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Enhancing National Climate Monitoring Capacity

This presentation discusses the current status, gaps, and needs in producing National Climate Monitoring Products at a national level. It covers challenges, recommendations, and capacity building requirements including infrastructural, technical, and human resources. Key challenges include limited spatial coverage and awareness on satellite data utilization. Recommendations focus on training, software provision, and capacity enhancement for effective climate monitoring.

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Enhancing National Climate Monitoring Capacity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Capacity at National Level to produceNational Climate Monitoring Products Presented by: Ladislaus Chang’aMeeting of the Expert Team on National Climate Monitoring ProductsMARAKESH, MOROCCO15 – 17 SEPTEMBER 2015

  2. Contents Current status in the capacity to produce the NCMP The existing gaps and capacity development needs for producing the NCMP and carrying out awareness on the importance of NCMP Other Challenges Summary and recommendation

  3. The current status • It is understood that the Capacity to observe, monitor and document relevant weather and climate patterns differ from regions to regions and from country and country • The Technical Know how of generating and publishing relevant climate Monitoring Products also differ • Majority of developing countries and particularly those from Africa are not regularly producing the NCMP, and are not often contributing to the WMO Statement on the Status of Annual Climate and the BAMS Statement

  4. The Capacity Building needs for the development of the NCMP • Infrastructural capacity for Observation and Monitoring of weather and climate • The need for computers and relevant software for the computation and analysis of climate data and the NCMP • Human Resource Capacity: In terms of availability of human Resources • Technical Capacity: • Technical capacity in data management (Processing and analysis) to carry out the NCMP task in effective and efficient way

  5. Other Challenges • Limited spatial coverage in Observation of Temperature and other meteorological parameters • Limited awareness on satellite data and on the capacity to manipulate and use it • Capacity development needs on handling and using AWS data

  6. Recommendation • Organize training workshops for the Focal Point to raise awareness on the importance of sustained monitoring of climate and familiarize them with the six NCMP • Train the Focal point on statistical analysis of climatic data focusing on the use of R software and Rclimdex • Provide the Focal Point and the NMHS with the relevant Software • It will be useful to build capacity on the effective and efficient ways of handling and using AWS data • Encourage NMHS to Produce National Statement

  7. Thank You

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