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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday

Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday. Compare your responses to the ones below: The purpose… is to convey the idea that no matter what happens, you can overcome and rise just as she did. of Maya Angelou’s poem “Still I Rise” is to inspire others like herself to take a stand.

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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday

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  1. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Compare your responses to the ones below: The purpose… • is to convey the idea that no matter what happens, you can overcome and rise just as she did. • of Maya Angelou’s poem “Still I Rise” is to inspire others like herself to take a stand. • to inform the reader of her rough past and also show that she still stayed strong. • was meant to persuade the reader I personally feel The primary audience seems to be… • the people who tried to bring her down because she wants them to know she overcame. • The people that hurt her because she asks questions and address them throughout the poem. • The black community and the people that also put her down in life because it is a poem that displays power and hope but also a sense of anger and cockiness. • those who have been discriminated against and knocked down because a good majority of Angelou’s word choice includes ideas about being discriminated against. • The author’s enemy because she says how the “you” in the poem lies about her and is upset by her strength. The poem conveys the theme that… • No mater the struggles of a person, they can overcome them. • Life may knock you down, but you can still get back up and lead a happy life. Stanza 8 best reflects the overall purpose because it shows the obvious difficult past to the reader by saying “up from the past that’s rooted in pain, I rise.” The theme is especially revealed through the lines/words “up from the past… I rise” because it shows that regardless of the difficulty, it can be overcome. Stanza 1 best reflects this purpose because if shows both the cruelty she’s faced with and also shows her disregard towards the bitterness of others. The theme is especially revealed through the lines/words “you may trod me in the very dirt, but still like dust, I’ll rise” because it expresses her triumph over brutishness. Homework: • Complete question 1 in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet • Define, identify in context, and prepare to explain your assigned vocabulary words

  2. Past, Present, Future Monday • Introduction to Unit 3: Lessons from the Past • “Still I Rise” – purpose, audience, theme • Closed notes – enduring understandings, standards, objectives, assessments • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 1 • Packet Questions • Vocabulary • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 2 • Unit 3 Envisioning My Future Portfolio Entries

  3. Lessons from the Past Monday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts 3 Writing and Composition Organizational writing patterns inform or persuade an audience 4 Research & Reasoning Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions Objective: you will be able to Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. You will be able to write effective literary and informational compositions. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence Analyze how literary components affect meaning Statement of Inquiry Authors’ create memoirs to position readers to understand the power of an experience and how it shapes individuals and society. Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions • What can I learn from another’s experiences? • How can the circumstances of my life and what I’m surrounded by drive me forward or hold me back? • What should I do now in my life to have the kind of future I would like?

  4. Instruction: Obtain I Do Monday What do the following terms mean? • nonfiction, autobiography, and narrative. Vocabulary Critical Questions to Guide Understanding

  5. Activities: Develop & ApplyWe Do Monday Purpose: to understand the early circumstances of Frederick Douglass’ life and how they may have shaped his future Tasks: • Entitle a page in your composition notebook “Narrative FD Chapter 1” • Read Chapter 1 aloud (I Do) • Pause, Discuss, Take Notes • Vocabulary • 2 ways in which slaves were kept ignorant (& their effect on FD) • 2 character traits of Frederick Douglass (with support) • 1 powerful experience in Frederick Douglass’ early life (and how it may shape him) Outcome: understanding of Chapter 1 in order to write a personal reaction to Critical Question 1

  6. Critical Questions • Plus – thorough or at least on the right track with a correct answer • Check – less thorough, a little confusing, more of a restatement • Minus – little to no answer, incorrect, confusing • Zero – no response • L – late • Tardy

  7. Lessons from the PastMonday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts 3 Writing and Composition Organizational writing patterns inform or persuade an audience 4 Research & Reasoning Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions Objective: you will be able to Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. You will be able to write effective literary and informational compositions. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence Analyze how literary components affect meaning Statement of Inquiry Authors’ create memoirs to position readers to understand the power of an experience and how it shapes individuals and society. Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions • What can I learn from another’s experiences? • How can the circumstances of my life and what I’m surrounded by drive me forward or hold me back? • What should I do now in my life to have the kind of future I would like? Homework: • Complete question 1 in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet • Define, identify in context, and prepare to explain your assigned vocabulary words

  8. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday • Take a book (Narrative Life of FD) out of the box and to your desk • Turn in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet to the front desk • Have out your composition notebook • Draw a line under yesterday’s Chapter 1 notes and entitle a page “Narrative FD Chapter 2” • Respond to any or all of the following using pictures, symbols, and/or words: • How do you earn money? Do you receive an allowance? Do you work? What types of things do you buy with your money? • What types of clothes do you like to wear? • What is your sleeping area like at home? Do you have your own bedroom? How is your bedroom decorated? • What do you like to do in your spare time? Period 7 Finish last two paragraphs and identify 1 powerful experience in Frederick Douglass’ early life (and how it may shape him) in you Chapter 1 notes Homework: • Complete Chapter 2 question in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet • Are you done defining, identifying in context, and preparing to explain your assigned vocabulary words?

  9. Past, Present, Future Tuesday • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 1 • Packet Questions • Vocabulary • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 2 • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 3 • Unit 3 Envisioning My Future Portfolio Entries

  10. Lessons from the Past Tuesday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions What can I learn from another’s experiences? How can the circumstances of my life and what I’m surrounded by drive me forward or hold me back? What should I do now in my life to have the kind of future I would like?

  11. Instruction: Obtain I Do – We Do Tuesday Purpose: to understand the early circumstances of Frederick Douglass’ life and how they may have shaped his future Tasks: • Read Chapter 2 aloud, rotating one paragraph per group member. • Pause after each paragraph • Discuss vocabulary (I’ll be checking on these) and content/plot details • For each paragraph, list the details of slave life (feel free to use pictures & symbols, too) Outcome: an understanding of Chapter 2 in order to write a inferential response to Critical Question 2

  12. List Details of Slave Life Paragraph 1 • Lived on plantations – Home Plantation is main/master’s house • Overseers ran the plantations • Produced tobacco, corn, wheat – taken to market $$ • Sloop

  13. Lessons from the Past Tuesday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions What can I learn from another’s experiences? Homework: • Complete Chapter 2 question in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet • Are you done defining, identifying in context, and preparing to explain your assigned vocabulary words?

  14. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Wednesday/Thursday • Turn in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet to the front desk • While you wait, entitle a page Envisioning My Future in your comp notebook, think/write about the following: • Who do you know between the ages of 30 – 40 years old? • Of those people… • Who do you admire and why? • Who leads a life you think is interesting, fun, productive and why? • Who do you not admire and why? • Who leads a life you think seems uninteresting, tiring, or unproductive and why? Homework: • Complete Chapter 3 question in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet – RESPOND to the quote & gives examples • Are you done defining, identifying in context, and preparing to explain your assigned vocabulary words?

  15. Past, Present, FutureWednesday/Thursday • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 2 • Packet Question Chpt.1 • Vocabulary Chpt. 2 • Unit 3 Envisioning My Future Portfolio Entry 1 • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 3 • Vocabulary • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 4

  16. Envisioning My Future Wednesday/Thursday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts 3 Writing and Composition Organizational writing patterns an audience 4 Research & Reasoning Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions Objective: you will be able to Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. You will be able to draw evidence from informational and literary texts to support reflection. Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions What can I learn from another’s experiences? How can the circumstances of my life and what I’m surrounded by drive me forward or hold me back? What should I do now in my life to have the kind of future I would like?

  17. Develop & ApplyYou Do Wednesday/Thursday Purpose: to envision your future in order to plan for it Task: Complete* the Envisioning My Future Graphic Organizer Outcome: detailed responses in each organizer shape to help you with the next entries *You can add to and change ideas on the organizer at any time during the unit

  18. Activities: Develop & ApplyWe Do – You Do Wednesday Purpose: to understand the early circumstances of Frederick Douglass’ life and how they may have shaped his future Tasks: Read Chapter 3 individually and respond to questions Outcome: Critical Question answer for Chapter 3 Purpose: to prepare for future chapters Tasks: define and identify in context your assigned vocabulary words (Daedalus Lab) Outcome: understanding of how your words are used in the context of the narrative

  19. Envisioning My Future Wednesday/Thursday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts 3 Writing and Composition Organizational writing patterns inform or persuade an audience 4 Research & Reasoning Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. You will be able to write effective literary and informational compositions. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence Analyze how literary components affect meaning Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions What can I learn from another’s experiences? How can the circumstances of my life and what I’m surrounded by drive me forward or hold me back? What should I do now in my life to have the kind of future I would like? Demonstration of Learning (DOL) – 6 questions

  20. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Friday • Turn in your “Critical Questions to Guide Understanding” packet to the front desk • Grab a copy of the book • Have out your comp book • Draw a line under your Chpt. 2 responses & entitle a section Chapter 3 • Tape your answer to chapter 3 in your notebook (under chapter 3) • Turn to a shoulder partner and discuss events from Chapter 3: • How did Colonel Lloyd keep slave boys from taking his fruit? • Why was it particularly difficult for Colonel Lloyd's slaves to be in charge of his horses? • What happened to the slave who told Colonel Lloyd the truth about his master? Why? Who was his master? • What does the slave maxim “a still tongue makes a wise head” mean? How does it relate to this chapter?

  21. Past, Present, Future Friday • Unit 3 Envisioning My Future Portfolio Entry 1 • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 3 • Vocabulary – all chapters – in context • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 4 • Unit 3 The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass • Chapter 5 & 6

  22. Envisioning My Future Friday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions What can I learn from another’s experiences? How can the circumstances of my life and what I’m surrounded by drive me forward or hold me back? What should I do now in my life to have the kind of future I would like?

  23. Instruction: Obtain I Do Friday Purpose: to understand and identify irony Tasks: • What is “irony”? Define irony. • Take notes • Verbal Irony: This is the contrast between what is said and what is meant. In other words, sarcasm. • Dramatic Irony: This is the contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what we (the reader) know to be true(TRAGIC IRONY) • Situational Irony: This is the most common in literature. It is the contrast between what happens and what was expected (or what would seem appropriate). Because it emerges from the events and circumstances of a story it is oftenmore subtle and effective than verbal or dramatic irony 3. What is ironic about Colonel Lloyd’s treatment of his horses compared to the treatment of his slaves? • He treated his horses well—they needed “proper attention” while he beats his slaves. The animals get treated better than the slaves • Outcome: ability to identify irony in future chapters

  24. Irony= what is expected is very different from or the opposite of reality http://www.amazingoasis.org/2013/11/20-things-so-ridiculously-ironic-that.html

  25. Activities: Develop & ApplyWe Do – You Do Friday Purpose: to understand the early circumstances of Frederick Douglass’ life and how they may have shaped his future by identifying his use of irony Tasks: • Read Chapter 4 aloud, pause to discuss vocabulary in context • Respond to the following questions in your comp notebook: • The stories that Douglass shares about Mr. Gore, Mr. Lanman, Mrs. Hicks, and Colonel Lloyds are all examples of what? • Why is Mr. Austin Gore a “first-rate overseer”? What is the irony of this description of him? What is ironic about his name? Outcome: an understanding of the system of justice and ironies of plantation life in order to respond to the 2 Critical Questions C = completed

  26. Envisioning My Future Friday Colorado Academic Standards 2 Reading for All Purposes Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts Objectives You will be able to read a range of literature to understand important universal themes and the human experience. Enduring Understandings/Relevance If you understand how the circumstances of peoples’ lives can positively propel them into their futures or hinder their progress and hold them back, then you will be able to envision and create your own future. Essential Questions What can I learn from another’s experiences? How can the circumstances of my life and what I’m surrounded by drive me forward or hold me back? What should I do now in my life to have the kind of future I would like? Demonstration of Learning (DOL)

  27. 10th Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Content that is gathered carefully and organized well successfully influences an audience 2. Effectively operating in small and large groups to accomplish a goal requires active listening 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts 2. The development of new ideas and concepts within informational and persuasive manuscripts 3. Context, parts of speech, grammar, and word choice influence the understanding of literary, persuasive, and informational texts 3. Writing and Composition 1. Literary or narrative genres feature a variety of stylistic devices to engage or entertain an audience 2. Organizational writing patterns inform or persuade an audience 3. Grammar, language usage, mechanics, and clarity are the basis of ongoing refinements and revisions within the writing process 4.Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy

  28. Next Week • Name Chapters 1-4 • What are some key passages in Chapters 1-5 and why?

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