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Anatomy of the Lower Limb: Muscles, Vessels, and Organs

Explore the detailed anatomy of the lower limb, including the muscles, vessels, and organs such as the urinary bladder, prostate, and rectum. Learn about important structures like the femoral vessels, obturator internus, and the pubis.

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Anatomy of the Lower Limb: Muscles, Vessels, and Organs

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  1. Urachus Inferior Epigastric Vessels Urinary Bladder External Iliac Head of Femur Vas Deferens Obturator Internus Rectum

  2. External Iliac Vessels Bladder Head of Femur Ureter Obturator Internus Seminal v. Rectum

  3. Sartorius m. Pectineus Pubis Femoral Vessels Rectus Femoris Obturator Externus Tensor Fasciae Latae Ischial Tuberostiy Rectum Prostatic Venous Plexus Femur Prostate Gluteus Maximus Levator Ani Obturator Internus

  4. Femoral Vessels External Obturator Rectineus Femur Quadratus Femoris Ischium Urethra Anus Bulb of Penis Pubis Gluteus Maximus

  5. Corpus Cavernosum Femoral Vessels Adductor ms. Lesser Trochanter Ischiocavernosus m. Corpus Spongiosum Sciatic n. Bublospongiosus m.

  6. Vastus Medialis Rectus Femoris Vastus Intermedius Sartorius Femoral Vessels Great Saphenous v. Vastus Lateralis Adductor Longus Profunda Femoris Vessels Femur Gracilis Adductor Magnus Hamstrings

  7. Rectus Femoris Vastus Intermedius Vastus Medialis Vastus Lateralis Sartorius Femoral Vessels Fascia Lata Adductor Longus Great Saphenous v. Profunda Femoris Vessels Lateral Intermuscular Septum Gracilis Long Head of Biceps Adductor Magnus Semimembranosus Semitendinosus

  8. Rectus Vastus Intermedius Femur Vastus Lateralis Vastus Medialis Lateral Intermuscular Septum Femoral Vessels Sartorius Adductor Magnus Short Head of Biceps Great Saphenous v. Long Head of Biceps Gracilis Semitendinosus

  9. Tendon of Quadriceps Femur Suprapatellar Bursa Vastus Lateralis Popliteal Vessels Short Head of Biceps Vastus Medialis Sartorius Common Peroneal & Tibial ns. Gracilis Semimembranosus Long Head of Biceps Semitendinosus

  10. Patella Medial Condyle Lateral Condyle Biceps Femoris Sartorius Great Sapheous v. Plantaris Common Peroneal Medial Gastrocnemius Popliteal a. Semimembranosus Tibial n. Small Saphenous v.

  11. Patellar Ligament Femur Post Cruciate Ligament Fibular Collateral Ligament Sartorius and Gracilis Popliteus Plantaris Popliteal Vessels Gastroc Gastroc

  12. Tibia Popliteal Vessels Popliteus Head of Fibula Great Saphenous v. Soleus Tibial n. Gastrocnemius Small Saphenous v.

  13. Interosseus Membrane Tibialis Anterior Tibia Anterior Tibial Vessels Ext. Dig. Longus Flexor Dig. Longus Ext. Hallucis Longus Post Tibial Vessels Flexor Hallucis Longus Tibialis Post Peroneus Longus Tendon Peroneus Brevis Fibula Gastrocnemius Peroneal Vessels Soleus Small Saphenous v.

  14. Tibia Tibialis Anterior Tibialis Posterior Anterior Tibial Vessels Flexor Dig. Longus Fibula Post Tibial Vessels And Tibial n. Peroneus Longus Tendon Peroneal Vessels Peroneus Brevis Soleus Flexor Hallucis Longus Small Saphenous v.

  15. Ext. Hallucis Longus Tibialis Anterior Ext. Dig Longus Medial Malleolus Talus Tibia Lat. Malleolus Tibialis Posterior Peroneus ms. Posterior Tibial Vessels Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendo Calcaneus

  16. Talus Tibia Tibialis Posterior Tendon Fibula Flexor Dig Longus Tendon Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Posterior Tibial Vessels Calcaneus Abductor Hallucis Abductor Digiti Minimi

  17. Interosseus m. Metatarsals Abductor Digiti Minimi Flexor Hallucis Brevis Tendon Flexor Hallucis Longus Lateral Planter Vessels Flexor Dig. Brevis Plantar Aponeurosis

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