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Probing the Quark Gluon Plasma. What sort of plasma is a QGP? RHIC and its experiments Collective flow Transmission of color-charged probes Transport properties and hadronization Conclusions. Barbara Jacak Stony Brook May 18, 2005. reminder: what’s a plasma?.
Probing the Quark Gluon Plasma • What sort of plasma is a QGP? • RHIC and its experiments • Collective flow • Transmission of color-charged probes • Transport properties and hadronization • Conclusions Barbara Jacak Stony Brook May 18, 2005
reminder: what’s a plasma? • 4th state of matter (after solid, liquid and gas) • a plasma is: • ionized gas which is macroscopically neutral • exhibits collective effects • interactions among charges of multiple particles • spreads charge out into characteristic (Debye) length, lD • multiple particles inside this length • “normal” plasmas are electromagnetic • quark-gluon plasma interacts via strong interaction • color forces rather than EM • exchanged particles: g instead of g
Plasma coupling parameter? • For high gluon density achieved at RHIC & LHC • estimate G = <PE>/<KE> • using QCD coupling strength, g • <PE>=g2/d d ~1/(41/3T) • <KE> ~ 3T • g2 ~ 4-6 (value runs with T) • G ~ g2 (41/3T)/ 3T so plasma parameter G ~ 3 • NB: such plasmas known to behave as a liquid! • Correlated or bound q,g states, but not color neutral • So the quark gluon plasma is a strongly coupled plasma • As in warm, dense plasma at lower (but still high) T
Properties of interest: • How do these plasmas transport energy? • How quickly can they equilibrate? • What is their viscosity? G >10 can even be crystalline! • How much are the charges screened? • Is there evidence of plasma instabilities at RHIC? • Can we detect waves in this new kind of plasma? novel plasma of strong interaction Other strongly coupled plasmas • Inside white dwarfs, giant planets, and neutron stars • (n star core may even contain QGP) • In ionized gases subjected to very high pressures, magnetic fields, or particle interactions • Dusty plasmas in interplanetary space & planetary rings • Solids blasted by a laser
quarks & gluons retain correlations, medium exhibits liquid properties NB: the (quasi-)bound states are not your mother’s hadrons! take a deep breath… • What did we expect for QGP? • What SHOULD we expect? weakly interacting gas of quarks & gluons
Plasma Diagnostics • Many interesting systems are short-lived! • ns for laser-heated plasmas • study via time integrated observables • (radiation or probes) • plasma folks can also measure time dependence • correlations of probes and/or medium particles • Transmission of external probes • hard x-rays, electrons. In our case: jets • Final state cluster distributions for early state info • Diagnostic of collective motions • Multiparticle emission • Single particles in multiparticle field, acoustic waves
Method using 3 lasers: 1) create shock, 2) x-rays, and 3) probe sample 1) Shock generating laser 3) Probe laser 2) x-ray generating laser R. Lee, S. Libby, LLNL; RBRC workshop
Shock and interface trajectories are measured by x-ray radiography • Slope of shock front yields Us • Slope of pusher interface gives Up streak camera record R. Lee, S. Libby, LLNL P-P0=r0UsUp
We use RHIC at Brookhaven National Laboratory s = 200 GeV/A Au+Au, p+p and d+A to compare
STAR 4 complementary experiments
z y x Almond shape overlap region in coordinate space Collective motion? Pressure: a barometer called “elliptic flow” Origin: spatial anisotropy of the system when created multiple scattering of particles builds pressure collective expansion spatial anisotropy momentum anisotropy dN/df ~ 1 + 2 v2(pT) cos (2f) + …
The data show c.m. beam energy Anisotropy amplitude grows with beam energy, then flattens. For LHC first guess – use same v2 at same pT
Hydro. Calculations Huovinen, P. Kolb, U. Heinz Kolb, et al Hydrodynamics can reproduce magnitude of elliptic flow for p, p. BUT mass dependence → softer than hadronic EOS!! NB: these calculations have viscosity = 0 medium behaves as an ideal liquid v2 reproduced by hydrodynamics • see large pressure buildup! • anisotropy happens fast • early equilibration STAR PRL 86 (2001) 402 central
gas of strongly interacting Li atoms • M. Gehm, S. Granade, S. Hemmer, K, O’Hara, J. Thomas Science 298 2179 (2002) • excite Feshbach resonance: 38th vibrational • Li2 state → 0 energy, huge cross section strongly coupled weakly coupled
proton pion Caveat: use hydrodynamic models carefully nucl-ex/0410003 Hydro models: Teaney (w/ & w/o RQMD) Hirano (3d) Kolb Huovinen (w/& w/o QGP)
v2 scales ~ with # of quarks! • evidence that quarks are the particles when the pressure is built up • pattern same at LHC?? WHICH are the flowing degrees of freedom? v2 for particles of different mass
flow and thermalization • Data suggest that partons are what flows • quark scaling of v2 • requirement of QGP EOS for hydro to reproduce v2 • Look “under the hood” in the hydro calculation • v2 magnitude → start hydro by t = 0.6 fm/c (U. Heinz) • technique exactly the same in plasma physics • HOW does the system thermalize so fast? • collisions? quasi-bound states increase s • plasma instabilities? maybe (Arnold, et al; Rebhan …) • help to constrain the imagination • do heavy quarks thermalize and flow? • use massive quarks to probe diffusion in QGP • D ~ tcoll ; small diffusion → large elliptic flow & Eloss
Heavy quark flow? nucl-ex/0502009 PHENIX measures v2 of non-photonic e± electron ID in Au+Au via RICH + EMCAL measure and subtract photonic sources using converter YES v2≠ 0 at 90% C.L. data consistent with heavy q thermalization “predicted” by Moore&Teaney hep-ph/0412346 *run4 analysis now Greco,Ko,Rapp. PLB595, 202 (2004) LHC: CGC initial state, even greater pT reach
schematic view of jet production hadrons leading particle q q hadrons leading particle AA AA AA nucleon-nucleon cross section <Nbinary>/sinelp+p “external” probes of the medium Hard scattering of q,g early. Observe fast leading particles, back-back correlations Before creating hadron jets, scattered quarks induced to radiate energy (~ GeV/fm) by the colored medium -> jet quenching
Produced pions Produced photons 1st: benchmark the probes in p+p collisions • calculable with perturbative QCD!
Direct Photon Spectra in Au+Au • g does not interact with the color charges • data and theory agree → calibrated probe • pQCD works in the complex environment of two Au nuclei colliding • g/p0 large, making g easier to measure!
peripheral Ncoll = 12.3 4.0 central Ncoll = 975 94 strongly interacting probe: a different story!
near side away side Medium is opaque! peripheral central look for the jet on the other side STAR PRL 90, 082302 (2003) Peripheral Au + Au Central Au + Au
Could suppression be an initial state effect? Au + Au Experiment d + Au Control PHENIX preliminary • Dramatically different and opposite centrality evolution of AuAu experiment from dAu control. • Jet Suppression is clearly a final state effect.
Pedestal&flow subtracted Are back-to-back jets there in d+Au? Yes! importance of “p”+A comparison push hard for it at LHC!
Induced gluon brehmsstrahlung pQCD (Vitev): energy loss number of scatterings Agreement with data: initial gluon density dNg/dy ~ 1100e ~ 15 GeV/fm3 hydro initial state same dAu d-Au Lowest energy radiation sensitive to infrared cutoff. Au-Au
So, what do E loss & collectivity tell us? • Medium is opaque to colored probes • Thermalization must be very fast (< 1fm/c) • Hydrodynamic, energy loss models constrained with data:
Charm via single e± in p+p PHENIX preliminary s exceeds NLO and phenomenological predictions by how much? a bit controversial. I think factor 2-3. please measure scc in p+p at LHC too!!
p+p single e± as reference for Au+Au → RAA RAA energy loss of charm quarks! Eloss + flow → small diffusion coeff short time btwn charm collisions (NB likely some e± from B decays) pT (GeV/c)
RAA pT (GeV/c) Is Eloss consistent with that of light quarks? non-pert. effects on “normal” g radiation calculation from: Dainese, Armesto, Wiedemann data say: same transport coefficient, smaller hadron suppression q consistent w/ light quark eloss
What is going on? • The objects colliding inside the plasma are not baryons and mesons • The objects colliding also do not seem to be quarks and gluons totally free of the influence of their neighbors • The cross section of early q,g collisions must be ~50 times larger than those of free q,g for large v2 • Quarks and gluons are interacting, but need not be locally (color) neutral like the baryons & mesons. Neutrality scale likely larger, as expected for a plasma.
And expect hard-soft recombination C.M. Ko et al, Hwa & Yang PRC68, 034904, 2003 PRC67, 034902, 2003 nucl-th/0401001 & 0403072 Study jet fragmentation to probe medium properties Radiated gluons are collinear (inside jet cone) Can also expect a jet “wake” effect, medium particles “kicked” alongside the jet by energy they absorb Fries, Bass & Mueller nucl-th/0407102
correlation functions of two high pT hadrons Elliptic flow component measured vs. BBC reaction plane
decompose to get jet pair distribution Away-side jets broadened non-Gaussian! ~2sdip at p& peak at 1.25 rad around hard parton thru medium integrating entire away side recovers jet partners Casalderry, Shuryak, Teaney say 1.1 rad cone hep-ph/0411315
interpretation? *it’s fun to speculate • pQCD energy loss is by gluon radiation • mostly collinear with radiating particle • various authors now remind us of ionization • (Shuryak, Vitev …) • more direct interaction of probe parton with medium! • drives question “what happens to the lost energy” • options: • it remains collinear • creates a wake in the medium (Fries et al; Shuryak) • thermalizes in the medium • speed of wake reflects cs in the medium: cosfm=cs/c • = 1/√3 in non-interacting QGP, ~ 0.45 in hadron gas • = 1/3 a mixture of the two??
Recall the annoying baryon puzzle… PRELIMINARY h/p0 ratio shows baryons enhanced for pT < 5 GeV/c
identify triggers, count partners nucl-ex/0408007 trigger: 2.5-4 GeV/c; partner 1.7-1.5 Jet partner likely for trigger baryons as well as mesons! Same side: slight decrease with centrality for baryons Dilution from boosted thermal p, pbar? • hadron formation time • (lab frame) tf ~ Rh (Eh/mh) • for 2.5 GeV pT; Rh~1 fm • tf ~ 9-18 fm/c for pions ~ 2.7 fm/c for baryons Baryons formed inside! • pick up q from wake?
RHIC How about the screening length? • J/Y • Test confinement: • do bound c + c survive? • or does QGP screening kill them? • Suppression was reported in lower • energy heavy ion collisions at CERN currently being analyzed; first look not conclusive
0-20% most central Ncoll=779 40-90% most central Ncoll=45 20-40% most central Ncoll=296 Cu+Cu, 2005 run South Muon Arm 6062+/-195 J/Y, 343+/-82 Y’ (6%) data on Au+Au, Cu+Cu being analyzed
so, is there QGP at RHIC? Yes! RHIC creates a strongly coupled, opaque liquid energy density & equation of state not hadronic! must search for plasma phenomena, not asymptotic freedom • With aid of hydrodynamics, l-QCD and p-QCD models: • e ~ 15 GeV/fm3 • dNgluon/dy ~ 1000 • sint large for T < 2-3 Tc • Are measuring properties of this new kind of plasma • opacity, collision frequency, EOS, screening • speed of sound? • color and maybe thermal conductivity to be quantified • color screening currently being analyzed • LHC will make QGP too. (As) strongly coupled? • higher s, pT reach for hard probes; soft physics at higher T
RBRC workshop on Dec.16, 17 2004 Thanks for support from RBRC & NSF! Strongly Coupled Plasmas: Electromagnetic, Nuclear and Atomic organizers: B. Jacak, S. Bass, E. Shuryak, T. Hallman, R. Davidson An interdisciplinary “experiment” opportunity to learn from each other form new collaborations/directions http://quark.phy.bnl.gov/~bass/workshop.htm for program, slides
probe rest frame r/ ggg Suppression: an initial state effect? • Gluon Saturation • (color glass condensate) Wavefunction of low x gluons overlap; the self-coupling gluons fuse, saturating the density of gluons in the initial state.(gets Nch right!) • Multiple elastic scatterings (Cronin effect) Wang, Kopeliovich, Levai, Accardi Levin, Ryshkin, Mueller, Qiu, Kharzeev, McLerran, Venugopalan, Balitsky, Kovchegov, Kovner, Iancu … RdAu~ 0.5 D.Kharzeev et al., hep-ph/0210033 Broaden pT :
d+Au central/peripheral PTH = Punch Through HadronsHDM = Hadronic Decay Muon 1.5 < pT (GeV/c) < 4.0 PHENIX nucl-ex/0411054 x~0.2-0.3 d Au Au x~0.2x10-3 Suppression at forward η and enhancement in the back η.
Compare with BRAHMS nucl-ex/0411054 Overall consistent.
Color glass condensate? Kharzeev, hep-ph/0405045 Hadron Punch Through Centrality, pT dependence ~ correct Slightly better agreement with BRAHMS data “normal” shadowing cannot explain (R. Vogt hep-ph/0405060) …could be sign of CGC
But, recombination lurks… Hwa, Yang and Fries nucl-th/0410111 • shower + medium recombination → reductes soft parton density on deuteron side • Can explain fward-bward asymmetry AND RCP (protons) > RCP (mesons) at midrapidity. BRAHMS data
From talk of Todd Ditmire (U. Texas) Diagnostic quantity measured Transmission of g, hard x-rays density, atomic properties Probe photon interference imaging, expansion velocity Phase shifts of probe photon release velocity of expanding material x-ray reflectivity image shock front spectrum, time structure of hydrodynamic expansion radiated clusters Time-resolved absorption density profile with time Electron radiation plasma oscillations test hydro predictions Anisotropy in radiation test calculations of field gradients