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The Virtual Sea Border: web interrogation for enhanced US port security

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The Virtual Sea Border: web interrogation for enhanced US port security

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    1. The Virtual Sea Border: web interrogation for enhanced US port security Dale Ferriere National Infrastructure Institute Center for Infrastructure Expertise dferriere@ni2.org

    2. Threat Disrupting maritime commerce and freedom of navigation into the United States could create a nearly instantaneous global economic recession or depression

    3. Motivation All of the above are steps towards information sharing and automating the process All of the above are steps towards information sharing and automating the process

    4. Risk Assessment: Current Protocol

    5. Does this risk assessment process identify how the ship is owned, managed, financed, chartered (Y or N)?

    6. How thorough is the current “at sea” law enforcement sweep? Purpose Assurances - those on board are who they say they are Those on board prevented from doing harm? Effectiveness Limited in scope (visual only) Disallowed from entering confined spaces e.g., pump room, hazardous locations on gas ships, etc. Multitude of hiding spaces remain not inspected Result Commercial Delays OR Effective Terrorist Incident Deterrent?

    7. Vulnerabilities Al Queda is presently operating dozens of freight ships worldwide

    8. Model

    10. The more thorough solution: combining processes

    11. Benefits/Merits of Web Query Create a virtual US sea border Interactive real time interrogation process Distinguish security conscientious shipping companies i.e.," Green Lane” concept Decrease unnecessary in-port security-related delays for compliant shipping companies Make ship ownership and ship management transparent to port state control Reduce the number and a need for ineffectual at-sea Law Enforcement sweeps Create a more comprehensive database about the non-national shipping industry Future use of video and biometric assessments

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