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DIBELS: Doing it Right

DIBELS: Doing it Right. –. Big Ideas of Today’s Presentation. Reading success is built upon a foundation of skills DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a tool that indicates a student’s likelihood of success on state assessments

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DIBELS: Doing it Right

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DIBELS: Doing it Right

  2. Big Ideas of Today’s Presentation • Reading success is built upon a foundation of skills • DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a tool that indicates a student’s likelihood of success on state assessments • Educators can use this information to support the decision-making process and Response to Intervention in Literacy

  3. DynamicIndicators ofBasicEarlyLiteracySkills

  4. Foundational Literacy Skills • Phonemic Awareness • Alphabetic Principle and Phonics • Accurate and Fluent Reading • Comprehension • Vocabulary

  5. Description of DIBELS

  6. Early Identification of Needs DIBELS identifies: • Children whose skills are not on track for reading success; and • Specific skills that teachers can target to plan instruction for preventing difficulties OR improve reading development.

  7. DIBELS MEASURES • FSF = first sound fluency • LNF = letter naming fluency • PSF = phoneme segmentation fluency • NWF = Nonsense word fluency • DORF = DIBELS oral reading fluency • Daze • WUF = Word Use Fluency The WUF measure is no longer part of the core DIBELS materials, but a revised version of WUF is available as an experimental measure from: http://dibels.org/.

  8. Foundational Skills and DIBELS Indicators

  9. Data about DIBELS

  10. 3rd GradeSpring DIBELS and 3rd Grade i-LEAP 225-342-3730

  11. 3rdGrade Spring DIBELS and 4th Grade LEAP

  12. 3rd Grade Spring DIBELS and 6thGrade i-LEAP

  13. 2009-2010 End of 1st to End of 2nd Growth on DIBELS

  14. 2009-2010 End of 1st to End of 3rd Growth on DIBELS

  15. Statewide End of Second Grade DIBELS Performance 2010-2011

  16. What We Know… • Students who perform benchmark are likely to pass and WE need to ensure students who perform at benchmark read every day to maintain skills • If students are scoring strategic and intensive they are less likely to pass • We have 48% or 24,000 students who entered 3rd grade this year that were performing strategic or intensive at the end of 2nd grade • An effective RTI process needs to be in place this year for improving reading outcomes for these students

  17. Using DIBELS and RTI Process

  18. Critical Elements of RTI • Effective instruction by the classroom teacher • Universal screening of all students • Identification of students not making progress • Intervention for students who need more than general education instruction • Frequent progress monitoring of students • receiving intervention • Use of data to adjust instruction

  19. Data-Driven Model for RTI Decisions Data-Driven Step

  20. DIBELS Data System

  21. DIBELS Data System The DIBELS Data System website includes helpful information on entering data and using reports, including: • Data System Manual • Quick Start Guide • Videos and Slides • Descriptions of reports and how to use them

  22. DIBELS Data System • Go to the DIBELS website at http://dibels.uoregon.edu • Click Data System on the menu at the left of the page • Log in using the password given by the district coordinator • Follow instructions given in the DIBELS Data System Manual

  23. Tips Data entry: • Must include the identification number used to report enrollment information as the primary or secondary identification number • Usually is the child’s Social Security Number • Must include the child’s birth data • Must be checked for accuracy

  24. DIBELS Assessment Schedule

  25. Benchmark Assessment Schedule 2011-12 Fall 2011 Assessment • Begins 1 week after school’s start date • Continues for up to 15 school days • Data must be entered into the DIBELS Data System no later than October 1, 2011 Winter 2011 Assessment • Begins 1 week after students return from holiday break • Continues for up to 15 school days • Data must be entered into the DIBELS Data system no later than February 15, 2012 Spring 2012 Assessment • Begins 4 weeks before the students’ last day of school • Continues for up to 15 school days. • Data must be entered into the DIBELS Data System no later than • June 8, 2012

  26. Questions? Questions?

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