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Assessments for ALL Learning: We’re All in this Together!

Assessments for ALL Learning: We’re All in this Together!. Informal Formative Assessments Alana Button and John Trew. Alana Button—8 th Grade English Language Arts at Bolivar Middle School John Trew —Middle School and High School Band Director at Bolivar R-1. Let’s play a game….

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Assessments for ALL Learning: We’re All in this Together!

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  1. Assessments for ALL Learning: We’re All in this Together! Informal Formative Assessments Alana Button and John Trew

  2. Alana Button—8th Grade English Language Arts at Bolivar Middle School John Trew—Middle School and High School Band Director at Bolivar R-1

  3. Let’s play a game…. Question: How many calories do you burn per hour by banging your head against a wall? Instructions: Everyone get out of you seat and start circulating. Whenever I call “FREEZE!” you need to stop and be ready to form a group.

  4. If you think the answer is… 50 or less calories: form a group of 2 51-100 calories: form a group of 3 101-150 calories: form a group of 4 151 or more calories: form a group of 5

  5. …survey says: 150 calories burned per hour by banging your head against the wall If you were in a group of 4, you were correct!

  6. Let’s try this again! Here’s your question: On average, how many people are killed each year by a vending machine falling on top of them?

  7. 1 to 3 people: form a group of 2 4 to 10 people: form a group of 3 11 to 15 people: form a group of 4 16 or more people: form a group of 5

  8. ….survey says: On average, 13 people die each year by a vending machine falling on top of them.

  9. Last one, I promise: • Of the following animals, which can sleep for up to three years without eating? • Bears (form group of 2) • Frogs (form group of 3) • Sloth(form group of 4) • Snail (form group of 5)

  10. …survey says: A snail can sleep for up to 3 years without eating. If you were in a group of 5, you are correct!

  11. Mix-Freeze-Group Directions are on website Check student learning during a unit Gets students out of their seat Must work with others and take on leadership roles Type of informal formative assessment

  12. Informal Formative Assessments • What’s the purpose? • Quick check of student learning that guides instruction • Assessments used during instruction (frequently) • Effective way to routinely check if students “get it” • Avoid the huge “shock” when grading tests • So the purpose: to inform you AND your students

  13. OUR purpose Show the importance and effectiveness of informal formative assessments Show techniques applicable to core and elective classrooms Show “classic” versions and technology driven versions

  14. Check out our websites: www.missbutton.weebly.com www.musiclabbolivar.blogspot.com a flipped classroom approach

  15. Classic Versions Exit/ Admit Slips Slips of paper that are to be completed quickly. Usually have a thought provoking statement or question. Completed at the end of class or at the beginning of class Invite students to reflect on material presented Can be used in any content area Templates on website

  16. Power Writing Timed (usually 2 or 3 minutes) writing in response to question or reflection Good to gage prior knowledge (i.e. Write everything you know about photosynthesis) Non-stop writing; no stopping to think Can be used in any content area Also can be used after a lesson

  17. Whiteboard Draw Requires a personal mini-whiteboard and marker for each student Can be used to quiz, survey, examples, main idea, possible answers, sequencing, etc. “1, 2, 3, Draw!” Toward teacher, then “draw” again towards shoulder partner “Draw” multiple times to see other answers Can also use white paper, note cards, paper plates, etc.

  18. In 12 word or less Strategy that can be used after a small amount of study Writing one sentence summing up the main points Deciding what is important to include Helps to guide instruction from there Fill in the gaps Do you students know the “main idea”? Can be used in any content area

  19. Class Vote To go one step beyond voting, group students and have each group select a speaker to take share their “stance” Teacher is the judge and decides who justified answer the best Could be used in a Social Studies classroom for debates/political issues

  20. Four Corners Assign vocabulary words, concepts, or questions to each corner of the room Students are assigned a corner and must respond as a group to the prompt Each corner shares out Can be used in any content area Should be more general concepts, instead of “debatable” theories

  21. Counting QuizAssessment of whole group-Instant feedback on who remembers previous material covered.

  22. Counting Quiz

  23. Performance Based IFA Strategies apply to performance based assessment. Discussion and Teacher feedback are used to improve performance of skill/concept.

  24. Methods or Techniquesfor Authentic Assessment Performance demonstrations or tests such as playing a chordal song accompaniment on an instrument or clapping a steady beat while singing a song. Audio or video recordings that document samples of students’ musical behavior. Portfolios that chronicle and monitor student learning over a period of time. Interview or conferences with students to determine the depth of their understanding and give students a chance to reflect on their achievement. From The Musical Classroom. 5th Ed. 2001. Prentice Hall.

  25. Band Strategies Full Ensemble Snippet- Entire Ensemble performs selection of music. Recording/playback/discussion/immediate director feedback Section Snippet- Single/multiple sections perform selection of music. Recording/playback/discussion/immediate director feedback

  26. Band Cont. Individual Snippet- One or two students perform the selection of music with director providing immediate feedback and encouragement. Sight Seeing- In six minutes or less, performers look over new music and look for cues to how the music is to be performed. (Same process used during state music festivals)

  27. Band Cont. 3-2-1- Students write down on index card three new music concepts recently presented, two examples where concept is used in the music, and one unresolved question or confusing concept. Muddiest Measure- Students write down on index card the measure number of a measure of music and concept they are struggling to perform. (Rhythmic combination, new fingering)

  28. 8th Grade Rehearsal Day 2 of having new music, band piece “NEMESIS.” Director conducts ensemble and listens for: Tone Quality, dynamic accuracy, correct time signature Tempo consistency, accurate accidentals, proper posture Key Signature - Eb Concert, accurate articulations Blending within section, rhythmic accuracy Horn carriage, breath support Balance across the ensemble, accurate repeats, intonation

  29. After each snippet, the director leads discussion of missed notes and concepts, and gives feedback for improved performance. Sound Clip 1,2 “Nemesis” mm 9-17- Full Ensemble Snippet Sound Clip 3,4 “Nemesis” mm 9-17- Alto Sax Section Snippets Sound Clip 5 “Nemesis” mm 17-25- Full Ensemble Snippet Sound Clip 6-8 “Nemesis” mm 17-25- Trumpet Section Snippets Sound Clip 9-11 “Nemesis” mm 17-25- Clarinet Section/Individual Snippets

  30. Technology used in band: Self recorded chair tests-assesses individual skill level at that time, while providing competition and goals to achieve. Self-recording, using UJAM (lab website)-new concept of student recording at home and sharing when at school. Assesses performer’s ability to play in time with a recorded song or metronome. Smart Music Studio www.smartmusic.com

  31. Other Encore IFAs: Exit Slip (percussion goal for the quarter-student self reflects and teacher acquires information on weak areas in section) Note Naming Quiz (timed, reward is bragging rights! Students reflect on what notes need more work) Carousel Brainstorming-While Carousel Brainstorming, students will rotate around the classroom in small groups, stopping at various stations for a designated amount of time. While at each station, students will activate their prior knowledge of different topics or different aspects of a single topic through conversation with peers.  Ideas shared will be posted at each station for all groups to read.  Through movement and conversation, prior knowledge will be activated, providing scaffolding for new information to be learned in the proceeding lesson activity.

  32. Other Encore IFAs: Oral Presentation, Reflection, and Share out Daily Journal Entries Speed Typing Guided Classwork Questioning and Dialogue

  33. Integrating Technology Websites (resources, links, practice samples, etc) Computers Clickers SmartBoards iPads **Note: Nearly ANY of the “classic” informal formative assessments can be applied using a variety of technology.

  34. Website: Weebly Assignments tab Import PowerPoint lessons, word documents, website links, photo albums, etc. Google Docs, Forms, Spreadsheets, and Presentations

  35. Google Drive Must have an active Gmail account Stores all of your documents in one place, accessible from anywhere with internet access Saves automatically Can connect and share with co-workers

  36. Google Forms Tests/Surveys User friendly Questions can be multiple choice, fill in the blank, checkboxes, choose from a list, scale, and grid. Option to make certain questions required before allowing form to be submitted Results in a spreadsheet of data

  37. Examples of Forms https://drive.google.com/?authuser=0#my-drive http://missbutton.weebly.com/assignments.html

  38. iPad for Formative Assessments Many apps can be accessed on desk top computers Used in all content areas

  39. Socrative Similar to Google Forms Questions in the form of multiple choice and short answer Grades multiple choice quizzes Also shows data at the end of the quiz Students are given a number in which they connect Teacher opens and closes quiz

  40. Nearpod Similar to Socrative in that student connects with teacher lesson Upload PowerPoint presentations and students follow along Questions embedded throughout lesson Questions can be poll, multiple choice, whiteboard fill in the blank Immediate data provided Can be used in any content area

  41. Flashcardlet Can be accessed on desktops/laptops (Quizlet) Ready made decks of flashcards, or you can create your own deck (and share) Used after instruction Excellent for practicing terms

  42. Educreations Interactive Whiteboard Students can create a “lesson” or demonstration of knowledge Able to write or type, alongside voice recording Import pictures and links Formative Assessment: teaching others http://missbutton.weebly.com/plc.html

  43. Popplet (Lite) Brainstorming App Export and Share with others K-W-L: Make a Popplet of what you know/what you want to know before lesson, and add popplets as the lesson proceeds

  44. Snap Guide Similar to PowerPoint Students can move slide by slide, adding a picture or video to each slide Can be used on desktops Writing: story telling Math: Step by step instructions to solving an equation Social Studies: timeline of events

  45. Blogging Can be accessed from desktop Question or prompt to start discussion (or incorporation of standard) Bounce ideas off each other Teacher can easily interact and make comments

  46. Email us! abutton@bolivarschools.org jtrew@bolivarschools.org

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