establishment of standards wrapped in a professional continuum with data points and the development of a performance assessment system. • The Redesign Work Group focusing on scope & sequence, courses/competencies, assessment system; field & clinical experiences; candidate profiles; faculty profiles; and unit operations and resources. 37

  37. Redesign has started! • The development of highly effective educators • The establishment of standards wrapped in a professional continuum with data points and the development of a performance assessment system.

  38. Looking Ahead • What steps are ahead? • Approval of Unit and Program Standards with an implementation plan that allows phases of roll out. • Implementing institution and statewide assessment plans that inform program improvement • Resubmission & approval for unit and certification programs • Developing a new review process with an annual reporting system.

  39. Moving Forward Discontinued the submission on December 1st New institutions/units Changes in current programs Discontinue the MoSTEP Reviews (starting in 2011-12) and focus energies on the redesign, development of assessments including the annual reporting system, and resubmission of unit/programs. The Essence of Time 40

  40. NCATE/MoSTEP Reviews Conduct the 2011-2012 Reviews as scheduled Truman State University (Piloting New Program Reporting Templates) Missouri State University University of Missouri – Kansas City (Piloting New Program Reporting Templates) Develop a “Joint” partnership allowing Missouri Board of Examiner members to serve on NCATE/MO state reviews The Essence of Time 41

  41. 2012-2013 work with institutions to delay their reviews until 2013-2014 (Optional) Evangel University Lincoln University University of Missouri – St. Louis Webster University Northwest Missouri State University 2013-2014 implement Joint Protocol and add Drury & Park University The Essence of Time 42

  42. Work with TEAC to develop & implement a partnership agreement for our institutions belonging to TEAC Development of the annual accountability process & reporting for community colleges The Essence of Time 43

  43. When I Grow Up I Want to Be a…… TEACHER!!! 44

  44. What Have I Learned in the Past Year……. • Exciting Work • Quality Educators Great Friends 45

  45. dese.mo.gov EducatorQuality@dese.mo.gov Contact Us

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