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CBRN THREAT BRIEF 031UTD01. Prepared by:. ADMINISTRATIVE. Safety Requirements: None Risk Assessment: Low Environmental Considerations: No major environmental impact, training entirely of a classroom nature with no major impact on the environment, equipment, or personnel.

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  1. CBRN THREAT BRIEF 031UTD01 Prepared by:

  2. ADMINISTRATIVE • Safety Requirements: None • Risk Assessment: Low • Environmental Considerations: No major environmental impact, training entirely of a classroom nature with no major impact on the environment, equipment, or personnel. • Evaluation: None

  3. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Identify the current threat environment and situations that U.S. Troops face today. Conditions: Given an instructor led discussion in a classroom environment. Standards: Identified the current threat Environment and situations that U.S. Troops face today to include;

  4. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE • Identified locations of possible deployments or conflicts with enemies of the United States. • Identified possible enemies with NBC capabilities • Identified the different types of Chemical and Biological Agents

  5. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE • Identified Protective measures • Supervise unit for Nuclear attack • Supervise unit for Biological attack • Supervise unit for Chemical attack

  6. How did this happen?

  7. Russia • Formerly the Soviet Union and head of the WARSAW PACT • Sold weapons during the “cold war” to nations now having ties to terrorists • Conditions so bad WMD’s found missing or for sale by soldiers on the black market

  8. The Spread of Chemical Weapons 031UTD01

  9. The Spread of Chemical Weapons 031UTD01

  10. The Spread of Chemical Weapons 031UTD01

  11. The Results 2000+ Nukes, Advanced Chemical Program Claims Limited Bio Program Possible 2-10 Nukes, Claims 200, 5000 Tons of Nerve, Blister, and Blood agents, Limited Bio Program, anthrax, plague, or yellow fever. Small Nuke power program, no known weapons, Limited Bio program, small chemical stockpile from Iran-Iraqi war China North Korea Iran

  12. The Results Syria Sudan Russia No Nuke program Limited Bio Program Chemical arsenal includes VX gas and Sarin Dumping ground for other countries, No Nukes or Bio. Limited Chemical Program Large modern Nuke program, Surviving Bio program Continues, Worlds largest stockpile of Chemical Weapons

  13. Summary/Check on Learning What was the major incident that propagated the spread of WMD? What are some countries that pose a major concern that posses WMD? The ending of the cold war and breakup of the Soviet Union China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Russia, Sudan

  14. Chemical VS Biological Chemical agents are typically manmade through the use of industrial chemical processes. Biological agents are either replicating agents (bacteria or viruses) or non replicating materials (toxins) that can be produced by living organisms.


  16. CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS Advantages • Easy to produce with dual use technology • Simple “homemade” agents available to terrorists, i.e. Sarin • Easy to use on multiple targets and different delivery systems.

  17. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AGENTS BACTERIA TOXINS Anthrax Tularemia Botulinum Plague Saxitoxin Q-Fever Mycotoxin VIRUSES SEB VEE fever Snake, spider, etc. Yellow fever Smallpox Hemorrhagic fever viruses

  18. Biological Warfare Agents • Advantages: • No reliable detection devices available • No recognizable signals to human exposure • Can specifically target personnel, crops, livestock or specific kinds of material. • Disadvantages: • Ultimate consequences uncertain • Potential for international outrage

  19. Nonlethal Agents Riot Control Agents: Tear Gas Agents: CS, CN Vomiting Agents: Adamsite, Diphenyl Chloroarsine Incapacitants: Psychochemicals: LSD, BZ

  20. Delivery Means • NBC Delivery Systems: •   (1). Missiles •   (2). Rockets •   (3). Bombs •   (4). Artillery •   (5). Mines •   (6). Remote piloted vehicles •   (7). Sprayers

  21. Summary/Check on Learning What is the difference between chemical and biological agents? What are some chemical warfare agents? What are some delivery systems? Chemical agents are manmade, biological agents can be produced by living organisms Blood, Choking, Blister, Nerve Missiles, Rockets, Bombs, Artillery, Mines, RPV’s, Sprayers

  22. Conventional NBC Targets • Large numbers of Troops or military vehicles. • Bridges and highways. • Large fixed sites such as Airfields

  23. Non-Conventional NBC Targets Targets Include: • Agriculture • Livestock • Water supplies

  24. Summary/Check on Learning What are some conventional targets? What are some non-conventional targets? Troops, vehicles, bridges, highways Agriculture, livestock, water supplies


  26. ADVISE COMMANDER ON NBC THREAT • Estimate the unit's vulnerability to the NBC threat • Analyze the enemy's position and capabilities on the battlefield • Advise on the appropriate protective measures and MOPP level

  27. ADVISE COMMANDER ON NUCLEAR THREAT • First strike policy • Methods of employment and delivery • Targets of threat tactical nuclear strikes

  28. ADVISE COMMANDER ON BIOLOGICAL THREAT Advise on the use of biological weapons: The United States will not use biological agents under any circumstances

  29. ADVISE COMMANDER ON BIOLOGICAL THREAT Methods of employment and delivery: Airdropped packets Rockets Artillery Aircraft sprayers Saboteurs Mines Infected insects and rodents

  30. ADVISE COMMANDER ON BIOLOGICAL THREAT Targets of threat biological weapons: Food supplies Water sources Troop concentrations and convoys Population centers

  31. ADVISE COMMANDER ON BIOLOGICAL THREAT Types of threat biological weapons: Pathogens- Pathogens suitable for wartime use include bacteria. Viruses, rickettsia and fungi. Toxins- Toxins suitable for wartime use include botulism, tetanus and diphtheria.

  32. ADVISE COMMANDER ON CHEMICAL THREAT Advise on the use of chemical weapons: US Armed forces will not use lethal or incapacitating chemical agents.

  33. ADVISE COMMANDER ON CHEMICAL THREAT Methods of employment and delivery: Fixed-wing and rotary wing aircraft Rockets Surface-to-surface missiles Artillery Landmines

  34. ADVISE COMMANDER ON CHEMICAL THREAT Targets of threat chemical attacks: Enemy positions in the forward battle area Enemy defenses and their flanks Nuclear delivery systems Headquarters Airfields Artillery position

  35. ADVISE COMMANDER ON CHEMICAL THREAT Types of threat chemical agents: Nerve Choking Blister Blood Incapacitating Agents

  36. ADVISE COMMANDER ON USE OF SMOKE Advise on the use of smoke: Used to attack and defeat specific enemy targets, sensors, target acquisition systems, weapon guidance systems, and other electro-optical devices.

  37. ADVISE COMMANDER ON USE OF SMOKE Means of employment and delivery: Smoke Grenades Smoke Pots Smoke Generators Projected Smoke Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system (VEESS)

  38. ADVISE COMMANDER ON USE OF SMOKE Smoke screens used by the threat: Blinding Smoke Camouflage Smoke Protective Smoke Decoy Smoke Signaling

  39. ADVISE COMMANDER ON USE OF FLAME Advise on the use of flame: The use of weapons that employ fire, such as tracer ammunition, flamethrowers and other incendiary agents, against targets requiring their use is not a violation of international law.

  40. ADVISE COMMANDER ON USE OF FLAME Means of employment and delivery: Rocket Launchers Incendiary grenades Flame Field Expedience

  41. ADVISE COMMANDER ON USE OF FLAME Types of flame weapons: Rocket propelled napalm projectile Man-packed rifle type light flamethrower Cart-mounted heavy flamethrower Tank-mounted flamethrower

  42. ADVISE COMMANDER ON THREAT NBC DEFENSE • Reconnaissance assets • Protective equipment • Decontamination capabilities

  43. CHECK ON LEARNING What are the types of threat Biological Weapons? Pathogens and Toxins What are the means of employment and delivery for the use of flame? Rockets, Incendiary Grenades, Flame Field Expedients


  45. INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION NUCLEAR - Ensure personnel are in shelters. - Ensure personnel cover all exposed skin.

  46. POSITION NUCLEAR - Ensure terrain is used effectively. - Ensure shelter provides the best protection.

  47. MATERIAL NUCLEAR - Ensure supplies, equipment and vehicles are dispersed. - Ensure existing cover provides protection and park vans opposite of prevailing winds. - Keep flammable debris to a minimum. - Ensure all food and water are sealed and covered. - Disconnect all power cables. - Store all electronics not in use.


  49. CHECK ON LEARNING Prior to a suspected nuclear attack, what steps would you complete to protect your water and food supplies? Ensure all food and water are sealed tightly in containers and secured under available covered.

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